Environmental Vulnerability Index

EVI title

The Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) was developed by a team at the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) in Fiji led by Ursula Kaly and Craig Pratt with my collaboration and based on my initial proposal. The main work was completed in 2004 and it was launched at the SIDS preparatory session of UN Commission on Sustainable Development in 2004 and the Mauritius International Meeting on further implementation of the Programme of Action for Small Island Developing States in 2005. While developed to demonstrate the particular vulnerability of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the EVI was calculated for as many countries as data allowed for comparative purposes.

The EVI interactive website that made its results available in a flexible format disappeared in 2020, so I am posting the main documents on my personal website so that this pioneering work will not be lost.

EVI islands

EVI Making Visible (presentation) 2004

Globalising the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI): Proceedings of the EVI Globalisation Meeting, 27–29 August 2001, Geneva, Switzerland. SOPAC Technical Report 345.

Report on the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) Think Tank II, 4–6 October 2004, Suva, Fiji. SOPAC Technical Report 377.

The Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) 2004, SOPAC Technical Report 384. December 2004.

Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI)

Final documentation 7 January 2005

EVI Final Report

EVI Manual

EVI Calculator (Beta) (xls)

EVI Country Classification

EVI Descriptions

Summary of Global EVI Scores (map)

Status of Global EVI Data and Scores


Island vulnerability (graphic of output)

Draft Discussion Paper: EVI Country Diagnostic Report and Action Plan (DRAP) for Papua New Guinea, 2005.

Last updated 26 October 2021