On the Cerro Sonsonate (singing hill) at an elevation of 225 meters north of Panama City alongside the Transisthmian Highway, the Continental Bahá'í House of Worship for Central America, under construction since 1967, was dedicated to public worship on 29-30 April 1972. Bahá'ís gathered from all over the Americas and around the world to celebrate the occasion, with an International Conference on 1-2 May 1972.
Continental House of Worship for Central America
Interior; view through unique doors; crowd at the dedication
Crowd at the dedication
Temple with my Mother (green dress) and brother Keith (red shirt); temple at night
Many indigenous Baha'is including Cuna indians attended
My Mother and Dad at the conference; Mother and Keith at the temple
Brother Greg; Dad; John and Ruhi Huddleston from Virginia
Along with the dedication of the House of Worship, there was also an international conference on 1-2 May to bring together all the participants in the dedication and to encourage the teaching work, featuring prominent speakers including Hands of the Cause of God Ruhiyyih Khanum, Zikrullah Khadem and Ugo Giacheri.
Hands of the Cause; Zikrullah Khadem, Ruhiyyih Khanum, Ugo Giacheri; choir
Audience with Peter Khan; brother Roger, Dad, Mother, Greg; Leonora Holsapple Armstrong, first Baha'i in Brazil, and Hooper Dunbar
Baha'is from the Washington, DC area; brother Greg, Van Gilmer and friends; Sylvia Ioas (widow of Hand of the Cause Leroy Ioas)
The whole Dahl family attended the dedication, including my parents Joyce and Arthur Dahl and their four boys Keith, Arthur, Roger and Gregory.
Panama Temple dedication 1972; our whole family was there
With musicians including my brother Greg and Van Gilmer
Panama Temple dedication 1972
Mother taking a picture of Keith, Roger, Greg; family at the conference
Mother and Dad; Dad took lots of pictures; Roger and Mother
Greg and Dad; Dad
Roger and Mother; Greg