Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
See check list in annex.
Collection, Observation, Monitoring
Data collected from analyses
of samples (from expert missions or collecting stations world-wide)
at Agency's laboratories; laboratories participating in inter-comparison,
Coordinated Research Projects (CRP), literature searches, questionnaires
to and official data from Member States, national International Nuclear
Information System (INIS) centres (in 87 countries).
Sources of data are the Agency's laboratories (Vienna, Monaco); cooperating
institutions; Government, research, commercial and NGO laboratories;
official Government sources.
Data gathered is wide ranging. Concentrations of radionuclides, trace
metals and organic compounds in the marine environment (water, sediments,
biota). Global contamination by organohalogens (Mussel Watch programme).
Trace metal composition of environmental samples such as airborne particulate
samples and level of mercury and methyl mercury exposure in populations.
Biological and environmental reference materials and laboratory intercomparison
exercises. Analytical performance of laboratories in IAEA Member States.
Meteorological data including concentrations of tritium, deuterium and
O-18 in precipitation. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations of changes
in soil organic matter and soil nutrients as a result of changes in
land management and forest clearing including nitrogen in leached water
and erosion losses. Residue of pesticides in the environment. Accidentally
released radionuclides in the environment. Compilation of database on
greenhouse gas intensive flows of energy and materials for fossil, nuclear,
and renewable energy. Isotopic composition in lacustrine deposits. Isotopic
composition variations of atmospheric CO2, CH4 and CO. Information on
radioactive waste management. Database maintained on world wide nuclear
power reactors (PRIS), in operation, under construction and in design
phase. Data on safety of nuclear power plants. Information on radiation
protection and waste management. INIS collects bibliographic references
and full texts of documents on environmental and economic aspects of
nuclear and other sources of energy.
Data collection coordinated via dedicated meetings and direct linkages
with relevant national, regional and international programmes and organizations.
Methodologies, Quality Control, Harmonization
Standardization and harmonization of environmental monitoring is pursued
in CRP, Technical Cooperation projects and through training and dissemination
of recommended procedures. Reference methods and guidelines have been
Quality control is supported by Analytical Quality Control Services
(AQCS) intercomparison runs, reference materials production, and split-sample
and Analysis
In the context of Chapter 2-Sustainable Development, Chapter 3-Poverty,
Chapter 7-Human Settlements, Chapter 8-Integrating Environment and Development,
Chapter 9-Atmosphere, Chapter 10-Land Resources, Chapter 11-Deforestation,
Chapter 12-Desertification and Drought, Chapter 13-Mountains, Chapter
14-Agriculture and Rural, Chapter 15-Biological Diversity, Chapter 16-Biotechnology,
Chapter 17-Oceans and Coastal Areas, Chapter 18-Water Resources, Chapter
19-Toxic Chemicals, Chapter 20-Hazardous Wastes, Chapter 21-Solid Wastes
and Sewage, Chapter 22-Radioactive Wastes, Chapter 32-Farmers, Chapter
34-Technology Transfer, and Chapter 37-Capacity Building of Agenda 21.
Radioactive and non-radioactive pollutants in the marine environment;
pesticide residues in the environment and coastal regions of Asia, Africa
and Central-South America; evaluation of the possible health and environmental
impact of the radioactive wastes dumped in the shallow waters of the
Kara Sea; Comparative Assessment of the Health and Environmental Risks
from near surface disposal of solid hazardous wastes; application of
integrated approaches to the development, management and use of water
resources; isotope monitoring of the atmospheric part of the hydrological
cycle; isotope monitoring of atmospheric greenhouse gases; safety of
nuclear installations and facilities using nuclear material and/or radioisotopes
and/or ionizing radiation.
Cooperation links have been established with most international organizations
in the different areas listed in a. FAO, UNEP, IOC, CEC, WHO, WMO and
Techniques used are: analytical techniques (elemental analysis); standard
parametric and non-parametric statistical tests; dispersion models (in
the atmosphere and in the marine environment); conceptual and mathematical
models for the transfer of radionuclides from soil to food crops; radionuclide
analysis using low-level radiometric techniques; isotopic tracing techniques.
Bioindicators and artificial indicators as well as tracers are used
e.g. human hair for large scale population monitoring of exposure to
Hg and methyl mercury; milk, grass, soil, sediment for radionuclide
transfer etc.
Several models have been developed for dispersion of pollutants in the
atmosphere, the assessment of doses from radioactive wastes dumped in
the oceans, the transfer of radionuclides in the environment and the
assessment of radiation exposure of humans and the environmental species
in different circumstances.
Expert Systems/Decision-support systems
Expert system for quality control of subject analysis was developed
by INIS Secretariat and is implemented in the input processing for checking
data received from participating Member States. More extensive use of
expert systems in environmental monitoring and assessment activities
is envisaged.
Warning Mechanisms
The Agency operates an Emergency Response System in conjunction with
two Conventions adopted in 1986: the Convention on Early Notification
of a Nuclear Accident and the Convention on Assistance in the case of
a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. In the Early Notification
Convention, States have agreed that for an accident having actual or
potential transboundary radioactive consequences, they will inter
alia provide immediate notification to the IAEA and to those
countries that could possibly be affected. Through the Assistance Convention,
States have additionally agreed to provide all available assistance
to countries responding to a radiological incident. The Conventions
assign functions to the IAEA and provide guidance material for their
implementation. IAEA established an Emergency Response Unit to carry
out the responsibilities assigned. IAEA also has the responsibility
to take preventive measures with respect to radioactive wastes in the
context of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping
Wastes and other Matter (London Convention 1972).
Reports/Information dissemination
Data disseminated via scientific
and technical journals, data books, IAEA technical documents and bulletins;
AQCS catalogues and reports; press releases; floppy disks for certain
databases. Users are: researchers, technical and scientific personnel
in research and development institutions; decision-makers in governmental
organizations; participants in intercomparison activities; CRP and Technical
Cooperation counterparts.
Coordination of information dissemination is via dedicated meetings
and inter-agency meetings. Promotion of its use is by conferences and
seminars (coordination meetings, expert meetings, advisory group meetings
etc.); efforts to include the information in global information systems
readily accessible to most users, like the Global Environment Monitoring
System (GEMS) and Global Climate Observing System etc.
The improvement of the quality of analytical data is key to helping
decision-makers to rational decisions depending on analytical results.
This is one of the reasons why quality control services provided by
the Agency in different areas of environmental monitoring is aimed at
ensuring reliable data to decision-makers. Information on pollution
of the seas, coastal areas, waters, soil and the atmosphere and an assessment
and analysis of pollution are presented in a form that could be immediately
utilized for remedial actions: compiled reports and where appropriate,
more concise summaries are made available to decision-makers. The expansion
of the subject scope of INIS database to include environmental and economic
aspects of non-nuclear energy was driven by the desire to provide decision-makers
with complementary information. This development was intended to assist
in making valid choices with regard to energy-related activities.
Network Development and Support
The Agency manages a network of laboratories participating in AQCS intercomparison
exercise for analytical purposes. Global Network on "Isotopes in Precipitation
" with WMO (GNIP). Networks of laboratories participating in CRP. Network
of national INIS centres. There is a atabase on disposals of radioactive
wastes in the world's oceans with inventory for radioactive material
entering marine environment. Includes information on radionuclides entering
oceans as a result of accidents e.g. due to sinking of nuclear submarines
and satellite re-entry.
Potentia existsl for coordination with UNEP-MEDplan and GEMS.
There is interaction with most networks for information on sustainable
development exists and being strengthened.
Information services are rendered more user-friendly and therefore more
readily accessible to decision-makers by recent developments in information
technology. Information and expert advice on pollution and possible
remedial actions are also provided by the Agency.
National, regional and inter-regional training courses are organized
regularly in the collection, evaluation and processing of environmental
data (radioactive and non-radioactive pollutants) using nuclear and
nuclear-related analytical techniques. Training courses are also organized
in safety assessment and quality assurance. On the job training and
participation in R/D is also available in IAEA laboratories for fellows,
scientific visitors and research associates.
Projects have been designed to fill identified data gaps e.g.: spatial
coverage of data collection is not complete in the Global network of
Isotopes in Precipitation and in the marine environment. Compilation
of biological and environmental reference materials. Analytical quality
assurance and harmonization of environmental measurement.
Marine Environment Laboratory:
Office/Person (for inquiries or follow-up):
- IAEA Earthwatch Team
Mr H.S. Cherif
Office of Programme Support and Evaluation
Mr S.K. Sharma
Division of External Relations (ADEX)
Mr P.R. Danesi
Seibersdorf Laboratory (NAAL)
Mr R. Zeisler
Chemistry Unit
Seibersdorf Laboratory
Mr. K. Rozanski
Isotope Hydrology
Seibersdorf Laboratory
Mr F. Zapata
Soil Science
Seibersdorf Laboratory
Mr R.J. Hance
Agrochemicals and Residues Section
Joint FAO/IAEA Division (RIFA)
Mr S.K.A. Danso
Soil Fertility, Irrigation
Joint FAO/IAEA Division (RIFA)
Ms S.F. Stone
Nutrition and Health Environment
Division of Human Health (RIHU)
Mr R. Baschwitz
Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Management (NENF)
Mr G. Linsley
Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Management (NENF)
Mr G.A. Webb
Radiation Safety Section (NENS)
Mr M.J. Crick
Radiation Safety Section (NENS)
Mr J. Van de Vate
Division of Nuclear Power (NENP)
Mr C. Todeschini
INIS Section
International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA)
Wagramer Strasse 5
P.O. Box 100
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 26000
Fax: +43 1 26007
Mr. Hugh D. Livingston, Director
Marine Environment Laboratory - Monaco (NAML)
4 Quai Antoine 1er, BP 800
Tel: (377) 97 97 72 79
Fax: (377) 97 97 72 75
Mr P.P. Povinec
Radiometrics Section
of preparation:
August 1994, updated 7 May 1999
Medium Term Strategy extracts relevant to Earthwatch
Trend 2: A number of
trends will influence the Agency's course over the next five years:
(2) As the demand for electricity
will continue to grow and the drive for sustainable development gains
momentum in the energy sector, the need to exploit energy sources with
limited environmental impacts could revitalize the nuclear power option.
At present the growth of nuclear power has
stagnated in much of the world, but it continues to be a strong option
in some Asian countries.
Goal A, Objective A.2
(ii) Concentrating efforts
with regard to application of radiation and isotope techniques on
* food and agriculture: particularly the use of the sterile insect
technique in the control and eradication of insect pests, the measurement
of the effectiveness of vaccination programmes in animal health, food
irradiation, the monitoring of contaminants in food and the use of saline
land and salty groundwater;
* human health: particularly cost reduction and quality assurance
in radiation therapy and verifying the effectiveness of food distribution
programmes to improve women's and children's nutrition;
* hydrology: integration of isotope techniques in water resource
assessment, development and management;
* environment: monitoring of the contamination of the oceans and
coastal zones by radioactive and non-radioactive contaminants.
(v) Building confidence in
the safe, environmentally acceptable and efficient management of radioactive
waste from both nuclear power and non-power sources, by providing technical
guidance and facilitating exchange of information in areas such as:
* the development and implementation of national or regional waste repositories,
in particular for high-level, long-lived waste;
* the assessment of the potential of partitioning and transmutation
techniques for high-level, long-lived waste;
* the implementation of decontamination and rehabilitation technologies.
Goal B, Objective B.2.
To develop, update
and maintain standards in all areas of nuclear, radiation, transport
and waste safety by:
(i) Reviewing and updating existing safety standards, taking into
account technological developments, through the existing mechanism,
i.e. in consultation with United Nations system agencies, international
expert organizations, Member States and safety advisory committees;
(ii) Developing new consensus standards in such areas as the safety
of nuclear installations other than reactors, radioactive waste safety
(including geological disposal, the management of mining and milling
waste, long lived sources and residual waste) and environmental protection.