(Nairobi, 15-26 May 1995)
18/27. Earthwatch
Earthwatch, environmental monitoring and assessment
The Governing Council,
Recalling General
Assembly resolution 48/192 of 21 December 1993,
Taking note of the
decision of the Commission on Sustainable Development on this issue,
Having considered
the report of the Executive Director on Earthwatch, environmental monitoring
and assessment1 , the report of the
Secretary-General on chapter 40 of Agenda 21: information for decision-making
and Earthwatch2, based on material assembled in partnership
by the Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development
and the United Nations Environment Programme as task managers for chapter
40 and for Earthwatch, respectively, and the report of the Administrative
Committee on Coordination to the Governing Council on the United Nations
system-wide Earthwatch3,
1. Takes note of the
report of the Executive Director on Earthwatch, environmental monitoring
and assessment, and the associated information documents;
2. Urges all partner
agencies and programmes to cooperate in implementing the system-wide
3. Endorses the recommendations
of the Administrative Committee on Coordination in its report to the
Governing Council regarding the development of approaches to the linking
of socio-economic and environmental assessment and reporting by the
United Nations Environment Programme and the system-wide Earthwatch;
4. Endorses the refocused
strategy of the Programme to undertake, at the request of Governments
or their representative bodies, policy-relevant assessment and reporting
of environment and development issues of international significance
through cooperating networks of appropriate national and regional agencies,
organizations or institutions, and to promote the development of data
and information management capacity in those bodies situated in developing
countries as necessary and appropriate to ensure their full participation;
5. Requests the Executive
Director to continue providing assistance, within available resources,
to developing countries to build capacity to enable them to use and
benefit from the data and information acquired through the Earthwatch
6. Authorizes the
Executive Director to transmit her report and the present decision,
through the Economic and Social Council, to the General Assembly at
its fiftieth session.
9th meeting
25 May 1995
Report of the Administrative Committee on Coordination
The Governing Council,
Recalling its decision
17/11 of 21 May 1993,
Having considered
the report of the Administrative Committee on Coordination to the Governing
Council at its eighteenth session 4, and the report of the
Executive Director on Earthwatch, environmental monitoring and assessment5,
1. Expresses its appreciation
to the Committee for its recommendations as an input into the Council's
deliberations on the question of system-wide Earthwatch;
2. Requests the Administrative
Committee on Coordination to continue to report to the Council at its
regular sessions.
9th meeting
25 May 1995
New state-of-the-environment report
The Governing Council,
Recalling General
Assembly resolution 2997 (XXVII) of 15 December 1972, by which the Assembly,
inter alia, conferred the following functions upon the United
Nations Environment Programme: to keep under review the world environmental
situation; to coordinate, review and assess environmental programmes
within the United Nations system; and to finance, wholly or partly,
the costs of new environmental initiatives undertaken within the United
Nations system,
Recalling also its
decision 17/6 of 21 May 1993 on state-of-the-environment reports,
Further recalling
the reconfirmation of the Programme's mandate by the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development,
Noting the call of
the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development for even
greater efforts to coordinate environment and development activities
in the United Nations system,
Noting with appreciation
previous reports of the Executive Director on the state of the environment,
Stressing the overall
objective of the integration of environment and development issues and
actions, at the national, regional and international levels, including
within the United Nations system,
Deeply concerned that
consensus cannot be reached on several essential issues in the field
of environment and development within the United Nations system, which
delays implementation of the principles and recommendations of Agenda
1. Requests the Executive
Director to prepare a new, comprehensive report on the state of the
world environment, which will consist of the following three parts:
(a) The present state of
the global environment;
(b) The state of the global
environment in the year 2015;
(c) The response: findings,
conclusions and recommendations;
2. Recommends the
inclusion in parts (a) and (b) of the report all essential problems
of and threats to the environment, inter alia , the environmental
status of the main components of the global ecosystem (waters, forests,
soils and farming lands, ozone layer, etc.), basic trends in environmental
change (for example, climate change, coastal and marine degradation,
desertification, deforestation and habitat loss, pollution, soil degradation,
ozone depletion, etc.); and the global effects of expected development
growth, population increase and main trends in consumption, production
and urbanization patterns (for example, energy consumption, transportation
and sanitation problems, waste disposal, land reclamation and destruction,
3. Also recommends
the inclusion in part (b) of the report of the expected impact of population
increase, consumption and production patterns and economic development
on the environment;
4. Further recommends
the inclusion in part (c) of the report recommended measures and actions
that could effectively reverse unwelcome trends and challenge principal
threats to the environment and also specific institutional and legal
measures for the implementation of proposed actions;
5. Requests that preparation
of the report, which shall be undertaken within existing resources,
be based primarily on the existing data collected and prepared by the
United Nations Environment Programme, in close cooperation with the
United Nations Development Programme, the World Health Organization,
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World
Bank and other United Nations agencies and bodies, and on the results
of research and studies by public and private scientific and statistical
institutions engaged in formulation of environmental and development
assessments and forecasts;
6. Also requests the
Executive Director to consult periodically with the Committee of Permanent
Representatives on the preparation of the report;
7. Further requests
the Executive Director to submit a first report for the consideration
of the Governing Council at its nineteenth session.
10th meeting
26 May 1995