International Coral Reef 
Action Network
23 June 2000

This DRAFT Strategic Plan is will be updated periodically in accordance with the needs of the programme, and is presently being revised for consideration by the ICRAN partners in October 2000. The costs and budget sections have not been included in this web version as they are still subject to major adjustments.



I. ICRAN Components
Summary of Outcomes
Progress from ICRAN's Start-up Phase

Component 1. Implementation 
Development of a global network of demonstration sites
ICRAN Regional Seas Priorities
Criteria for Selection of Demonstration Sites 
The Wider Caribbean (http://www.cep.unep.org)
Action Phase Priorities 
Eastern Africa (http://www.unep.org/water/regseas/eaf/eaf.htm
Action Phase Priorities
Demonstration Sites
East Asian Seas (http://www.roap.unep.org/easrcu)
The ICRI Regional Workshop 
Action Phase Priorities
Viet Nam 
The South Pacific (http://www.sprep.org.ws/)
The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Demonstration Sites

Component 2- Assessment
A. Reefs at Risk - analysis on a region-by-region basis (WRI) 
B. Coral Reef Mapping by Country (UNEP-WCMC) 
C. Coral Reef Valuation by Country (ICLARM) 
D. Coral Reef Fisheries and Mariculture Analysis (ICLARM) 
E. Coral Reef Policy Analysis by Country (ICLARM)
F. Monitoring and Assessment of Coral Reefs (GCRMN) 

Component 3: Communication and Information Dissemination
A. Public Information Campaign (CORAL) 
B. Data Storage and Dissemination (ICLARM) 
C. Information Networking, Action and Diplomacy (ICRI Secretariat)
D. Training of Trainers in Integrated Coastal Management for Coral Reef Areas (ICLARM & UNDP-DOALOS) 

II. Integration of ICRAN Components and Products

III. Resource Mobilization
The Immediate Need
Resource Strategy for the Action Phase
Foundations and Philanthropic Organizations
Private Support
Government Contributions and Regional Seas Trust Funds
Potential Litigation-based Resources
National, Local and Site-specific Strategies
Multilateral Development Banks and International Development Agencies
The Coral Reef Fund
Other Considerations

IV. ICRAN Governance
A. The ICRAN Management Board 
B. Steering Committee
C. The ICRAN Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
D. The Project Secretariat
E. Coordination of the Project by UNEP
F. The role of ICRI

V. Monitoring and Evaluation

VI. Indicators of Success
A. Output Indicators
B. Outcome Indicators
C. Impact Indicators

VII. ICRAN and other coral reef initiatives
WWF's Coral Web Initiative
The United States Coral Reef Task Force
The World Bank
Coral Reef Theme under IGOS (http://www.igospartners.org)

VIII. Budget Summary [not included in Web version]

IX. Annex - ICRAN Founding Partners and Collaborating Agencies

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