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![]() 1. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 1.1 Opening of the session 1.1.1 The meeting was opened by Mr Michel Jarraud, Deputy Secretary-General of WMO. In welcoming the participants, he recalled the statement of the Secretary-General of WMO, Prof. G.O.P. Obasi, to the eleventh plenary session of CEOS in Toulouse. At that time, he had expressed WMO's full support for the concept of an Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS). Since its creation some six months later, the IGOS Partners Group had made significant progress. The Deputy Secretary-General wished the meeting a productive and successful session. A full list of participants is attached as Appendix A to this report. 1.2 Adoption of the agenda 1.2.1 The agenda for the session is given in Appendix B to this report. 1.3 Working arrangements for the session 1.3.1 The chairman, Mr R.C. Landis (WMO) proposed working hours for the session together with a tentative timetable for consideration of the various items of the agenda. 2.1 Review of the Minutes from the 4th session 2.1.1 The representative from WMO proposed to amend the paragraphs under 4.2 as follows: (a) Revise the 2nd and 3rd sentences to read as follows: "Overall the response from the Partners had been limited, and on the climate aspect of ocean and terrestrial elements very few systematic observations were identified. With respect to atmospheric observations, most of the in situ systems were identified as part of the global networks within the World Weather Watch and Global Atmosphere Watch"; (b) In the 4th sentence add the following at the end of the sentence after the word "date": "within the redesign of the World Weather Watch Global Observing System"; (c) After the word "labelling" in the last sentence add the following: "a particular system as relating to one specific medium, as often more than one domain may be sampled from the same platform, e.g. in the case of buoys." 2.1.2 With these amendments the minutes of the fourth session were approved. 2.2 Review of the action items from the 4th session 2.2.1 With regard to Action 4/1 it was noted that no further comments on Document IGOS-P 4/Doc. 10 were received. With regard to consultations between NOAA and interested IGOS Partners concerning collaboration on Disaster Applications within the context of IGOS, these were ongoing and a report would be submitted to the next Partners meeting in Rio de Janeiro in November 2000. Action item 4.4 was also carried over to IGOS-P6 in Rio de Janeiro. The other action items were taken up under the corresponding agenda items. 2.3 Participation by IOCCG 2.3.1 The meeting agreed that IOCCG involvement in the Oceans Theme development was critical and that the involvement of other non-IGOS partner organizations in present and future themes was equally essential. To further facilitate such involvement, it was agreed that procedures for the selection of additional members of the IGOS Partners group should be included in a revised version of the IGOS Process Paper to be prepared for the sixth meeting in Rio de Janeiro (November 2000), by an expanded IGOS-P liaison group. In the meantime, ICSU was happy to have one representative of the IOCCG on its delegation (see also item 9.2 below). [Action 5/1 - Procedures for the selection of additional IGOS Partners are to be addressed in a revised version of the IGOS Process Paper to be prepared and shared in draft with Partners prior to the IGOS-P 6 Meeting, with discussion on this topic to take place at the 6th Meeting.] 3. REPORT OF THE G3OS SPONSORS 3.1 Mr R.C. Landis (WMO), chairman of the Fifth Session of the G3OS Sponsors, reported on the proceedings of the fifth session relevant to the IGOS partners. He mentioned in particular that the Sponsors had recommended to the chairman of the G3OS Steering Committee that the Joint Data and Information Management Panel (JDIMP) be abolished and that its functions be taken over by other existing bodies. Also the Sponsors had agreed to recommend that the Global 0bserving System Space Panel (GOSSP) be restructured in terms of its functions and membership in order to better provide advice on satellite observations to the G3OS steering committees. Individual matters were taken up under the corresponding agenda items. 4. REPORT OF THE CEOS (INCLUDING THE REPORT OF THE SIT) 4.1 The CEOS/SIT report was presented by Dr J.-L. Fellous (chairman of SIT). 4.2 It was suggested that the Partners consider a more permanent type of secretariat, perhaps similar to that used by CEOS which rotates with the chair. ICSU expressed concerns regarding the extra workload that this rotating IGOS Secretariat might represent for some of the Partners which have a small staff. Further, it was suggested that the Process Paper developed at the beginning of the Partners' sessions, be updated and revised. Both of these items are discussed under agenda item 9. Several suggestions were made regarding the development and implementation of "themes". These included the leadership for implementation of themes, the concept of "end-to-end" themes that would give some visibility to output, and the provision of feedback mechanisms to assess the success of the theme. CEOS/SIT specific recommendations on the themes are discussed under item 6. 5. REPORT OF RESEARCH PROGRAMMES 5.1 Report of the WCRP 5.1.1 Dr D.J. Carson, Director of the WCRP, introduced the report on the WCRP, which focused on observational issues. He drew particular attention to the proposal, developed under GEWEX, for a Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) during 2001-2003. This seeks to provide an initial step for establishing an integrated global observing strategy for the water cycle by taking advantage of the wide range and scope of ongoing and planned GEWEX regional field studies. CEOP was explained and discussed more fully under Agenda item 6.3 (New Theme Proposals). Dr Carson stressed the dependence on global and regional observations of all the main WCRP scientific programmes, with particular and increasing emphasis on the need for long-term continuity, careful validation and cross comparison of measurements from existing, planned and future observing sensors, in order to ensure a coherent record for climate studies. 5.2 Report of the IGBP 5.2.1 Dr Will Steffen, Executive Director of the IGBP presented the report of the IGBP. He focused on the need for an integrated approach to the development of themes. The Carbon Theme could not be sectoral in the sense of terrestrial carbon, ocean carbon and atmospheric carbon. The carbon cycle had to be looked at as a whole and all partners in the field have to be involved. IGBP was under the impression that all partners were not at the IGOS table. IPCC, for example, which is very much involved in carbon assessments, should be represented at IGOS. Likewise IHP would be very much involved in the Water Theme. A process to ensure this integration should be developed. The choice of themes must become a more formal and clearer mechanism so that the entire community is involved from the beginning. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the involvement of some of the key partners. 5.2.2 For the same reasons, measures to ensure the involvement of other organizations or agencies as IGOS Partners should be developed. 5.2.3 An integrated approach would also benefit an already stretched scientific community. 6.1.1 Dr J.-L. Fellous, chairman of CEOS/SIT presented the Ocean Theme Team report, on behalf of CEOS/NASA. He briefly recalled that IGOS-P had established the Ocean Theme as a pathfinder in the thematic approach adopted for he implementation of IGOS. He then summarized the report, which aims at considering the full range of current and planned observations, while identifying potential gaps and deficiencies. The report presents a proposed set of long-term ocean observations ("the continuity challenge") and highlights a number of challenges for improving both ocean understanding and observing techniques ("the knowledge challenge"). It further includes a summary of space agencies' commitments that were collected through consultation with CEOS, and should be completed with respect to in situ measurements, data requirements, and modelling and product generation. Next steps should lead to focus on gaps deficiencies and ways to resolving key issues. CEOS/SIT suggested that the Ocean Theme Team be tasked to complete their report with respect to commitments for in situ contributions and data, products and service requirements. It urged the Partners to now accept the Ocean Theme Team Report as the strategy document for the implementation process, and that each partner seek approval by their governing bodies at the earliest opportunity. Such approval is deemed very important to the underpinning of the space agency commitments. CEOS/SIT further suggested that GOOS and its sponsors and governing bodies accept the responsibility for ensuring over-arching implementation of the strategy as an end-to-end process. [Action 5/2 - Oceans Theme Team, with support of Partners, to provide its final report by September 30, 2000, to the IGOS-P Chair/Liaison Group, including in it updated commitments for space agency contributions and commitments for in situ contributions and data products and services requirements.] [Action 5/3 - Partners urged to accept Ocean Theme Report as the strategy document for the implementation process and, as appropriate, to seek governing body approval at the earliest opportunity.] [Action 5/4 - GOOS to take the lead in implementing the Oceans Theme with CEOS agencies and all Partners encouraged making supporting contributions.] 6.2.1 The Director of the GTOS Programme Office provided a status report on the Carbon Cycle Theme. The meeting agreed that an integrated Carbon Cycle Theme should be developed with the incorporation of ocean carbon observations into the Carbon Cycle Theme. CEOS/SIT expressed some satisfaction as to the progress made in the area of the Terrestrial Carbon, while recommending that the ocean carbon element and the over-arching Carbon Cycle Theme be given immediate attention. ICSU noted that the Carbon Cycle Theme had given GTOS and IGBP a concrete theme on which to collaborate. This new collaboration was a very positive development for ICSU and for the IGOS partnership. [Action 5/5 - Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Theme Team and IGBP, with the involvement of other interested parties, to broaden the theme focus into development of a Global Carbon Cycle Theme, reporting on their efforts to the IGOS-P 6th Meeting.] 6.3.1 In the context of a potential new theme on the "Global Water Cycle", Professor Toshio Koike (University of Tokyo) presented the rationale, goals and plans for the Coordinated Enhanced Observating Period (CEOP) being developed within WCRP (see also Agenda item 5.1). Dr Carson drew attention to CEOS-SIT report, which acknowledged CEOP as a considerable initial effort towards establishing guidelines for an integrated global observing strategy for the water cycle, in the spirit of IGOS. As such, CEOP represented a much-desired precursor for an IGOS Water Cycle Theme to be developed in due course. Further, the CEOS/SIT report encouraged CEOS agencies to pay close attention to CEOP and to respond to formulated requirements in terms of satellite data in support of intensive observation sites, and to support the participation in CEOP of their respective scientific communities. [Action 5/6 - WCRP and CEOS, are encouraged to further develop the CEOP proposal to maintain the momentum already established by Professor Koike and his colleagues, as a precursor to a "Water Cycle" Theme.] [Action 5/7 - WCRP, joined by other interested parties, is encouraged to develop a "Water Cycle" Theme, reporting on the status of this development at the IGOS-P 6th Meeting.] 6.3.2 The development of a Coral Reef Theme, proposed by UNEP, as the initial phase of a broader coastal theme. This theme could integrate the observing activities of a variety of existing initiatives, and focus particularly on the combination of remote sensing and in situ approaches to generate information products useful for reef conservation and management. The theme would relate closely to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management, climate change impacts, the carbon cycle and coastal area management. Several partners indicated their interest in collaborating with UNEP in the development of a theme proposal for presentation at the next meeting; [Action 5/8 - UNEP, with other interested parties, is encouraged to investigate development of an IGOS Coral Reef Activity as the initial phase of a broader Coastal Theme, reporting on the status of its efforts at the IGOS-P 6th Meeting.] 6.3.3 The meeting also received a suggestion for an Ozone Theme based on work currently being carried out under the WMO Atmospheric Research and Environment Programme. While supporting the projected activities the meeting felt that ozone should be considered in the context of a much broader theme, perhaps Atmospheric Chemistry, which could look into other atmospheric constituents including carbon monoxide and aerosols. The meeting also endorsed the CEOS Pilot Project report on stratospheric ozone and encouraged its publication. 6.3.4 WMO noted that it had participated in the initial CEOS Pilot Projects for Upper-Air Measurements. After successful completion of the Pilot Project, WMO had further expanded the scope of the related work within the CBS Open Programme Area Group on Integrated Observing Systems (OPAG-IOS). The progress to date in the OPAG-IOS would allow WMO to develop a theme related to Atmospheric Dynamics. Furthermore, WMO proposed to present an outline of an Atmospheric Dynamics Theme at the next IGOS Partners' meeting. [Action 5/9 - WMO, with other interested parties, is encouraged to investigate development of a broad Atmospheric Chemistry Theme, taking into account the results of the CEOS/SIT Ozone and Upper Air Projects, and reporting on its efforts at the IGOS-P 6th Meeting.] 6.3.5 The meeting encouraged the development of all themes but stressed that themes should be comprehensive in nature and involve all concerned partners. 6.3.6 The meeting agreed also that each theme should involve an end-to-end process with commitments, where appropriate, not only for collecting information, but also for assimilation of observations, for product generation and use. 6.3.7 The importance of sufficiently long-term commitment of contributions to observational systems was stressed. 6.3.8 It was also agreed that there was a need for feedback mechanisms to assess the success or otherwise of theme implementation including analysis of the adequacy of new observations and data processing and the need for further improvements and innovations. 6.3.9 The meeting also stressed the importance of achieving high visibility of the results of implementing themes. 6.3.10 The meeting drew attention to the need for clear leadership in the implementation of each theme. [Action 5/10 - Reflecting IGOS-P 5th Meeting discussion, procedures for development of themes and theme teams, with a focus on an end-to-end process with commitments, feedback mechanisms, and implementation resulting in maximum visibility are to be addressed in the revised version of the IGOS Process Paper to be provided to Partners in advance of the 6th Meeting.] 6.4.1 The chair of CEOS (agenda item 4) suggested that the IGOS Partners should consider that a concept of "end-to-end" be adopted in the development and implementation of each theme. Considerable discussions ensued on this idea during several agenda items, particularly with respect to GOOS. There was general agreement on this concept; however, it was agreed that the discussion on the issue should continue with the aim to clarify and that this topic should be addressed in the revision of the process paper. 7. DATA AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICES (DISS) 7.1 Revision of IGOS-DISS Discussion Paper 7.1.1 The meeting had before it the report of the ad hoc Working Group, under the chairmanship of Prof. John Townshend, set up by the fourth meeting to consider an IGOS-DISS. The report considered seven major topics: - IGOS-DISS Principles;
7.1.2 The report also included a list of recommendations providing the main proposed principles and the DISS guidelines recommended for all IGOS themes. This list of recommendations is reproduced in Appendix C to this report. Partners agreed to consider these recommendations and provide their comments by the end of July 2000. A revised list would then be prepared for adoption at the next meeting. [Action 5/11 - Partners to consider the Appendix C IGOS-DISS recommendations and provide any comments to Professor Townshend by the end of July 2000.] [Action 5/12 - Professor Townshend to provide a revised list of IGOS-DISS recommendations to Partners by 15 October 2000 for discussion and adoption at the 6th Meeting.] 8.1 COP VI (UNFCCC) 8.1.1 The meeting noted that the Director of GCOS Secretariat would attend the next session of the SBSTA of the UNFCCC from 13 to 16 June 2000. He would address the session in he context of decisions 14/CP.4 and 5/CP.5 but would also provide information on the activities of IGOS-P and particularly on the Oceans Theme. This latter could then be further developed at the COP-6 session in November. He indicated that he should be able to use the recognition by the COP of GCOS as an Intergovernmental Organization to facilitate the reserving of places and times for an exhibit and event during COP-6 for appropriate presentations. However, he emphasized that he would not have the capacity to organize these, nor man any exhibit. The meeting agreed that interested Partners should take appropriate action in this report. 8.1.2 W. Steffen offered to have a booth on IGOS and maybe also a parallel session on IGOS activities at the Global Change Open Science Conference, organized by IGBP, WCRP and IHDP in Amsterdam from 10 to 13 July 2000. [Action 5/13 - Seeking inputs from Partners, GCOS/Dr. Thomas to provide information on the activities of IGOS-P and the Oceans Theme at the SUBSTA session of the UNFCCC, 13 to 16 June 2000 in Bonn and report on the outcome to Partners.] [Action 5/14 - GCOS, WMO and other involved parties, with support from the IGOS-P Chair/Liaison Group, to investigate the possibility of IGOS inputs to the proceedings of the November 2000 COP-6 Meeting in The Hague and a dedicated IGOS side presentation at COP-6.] 8.2 Co-ordination with Convention Secretariats 8.2.1 UNEP presented a progress report on IGOS coordination with convention secretariats (other then UNFCCC covered under the previous agenda item) since the presentation of the IGOS Partners at the First Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Subsidiary Bodies of International Environmental Conventions in Bonn on 25 October 1999. There are increasing discussions among the convention secretariats on harmonization of information systems, coordination of subsidiary bodies and streamlining of national reporting, that are relevant to IGOS. The IGOS partners should consider themes that could directly respond to convention requirements, develop partnerships with individual conventions, and improve general awareness among the Conventions of potential IGOS contributions. 8.2.2 The UNEP representative also briefed the meeting on the preparatory process for the ninth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development in April 2001, where information for decision-making will be the major cross-cutting theme. The principal preparatory event will be a Workshop hosted by the Canadian Government in September. A demonstration of information products will also be arranged at the CSD. IGOS partners were encouraged to participate in the preparatory process, and to advise UNEP and UNDESA, as co-task managers for this theme, of specific accomplishments or messages they would like to see reflected in the Secretary-General's report. [Action 5/15 - UNEP and other involved parties to continue the IGOS dialogue initiated in October 1999 with Scientific and Technical Subsidiary Bodies of International Environmental Conventions, reporting the results of such dialogue to Partners.] [Action 5/16 - IGOS Partners are encouraged to participate in preparatory process for the April 2001 Commission on Sustainable Development 9th Session, advising UNEP and UNDESA of specific IGOS-related accomplishments or messages they would like to see reflected.] [Action 5/17 - UNEP and interested parties, with support from the IGOS-P Chair/Liaison Group, to investigate the possibility of a dedicated IGOS side presentation at the April 2001 CSD.] 8.3 IGOS Bulletins 8.3.1 The meeting expressed its satisfaction on the second issue of the Bulletin that was produced in March 2000. It agreed that the nature of the content and the format were acceptable and should be continued. It also noted that the Bulletin was available on the web site (see 8.4 below). The third issue of the Bulletin will be issued in early October 2000. 8.4 IGOS "Web" Pages 8.4.1 The UNEP representative indicated that the IGOS Partners web site hosted by UNEP (http://www.igospartners.org/) provided complete documentation on the IGOS process, and could rapidly make available any IGOS documents of general interest. He requested that such documents be sent to him to posting as they were produced. [Action 5/18 - Partners, the IGOS-P Chair/Liaison Group, and Theme Teams to provide IGOS documents of general interest to UNEP/Dahl for posting on the IGOS web site.] 9.1.1 The meeting agreed that a revised Process Paper taking into account the report of the ad hoc Working Group on an IGOS-DISS and the comments received thereon from partners (see item 7), as well as other matters raised in discussion of other agenda items, would be drawn up for the next meeting. The Paper would provide comprehensive guidance for IGOS Partners Theme Teams and others involved in the process. CEOS (EUMETSAT), in consultation with the IGOS Liaison Group and Prof. Townshend, would take the lead in this activity. [Action 5/19 - CEOS/EUMETSAT, the IGOS-P Liaison Group, and Professor Townshend to take the lead in revising an IGOS Process Paper to provide comprehensive guidance on Themes, partnership selection procedures, and other IGOS issues, with draft copies to be circulated by 15 October 2000 to Partners for discussion and adoption at the 6th Meeting.] 9.2 IGOS Partners Liaison Group/IGOS Secretariat 9.2.1 The meeting also considered the need to strengthen the IGOS Partners Secretariat to ensure a more effective conduct of business between meetings. One suggestion was that a permanent IGOS-P Secretariat be established, and for that purpose it should consist of at least the current IGOS-P chair, plus a specific person nominated by him/her and a balanced representation of the partners. 9.2.2 The CEOS Chair indicated that in taking over leadership of the IGOS Partnership he would particularly require the support of an efficient, dynamic secretariat. In discussion, it was agreed that the Liaison Group would explore options and develop a proposal for a permanent secretariat with balanced representation among those partners who were prepared to contribute personnel and specific support. The incoming IGOS-P Chair and his representative will work with the Liaison Group to refine the proposal and provide it in advance for review by the partners prior to the November meeting. 9.2.3 UNEP reported that with newly pledged support of his UNEP management, he is prepared to participate in a secretariat. WMO also wished to take an active role in a permanent IGOS secretariat and was prepared to participate. To facilitate communication within IGOS, WMO offered to set up an e-mail list server for all IGOS participants and one for a permanent secretariat. The CEOS/EUMETSAT representative indicated that both he and CEOS/NOAA were prepared to continue their Liaison Group roles in a new permanent secretariat. It was agreed that these individuals would work with the incoming IGOS-P Chair and his representative in developing a secretariat proposal, in working with Professor Townshend to revise the IGOS Process Paper, in maintaining contact with theme teams and proposers of prospective themes, and in organizing the November IGOS-P meeting. [Action 5/20 - The IGOS-P Liaison Group, together with the incoming IGOS-P Chair and his representative, conduct a study to explore options and develop a proposal for a permanent IGOS Secretariat, with the IGOS-P Chair to provide the results and a recommendation to Partners by 15 October 2000 for discussion and adoption at the 6th Meeting.] [Action 5/21 - WMO/Hinsman to set up an e-mail list server for all IGOS participants and one for a permanent secretariat.] 10.1 It was agreed that the chairman of CEOS, Dr Marcio Barbosa, would be chairman of IGOS-P for the next six months until November 2000 meeting. The chairman for the following six months until the session of IGOS-P7 would be the Executive Secretary of IOC. 11. DATE AND VENUE FOR THE NEXT SESSION 11.1 It was agreed that the sixth session would be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 7 and 8 November 2000. 12.1 The meeting closed at 17.30 on 7 June 2000. |
FAO HE Changchui
CEOS Marcio Nogueira BARBOSA
Tillmann MOHR
Venetia STUART
WMO Chairman, IGOS
Frédéric DELSOL
Claudio CAPONI
Pierre BAUER
OBSERVERS - National Space Development Agency (NASDA) Chu ISHIDA
Masami ONODA
Stephen WARD
OBSERVERS - Science and Technology Agency of Japan Motohide KONAKA
1. ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 1.1 Opening of the session
2. FOURTH SESSION 2.1 Review of the Minutes from the 4th
6. THEME REPORTS 6.1 Oceans Theme
[see IGOS-DISS Report] |
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