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Islands of South Africa

Marion     [5]
   Group: Archipelago: Prince Edward Islands
   Country: South Africa - Prince Edward Islands
Lat: 46.90º S   Long : 37.75º E
Area: 295.6 sq. km   Altitude: 1230 m
Shoreline: 73.4 km (scale 1:1000000)   Coastal Index: 0.2483
Depth to nearest land: 3000 m
Nearest island: 21 km   group: 925 km
Nearest continent: Africa    Distance: 1800 km    Isolation Index: 77
ISLAND TYPE: active volcanic      Natural Protection Indicator: 0
Central basaltic mountain (oldest rock 500,000 years old), steep escarpments above a coastal plain, radial elevated lava ridges, numerous scoria cones, fissure eruption on west coast in 1980; permanent ice in small valley on summet plateau, peat soils at low altitudes
CLIMATE: wet  cool temperate  mean 5øC, 2500 mm
CATASTROPHIC THREATS: volcanic eruptions
   Threat Indicator: 1
ECOSYSTEMS:           Number of Ecosystems - Terrestrial: 6    Marine: 1
Herbs in salt spray region, tussock grass, protected slopes with fern/schrub association, rush/grass mires and bogs, feldmark above 300 m, mosses up to 1200 m; rocky shores with kelp beds of Durvillea and Macrocystis
SPECIES NUMBERS: Total Endemic Threatened (EVRI)
Plants  24 0 0
Butterflies 0 0 0
Land snails 0 0 0
Rept/Amphib 0 0 0
Land birds 0 0 4
Mammals 3 0 0

Plants: 24 native vascular plants, 14 introduced, 1 group endemic, no trees or large shrubs; 72 mosses, 36 hepatics (many endemic), 50 lichens Elaphoglossum randii, endemic to Marion and Prince Edward Pringlea antiscorbutica (Kerguelen Cabbage) Invertebrates: several flies, butterflies, moths, spiders, 4 endemic weevils Birds: 29 breeding species, totaling over 2 million Chionis minor marionensis (Lesser Sheathbill) endemic to Marion and Prince Edward Aptenodytes patagonicus (King Penguin) second largest breeding population of 200,000 pairs Pterodroma macroptera (Great-winged Petrel) endangered by feral cats Pterodroma mollis (Soft-plumaged Petrel) endangered by feral cats Procellaria cinerea (Grey Petrel) endangered by feral cats Sterna vittata (Antarctic Tern) rare Sterna virgata (Kerguelen Tern) rare Mammals: 3 seals
  Species Richness Indicator - Terrestrial: 0  Marine: 2
ENDEMISM: Terrestrial:   Terrestrial Endemism Indicator - Island: 0  Group: 1
    2 group endemics
  Marine endemic species: 0   Marine Endemism Indicator - Island: 0  Group: 0
SPECIAL FEATURES :   Special Features Indicator - Terrestrial: 2   Marine: 0
  seabird/penguin rookery, seal rookery
INVASIVE SPECIES:     Invasive Species Indicator: 3
  14 plants, feral cats, mice
Cats introduced 1949 to control mice, increased 20%/year to 2000 in 1975, killing 450,000 petrels per year, cat control programme has brought down population
HUMAN OCCUPATION: Inhabited, scientific station
  Population: 22 (1984)   Density: 0.1 persons/sq. km
  Growth Rate: 0.0%/yr   Stable
  Major Human Activities: scientific research
Sealing from temporary bases established 1802; annexed by South Africa 1948, meteorological station established 1949, access strictly controlled
  Habitat: research station   Urban Pop:Urban Indicator: 0
Conservation support: tenure, government support, legislation
PROTECTED AREAS:    Protected Area Coverage Indicators - Terrestrial: 7  Marine: 0
  Number: 1   Area: Terrestrial: 295.6 sq. km    Marine: 0 sq. km
Seabirds and seals protected, access restricted, managed as a nature reserve although not legally declared as such (30,000 ha)
DATA RELIABILITY: good    Data Rel. Indicator: 3
CI-Marine: 6   Moderate
Clark, M.R. and Dingwall, P.R. 1985. Conservation of islands in the Southern Ocean: a review of the protected areas of Insulantarctica. IUCN, Gland and Cambridge. 193 p.
Last updated: 01/07/89

Prince Edward     [1099]
   Group: Archipelago: Prince Edward Islands
   Country: South Africa - Prince Edward Islands
Lat: 46.63º S   Long : 37.93º E
Area: 43.7 sq. km   Altitude: 672 m
Shoreline: 28.4 km (scale 1:1000000)   Coastal Index: 0.6499
Depth to nearest land: 3000 m
Nearest island: 22 km   group: 1000 km
Nearest continent: Africa    Distance: 1800 km    Isolation Index: 79
ISLAND TYPE: volcanic      Natural Protection Indicator: 2
Shield volcano with 2 periods of activity, 5000 years old; widespread peat soils
CLIMATE: wet  cool temperate  mean 5øC, 2500 mm
ECOSYSTEMS:           Number of Ecosystems - Terrestrial: 3    Marine: 1
Coastal herbs, grass/fern/shrub/moss association inland, feldmark above 250-300 m; rocky shores
SPECIES NUMBERS: Total Endemic Threatened (EVRI)
Plants  21 0 0
Butterflies 0 0 0
Land snails 0 0 0
Rept/Amphib 0 0 0
Land birds 0 0 0
Mammals 3 0 0

Plants: 21 native species, 1 group endemic, 28 mosses, 25 hepatics, 12 lichens Elaphoglossum randii, endemic to Prince Edward and Marion Invertebrates: numerous species, endemic genus of weevil Birds: 20 seabird species, 1 group endemic Chionis minor marionensis (Lesser Sheathbill) endemic to Prince Edward and Marion Mammals: 3 seals
ENDEMISM: Terrestrial:   Terrestrial Endemism Indicator - Island: 0  Group: 1
  Marine endemic species: 0   Marine Endemism Indicator - Island: 0  Group: 0
SPECIAL FEATURES :   Special Features Indicator - Terrestrial: 3   Marine: 0
  seabird/penguin rookery, seal rookery
  nearly undisturbed island
INVASIVE SPECIES:     Invasive Species Indicator: 0
  1 plant (Poa annua), no animals

HUMAN OCCUPATION: Uninhabited, occasional scientific visits
  Population: 0    Density: 0.0 persons/sq. km
  Major Human Activities: nature conservation, scientific research
Nineteenth century sealing and whaling; access strictly controlled
Conservation support: tenure, government support, legislation
PROTECTED AREAS:    Protected Area Coverage Indicators - Terrestrial: 7  Marine: 0
  Number: 10   Area: Terrestrial: 43.7 sq. km    Marine: 0 sq. km
Seals and birds protected and access strictly controlled, managed as a strict nature reserve although without full legal status (4400 ha)
DATA RELIABILITY: good    Data Rel. Indicator: 3
CI-Marine: 3   Low
Clark, M.R. and Dingwall, P.R. 1985. Conservation of islands in the Southern Ocean: a review of the protected areas of Insulantarctica. IUCN, Gland and Cambridge. 193 p.
Last updated: 01/07/89

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