EBBF event at Selsdon Park, UK

The ebbf, our Baha'i-inspired organization bringing values into business, held its Spring event again at Selsdon Park, an Elizabethan-style estate and golfing resort south-west of London, on 10-12 May 2013. The event was sold out, with more than 80 participants. The theme this year was "Co-creating the new enterprise, shift from competition to collaboration". The programme itself was very collaborative, with the selected keynote talks providing the input for dynamic co-creation sessions, where teams of participants collaborated throughout the weekend to conceive of new values-based enterprises, including principles, practice and purpose. There were also parallel workshops on Saturday afternoon. I joined with Wendi Momen and Jean-Pierre Méan to lead a workshop on "How do you apply collaboration at the global institutional level?". The weekend was rich with learning and exchanges.

Selsdon Park Hotel . Selsdon Park Hotel
Selsdon Park Hotel . golf course
The Selsdon Park Hotel is set in beautiful grounds, including a golf course (but there was no time to play).
Daniel Truran . Leyla Tavernaro . John Sherer
ebbf Director-General Daniel Truran introduced ebbf; keynotes from Leyla Tavernaro on transforming beliefs and John Sherer on collaboration

Nava Ashraf . Augusto Lopez-Claros . Alberto Masetti-Zannini
Keynotes from Nava Ashraf on behavioral economics; Augusto Lopez-Claros on the global economy; Alberto Masetti-Zannini on the HUBs

teams co-creating . posting the results of the teams . posting the results of the teams
The teams of participants co-creating new enterprises alternated working sessions and presentations of their results

posting the results of the teams . posting the results of the teams . posting the results of the teams

Francoise Le Goff . posting the results of the teams . posting the results of the teams
François Le Goff presenting for her team; George Starcher admiring a result; Mika Korhonen also presenting

posting the results of the teams . posting the results of the teams . posting the results of the teams
One of the exercise organizers, Stephanie Akkaoui Hughes, explains something to John Sherer; other presentations and discussions

posting the results of the teams . posting the results of the teams . posting the results of the teams
Sjoerd Luteyn, another organizer, reviews the results

posting the results of the teams . Jason Maude . lunch
Paul Hughes explains his team's concept; Jason Maude ran a smooth conference as always; exchanges continued during meals

workshop . workshop . workshop
Workshop on collaboration at the international level, led by Jean-Paul Méan, Wendi Momen and myself; workshop participants

panel . audience . audience
A plenary session, and part of the audience

team presentations . team presentations . team presentations
Presentations of the final results of the new values-based enterprises prepared by the teams

team presentations . terrace
After the session, discussions continued on the terrace

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Last updated 21 May 2013

Photographs copyright © Arthur Lyon Dahl 2013