Swiss Baha'i Winter School
The Swiss Baha'i Winter School was held in Chavannes-de-Bogis near Geneva
between Christmas and the New Year. About 200 participants of all ages and
from all parts of Switzerland and beyond enjoyed a variety of activities in
a family atmosphere. Typically for Switzerland, courses were offered in four
languages: French, German, English and Persian (since there was a large
group of Persian-speaking asylum-seekers attending). The main course on a
devotional attitude was taught by Joan and Albert Lincoln, and a number of
Ruhi books were offered intensively. I co-tutored Ruhi book 8.3 in English,
about the Universal House of Justice, for which I restored an old slide-tape
programme about the election of the first Universal House of Justice in
The main class studied texts in groups; part of the audience
Socializing between classes; audience; my son-in-law Bahador and
granddaughter Laleh
There were activities for all ages
The evening programmes included artistic performances
Nelly and Andreas were masters of ceremonies; Joan Lincoln
accompanied many things on the piano; audience
Artistic performances
The children pinned hearts on their parents or teachers; one class
A dance from the asylum-seekers; classical violin and piano; audience
In the closing session, Joan Lincoln shared the experience of the temple
dedication in Chile; thank you from the group of asylum-seekers