On 11-18 August, I participated in the French Bahá'í Summer School at Le Jardin de l'Anjou in La Pommeraye near Angers in western France. There were 338 participants from French-speaking Europe and as far as Australia, of all ages and backgrounds. The special guests this year were Joany and Al Lincoln. who spent many years at the Bahá'í World Centre, and taught the principal class. I was in a class for an intensive study of Ruhi book 10.3 about the management of core activities by a cluster teaching committee. In our group there were 4 from Switzerland, 3 from France, two from Luxembourg and one from Belgium. In the evenings there were presentations, music and dancing.
Le Jardin de l'Anjou vacation village designed by Le Corbusier's studio
Joany Lincoln, Al Lincoln, Joany, an excellent musician, at the piano with Al; my class for Ruhi book 10.3
Music in the evenings
Evening music, including a group from New Caledonia, with children of some of my old friends
Evening music; Joany gave a talk about the importance of artistic creation
Many of the classes composed their own settings of quotations to music
Music from the classes; on talent night there were some extraordinary performances
The last night ended with folk dancing for all ages, led by musicians from Brittany
The orchestra of brilliant musicians; dancing into the night
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Last updated 21 August 2018
Photographs copyright © Arthur Lyon Dahl 2018