On 24-28 October I again attended the annual conference of the European Center for Peace and Development (EPCD) as I have for the last ten years. This year they had asked me to prepare the concept note for the conference on the theme "The UN 2030 Agenda to Transform the World", and to serve as its rapporteur, as well as giving one of the opening keynotes. The following two days ECPD invited 80 youth from around the world to a Youth Forum on the theme "Youth Power for a Common Future". Again, I was asked to prepare the concept for the forum, to chair it and to prepare a report. At the end of the youth forum I was presented with a certificate naming me a Visiting Professor at ECPD. I also attended a meeting of the ECPD Council as a member of its Academic Council. For a complete report on the ECPD Conference and Youth Forum with many more pictures, see separate page.
ECPD; Conference keynote speakers; ECPD Conference
Me giving keynote; conference participants
Conference participants; me as rapporteur
ECPD Council and Academic Council
ECPD Council
ECPD Youth Forum
group photo at the end of the Youth Forum
Small working groups discussed subjects they selected as highest priority
Each working group presented their results to the whole forum
Me named Visiting Professor; presentation of certificates of participation
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Last updated 25 December 2019
Photographs copyright © Arthur Lyon Dahl 2019