Travel 2024

While I try to travel less, there are requests for me to contribute to important processes that I cannot easily refuse, and opportunities to make a significant contribution to certain organisations and events. The first was an important working meeting in Madrid in January to prepare a draft for a Second UN Charter.

In Madrid, 26-29 January 2024, the Global Governance Forum convened an expert meeting to continue work on the text for a Second UN Charter, since the present charter is so disfunctional and unable to prevent war and bring peace to the world as the United Nations was originally expected to do. We agreed to my proposal to add responsibility for the Earth System as a fourth pillar of the UN alongside peace and security, economic and social development, and human rights.

UN Charter working group
Working group and friends at Augusto Lopez-Claros' home
UN Charter meeting . UN Charter working group
Madrid, UN Second Charter working group

On 12 March I flew to Madrid for one day to participate in the European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) Council and prepare its report. I went to the Netherlands on 29 March-7 April to give the opening keynote and workshops at The Justice Conference on A Systems View of Justice, followed by a week of meetings on Bahá'í perspectives on agriculture at Wageningen University, stories for the junior youth on Knights of Bahá'u'lláh, and 3 evenings on coral reefs as a model for humanity.

The Justice Conference, de Poort, The Netherland, April 2024

The ebbf-Ethical Business Building the Future annual conference was in Lisbon on 16-19 May 2024. I gave a keynote and two following learnshops on The Cooperation Economy, showing how systems science demonstrates that cooperation is much better that competition in building effective and productive systems.

ebbf conference
ebbf Annual Conference in Lisbon

speaking at conference . speaking at conference
Speaking at the conference

with Naysan Naraqi
with Naysan Naraqi

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Last updated 28 June 2024

Photographs copyright © Arthur Lyon Dahl 2024