Arthur Lyon DAHL - Topical Curriculum Vitae on
From birding in primary school through an honors project in
biodiversity under Peter Raven as an undergraduate to surveys of
regional and national biodiversity and establishment of protected
areas in the Pacific, biodiversity conservation has been a lifelong
interest. My experience has ranged from research and theory through
international legislation and protected area design to practical
aspects of nature conservation at the community level. A life member
of the Sierra Club since 1964, I have collaborated with many
non-governmental conservation organizations and IUCN, assisted
governments, and organized regional and international conservation
and protected area programmes.
12B Chemin de Maisonneuve
CH-1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
PERSONAL: Swiss and United States citizen, married to a French
citizen, two adult children
LANGUAGES: Bilingual, English and French
Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) in Biological Sciences with Departmental Honors,
Stanford University, California, 1964
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Biology, University of California,
Santa Barbara, 1969
Five years scientific
research and curatorial experience on algae, National Museum of
Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA, with
special interests in coral reef ecology, marine algae, and
island environments, and continuing activity on various
international scientific committees.
Eleven years residence
in the South Pacific as adviser to governments and international
organizations in ecology, conservation and environmental
management, with extensive field experience, including at the
grass-roots level. Three years residence in Africa and twenty-five years
in Europe. Wide knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region and of small
island developing States, particularly the developing countries and
territories of the Pacific Islands, complemented by experience in the
Caribbean and Africa, and visits to many other areas.
Thirty-five years
programme management and administrative experience in the planning,
organization and evaluation of international
multi-disciplinary programmes of research, observation, and
environmental assessment and management, including liaison with
governments, organization of cooperation among international agencies,
directing intergovernmental meetings, scientific symposia and training
courses, and implementing the results of the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992)
Producer of training
and audio-visual materials, lecturer and writer (in
English and French) for scientific audiences, universities and the general
public on sustainable development, environment, ecology, conservation,
ethics, religion and values
Consultant to
many international organizations and government agencies, with special
emphasis on indicators of environment, development and sustainability,
coral reef and coastal zone management, conservation of nature and
biodiversity, environment and management of islands, environmental
education and training, rural social and economic development, and
applications of science in developing countries
Academic experience
including organizing, curriculum development and teaching graduate level
and on-line courses in social and economic development and sustainability,
Visiting Professor at University of Brighton, coordinator of
UNEP/University of Geneva Environmental Diplomacy Programme, member of
scientific committee for University of Geneva Certificate of Advanced
Studies in Sustainable Development, Federal Technical University in
Lausanne (EPFL) Certificate of Advanced Studies in Management of
Development Projects and occasional lecturer for other university courses
Recent substantive interests
have focussed on indicators of values, sustainability and development;
international environmental governance; ethics of climate change and
sustainability; information for environmental decision-making; global and
national environmental observations and assessments; new economic
paradigms; coral reef protection and management; and the special problems
of small island developing States
UNEP/University of Geneva/Graduate Institute Environmental Diplomacy
Programme, 2005-2010.
Retired from the United
Nations Environment Programme, August 2002
Director, Coral Reef
Unit, Division of Environmental Conventions, United Nations Environment
Programme, Geneva, Switzerland, 2000-2002
Coordinator, UN
System-wide Earthwatch, United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva,
Switzerland, 1992-2000
Deputy Assistant
Executive Director, Division of Environment Information and Assessment,
United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva, Switzerland, 1996-1998
Deputy to the Director,
Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre, United Nations
Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, 1989-1992
Consulting ecologist to
governments and international organizations, 1982-1989, including:
Government of New Caledonia; South Pacific Regional Environment Programme;
Kanak Cultural, Scientific and Technical Office (New Caledonia); Office of
Technology Assessment, United States Congress; International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme Activity
Centre, United Nations Environment Programme; Institut Francais de
Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER); Environment and Policy
Institute, East-West Center; UNESCO
Regional Ecological
Adviser, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 1974-1982
(organized South Pacific Regional Environment Programme)
Associate Curator
(Algae), Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1970-1974, and Research
Associate, 1974-1982
Visiting Postdoctoral
Research Associate, Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C., U.S.A., 1969-1970
Teaching Assistant,
Department of Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa
Barbara, California, 1965-1966
relevant to biodiversity conservation
Development of
quantitative marine ecological surveys and long-term coral reef monitoring
techniques, 1969-present.
Studies, as part of
interdisciplinary programs, of coral reef and algal ecology, with
development of theoretical systems models, 1970-1974.
Survey and
classification of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in the South Pacific
region for South Pacific Commission and IUCN, 1975-1979.
Environmental impact
assessment of a hydroelectric project in a national park, 1982-1983.
Studies of techniques
for rural environmental resource management in tropical islands, including
traditional approaches to environmental management, 1982-1989.
Detailed analysis of the
biodiversity, nature conservation requirements and protected area system
in Oceania, 1985-1986.
Analysis and
classification of islands according to ecological, geographic and
socio-economic criteria, as related to the effects of limits on complex
systems, preparation of a database on islands, 1985-present.
FIELD EXPERIENCE relevant to biodiversity conservation
Participated in Symposium
on Marine Parks following Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, Japan.
Field collections of
marine algae in Gulf of California, Mexico.
Field collections of
marine algae in Caribbean (Puerto Rico and Windward Islands).
Visited Western and
American Samoa to establish coastal monitoring surveys and to conduct
ecological research.
Prepared ecological
reports on American Samoa at request of government.
Made diving surveys of
coral reefs and algal collections at Eilat, Israel.
Participant in diving reef
surveys at Acklins Island, Bahamas; Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Panama;
Belize, particularly Glovers Reef; Palau, Yap, Ant and Pakin (near Ponape)
in Micronesia; and American Samoa.
Co-organizer and working
group leader at Coral Reef Workshop in Belize organized by Comparative
Investigations of Tropical Reef Ecosystems program.
Research on coral reef
algae at Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama and in Belize.
Reef research, and lecture
tour on coral reef ecology, Belize.
Aquanaut studying reef
algal ecology in two-week saturation diving mission of Puerto Rico
Inter-National Undersea Laboratory (PRINUL).
Continued research on
coral reef algae and reef ecology in Belize.
Presented paper at Second
International Symposium on Coral Reefs, held along the Great Barrier Reef,
Australia, and visited several reef habitats in Australia and Fiji.
Continued reef monitoring
and environmental surveys in American and Western Samoa, and prepared
revised ecological report for Government of American Samoa.
Further field research on
coral reef algae, reef surface area, and competition for space, Belize.
Presented invited paper at
International Symposium on Indo-Pacific Tropical Reef Biology, Guam and
Palau; examined reef sites in Guam, Palau and Hawaii.
Discussions with
governments on environment and conservation activities in American Samoa,
Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Niue,
Tonga, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and Western Samoa.
Drafted environmental
legislation for Niue.
Visited Solomon Islands at
request of Government to prepare report on environmental management and
conservation, and draft legislation.
Keynote speaker at South
Pacific Conference on National Parks and Reserves, New Zealand.
Presented paper at
Symposium on Ecology and Conservation, Papua New Guinea.
Visited Cook Islands,
French Polynesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Guam, Palau, Yap,
Saipan, Truk, Ponape, and Majuro to collect information for regional
ecosystems survey as consultant to International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN).
Constructed environmental
exhibits and trained staff for Museum of American Samoa, and continued reef
monitoring surveys.
Visited Fiji, Gilbert
Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia and New Hebrides to collect information for
regional ecosystems survey.
Organized and directed
Second Regional Symposium on Conservation of Nature, Apia, Western Samoa,
and presented report on Regional Ecosystems Survey of the South Pacific
Secretariat and observer
at Plenipotentiary Meeting to conclude a Convention on Conservation of
Nature in the South Pacific, Apia, Western Samoa.
Conducted survey of reef
and lagoon areas for Government of Cook Islands.
Visited Tonga at
Government request to prepare environmental and ecological report on
Tongatapu, including draft legislation.
Directed seven-week
Sub-regional Workshop in Environmental Planning and Assessment, Papua New
Guinea, with participants from various Pacific countries.
Presented paper at
International Symposium on Marine Biogeography and Evolution in the Southern
Hemisphere, New Zealand and Fiji.
Organized and directed
Expert Meeting on Coral Reef Monitoring, Motupore Island, Papua New Guinea.
Visited Western Samoa to
prepare report on national parks and conservation at request of Government,
and planned underwater nature trail.
Chaired panel session at
Second South Pacific Conference on National Parks and Reserves, Sydney,
Continued assistance to
Western Samoa in developing national parks and reserves and drafting
environmental policy.
Attended IUCN Commission
on Ecology and Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas meetings,
Canberra, Australia.
Presented papers at
Workshop on Natural Systems Management Training, East-West Center, Honolulu,
Participant in Joint
SPC/NMFS Workshop on Marine Turtles in the Tropical Pacific Islands, Noumea,
New Caledonia.
Continued long-term
monitoring surveys of coral reefs in American Samoa, and assisted with
museum exhibits development.
Conducted Workshop on
Environmental Planning and Assessment for Government of Niue.
Drafted country report on
Vanuatu for South Pacific Regional Environment Programme.
Presented paper at Second
International Symposium on Biology and Management of Mangroves and Tropical
Shallow Water Communities, Papua New Guinea.
Invited participant in
UNESCO Seminar on Marine and Coastal Processes in the Pacific, Papua New
Invited participant in
UNESCO Workshop in Research and Training Priorities for Coral Reef
Management in Oceania, South Asia and Southeast Asia, Philippines.
Participant, 4th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila.
Visited Tuvalu to prepare
country report for South Pacific Regional Environment Programme.
Participant in IUCN
General Assembly, and meetings of Commission on Ecology and Commission on
National Parks and Protected Areas, New Zealand.
Presented invited paper at
SEPANRIT meeting, New Caledonia.
Visited Western Samoa to
advise on national park and reserve development.
Organized and directed
ministerial-level Conference on the Human Environment in the South Pacific,
Rarotonga, Cook Islands, as part of South Pacific Regional Environment
Presented invited paper at
World National Parks Congress, Bali, Indonesia.
Invited speaker, Seminar
on Conservation and Development, and Training Course on Environmental
Studies and Conservation, Fiji.
Prepared environmental
impact study of a river diversion project in a national park for government
of New Caledonia.
Visited Fiji for
discussions on rural development.
Discussions in Western
Samoa on park and reserve development.
Attended IUCN Commission
on Ecology meeting, Germany.
Consultations with Office
of Technology Assessment, United States Congress, Washington, D.C.
Participated as symposium
organizer, chairman and speaker at 5th International Coral Reef Congress,
Tahiti, and in associated meetings of international scientific committees.
Presented key issue paper
at 3rd South Pacific National Parks and Reserves Conference, Western Samoa,
and lectured to associated training course for park personnel.
Designed and installed
underwater nature trail in Palolo Deep Marine Reserve, Western Samoa.
Directed Training Course
on Rural Environmental Management for Government of Vanuatu.
Consultant visits to IUCN,
Switzerland and IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, U.K.
Presented invited paper in
Symposium on Ecological Management of Coastal Zones at IV International
Congress of Ecology, New York, U.S.A., and participated in meeting of IUCN
Commission on Ecology.
Participant in
International Society of Reef Studies Meeting, Germany.
Fellow, Environment and
Policy Institute, East-West Center, Hawaii.
UNEP Symposium organizer
and chairman, XVI Pacific Science Congress, Seoul, Korea.
Workshop leader and
participant, IUCN General Assembly, San Jose, Costa Rica.
Symposium organizer and
chairman, and presented paper at 6th International Coral Reef Symposium,
Townsville, Australia.
Consultant to Government
of Vanuatu through IUCN for planning of a National Conservation Strategy.
Lecturer to UNESCO/UNEP
Workshop on Environment in Eastern Africa, Mauritius.
Consultant to World
Tourism Organization/UNDP project for marine park development in Comoros.
Organizer of Workshop on
Island Conservation, Monaco.
Represented UNEP at
International Whaling Commission (San Diego), Pacific Science Association
Intercongress (Santiago, Chile).
Member Programme Technical
Advisory Group, World Conservation Monitoring Centre.
Organized and chaired
Marine Mammals Planning and Co-ordinating Committee, Geneva.
Represented UNEP at Indian
Ocean Commission, Committee on Environment (Moroni, Comoros);
Intergovernmental Meeting on South Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Speaker and workshop
organizer at Conference on Large Marine Ecosystems, Monaco.
Participant in UNCED
Working Party on Oceans, Geneva and Monaco.
Organizer of Marine Mammal
Planning and Co-ordinating Committee, Amsterdam.
Represented UNEP at UNCED
Preparatory Committee meetings (Nairobi and Geneva) and Intergovernmental
and Contracting Parties meetings on South Pacific Regional Environment
Programme, Noumea.
Seconded to the
Secretariat for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED), Geneva, to assist in preparing Agenda 21 for adoption at the "Earth
Summit" in Rio de Janeiro.
Consultant to FAO to
prepare the Inter-regional Conference of Small Island Countries on
Sustainable Development and Environment in Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries, Christ Church, Barbados, and represented UNEP and presented paper
at the conference.
Presented paper at 7th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Guam.
Leader of UNDP Appraisal
Team for the South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation Programme funded by the
Global Environment Facility, Western Samoa.
Represented UNEP at
Preparatory Committee for Global Conference on Sustainable Development of
Small Island Developing States, New York.
Named to chair Technical
and Management Advisory Group for South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation
Programme (GEF/UNDP/SPREP), Apia, Samoa.
Chaired South Pacific
Biodiversity Conservation Programme Technical and Management Advisory Group,
Apia, Western Samoa.
Invited speaker at World
Summit on Religions and Conservation, Windsor Castle, UK.
Chaired South Pacific
Biodiversity Conservation Programme Technical and Management Advisory Group,
Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Member of Programme
Advisory Group for World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge and
Participant in 6th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama.
Chaired Fourth Technical
and Management Advisory Group, South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation
Programme, Apia, Western Samoa.
Keynote speaker at
International Ecological Congress, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Participant in Expert
Workshops for Global International Waters Assessment, Geneva.
Invited speaker at WWF
Pre-Earth Summit Forestry Gathering, Athens, Greece.
Chaired Fifth Technical
and Management Advisory Group, South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation
Programme, Apia, Samoa.
Chaired Sixth Technical
and Management Advisory Group, South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation
Programme, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Invited participant in
FAO/Australian Technical Consultation on Sustainability Indicators in Marine
Capture Fisheries, Sydney, Australia.
Chaired Seventh Technical
and Management Advisory Group, South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation
Programme, Apia, Samoa.
Participant in
International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Coordination and Planning
Committee meeting, Noumea, New Caledonia.
Participant in
International Coral Reef Action Network Partners Meeting, Penang, Malaysia.
Participant in 9th
International Coral Reef Symposium and International Coral Reef Initiative
Coordination and Planning Committee, Bali, Indonesia.
Chaired Eighth Technical
and Management Advisory Group, South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation
Programme, Wellington, New Zealand.
Chaired Scientific
Advisory Committee, National Caribbean Coral Reef Research Center, Miami,
Chaired Steering Committee
for International Coral Reef Action Network, and represented UNEP in
International Coral Reef Initiative Coordination and Planning Committee and
ICRI Regional Workshop, Cebu, Philippines.
Participant in
International Coral Reef Action Network Regional Seas Meeting, Bonaire,
Netherlands Antilles.
Participant in NCORE
Workshop on Priorities for Caribbean Coral Reef Research, and chaired NCORE
Scientific Advisory Committee, Miami, Florida.
Participant in Global
Islands Network Working Group, Hamburg, Germany.
Member of UNEP delegation
to Subsidiary Body for Scientific, Technical and Technological Affairs of
the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada.
Chaired International
Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN) Steering Committee, participant in
International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Coordination and Planning
Committee and ICRI Regional Workshop, and organizer IGOS Coral Reef Theme
team meeting, Maputo, Mozambique.
Consultations with
government and other partners on coral reef action, Madagascar.
Co-organizer Coral Reef
Theme team meeting for Integrated Global Observing Strategy, and speaker,
Workshp on Satellite Oceanography and Coral Bleaching, Magnetic Island,
Participant, International
Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN) Steering Committee, UNEP representative to
International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Coordination and Planning
Committee and ICRI Regional Workshop, and organizer IGOS Coral Reef Theme
team meeting, Cancun, Mexico.
Chaired Scientific
Advisory Committee, National Caribbean Coral Reef Research Center,
University of Miami, and participated in Workshop on the Future of
Decision-support for Coral Reef Management, Miami, Florida.
Represented International
Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN) at World Summit on Sustainable
Development, Johannesburg, South Africa, organized and spoke at ICRI/ICRAN
parallel event.
Participant in WWF Seminar
on Religion and Conservation, Mont Saint-Michel, France.
Lectures at Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and various universities in Madagascar.
Chaired Scientific
Advisory Committee, National Caribbean Coral Reef Research Center,
University of Miami.
Invited speaker,
International Conference on the Impact of Global Environmental Problems on
Continental and Coastal Marine Waters, Geneva.
Participant, Annual
meeting and Governing Board meeting, Global Islands Network, Isle of Skye,
Participant in 10th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan.
Chaired Scientific
Advisory Committee, National Caribbean Coral Reef Research Center,
University of Miami.
Invited expert,
Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) Think Tank II, South Pacific Applied
Geoscience Commission, Suva, Fiji.
Represented Global Islands
Network, South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission, International
Environment Forum, and CSD Education Caucus at the Mauritius International
Meeting on further implementation of the Programme of Action for Small
Island Developing States, chaired side events for International Coral Reef
Initiative and Education Caucus, and participated in the presentation of
SOPAC Environmental Vulnerability Index.
Presented strategy paper
at Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partners meeting, Geneva.
Mission with IRD to
Noumea, New Caledonia to plan their research component of the Coral Reef
Initiative in the South Pacific (CRISP) programme, with lectures at IRD and
the University of New Caledonia
Participant and speaker in
inter-faith colloquium on respect for the creation, Ganagobie Monastery,
Organized and lectured at
UNEP/University of Geneva Course in Environmental Diplomacy, Chateau de
Bossey, Switzerland
Organized and lectured at
UNEP/University of Geneva/Graduate Institute Course in Environmental
Diplomacy, Chateau de Bossey, Switzerland
Participant in review
panel and research team meetings for education for sustainable development
indicators project, University of Brighton, England
Invited participant in
workshop on Global Islands Database, UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring
Centre, Cambridge, UK
Chaired first Core Group
Meeting, ESD indicators project, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Coordinator and lecturer,
UNEP/University of Geneva/Graduate Institute Certificate of Advanced Studies
in Environmental Diplomacy, Geneva, Switzerland
Chaired second Core Group
Meeting, ESD indicators project, Brighton, UK
Participant in IUCN
Regional Directors meeting on islands, Malaga, Spain
Chaired third Core Group
Meeting, ESD indicators project, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic,
and fourth Core Group Meeting, Brighton, UK
Appointed to UNEP Major
Groups and Stakeholders Advisory Group on International Environmental
Governance, elected co-coordinator, and organized teleconference with UNEP
Executive Director and Ministers co-chairing the High Level Consultative
Group on International Environmental Governance, Helsinki, Finland
Co-organized ESDinds and
International Environment Forum Conference "Making the Invisible Visible",
University of Brighton, United Kingdom
Co-chaired meeting of UNEP
Major Groups and Stakeholders Advisory Group on International Environmental
Governance (AGIEG), participated in high-level panel at Major Groups and
Stakeholders Forum, spokesperson for AGIEG at UNEP Governing Council/Global
Ministerial Environment Forum, and participated in ministerial round table,
Nairobi, Kenya
Participated for AGIEG in
Preparatory Committee for UN Conference on Sustainable Development, New
York, and panelist in high-level side event
Participant in UNEP Global
Consultation in preparation for Rio+20, UNEP Regional Consultation for
Europe, and UN Department of Public Information 64th NGO Conference, Bonn,
biodiversity conservation
Member, Evolutionary and
Systematic Biology Steering Committee, Board of Academic Studies,
Smithsonian Institution, 1970-1973.
Planning and
organization of international programmes, including the proposed program
of Comparative Investigations of Tropical Reef Ecosystems involving 80
scientists, prepared for International Decade of Ocean Exploration Program
of U.S. National Science Foundation, 1970-1972.; the Investigations of
Marine Shallow-Water Ecosystems program, Smithsonian Institution,
1971-1974; the Special Project on Conservation of Nature, South Pacific
Commission, 1974-1976; the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme,
1975-1982; the Regional Seas Programmes of UNEP, 1986, 1988, and
1989-1991; and International Coral Reef Action Network, 2000-2002.
Consultant to National
Geographic Society and other organizations on algae and coral reefs,
Editorial board of Coral
Reef Newsletter, 1973-1980.
Co-editor of special
issue of Atoll Research Bulletin on Comparative Investigations of Tropical
Reef Ecosystems (CITRE) program, 1974.
(1975-1987) and Chairman (1987-1990), Pacific Science Association
Scientific Committee on Ecology, Conservation and Environmental
Organized and directed
the Second Regional Symposium on Conservation of Nature in the South
Pacific, 1976; an Expert Meeting on Coral Reef Monitoring, 1978; technical
meetings on the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, 1977, 1978
and 1981; the ministerial level Conference on the Human Environment in the
South Pacific, 1982; and UNEP symposia on regional co-operation on
protection of the marine environment in the Pacific, 1983 and 1987.
Supervised development
of curriculum materials in environmental education, and directed
production of educational films on island environmental management,
Organizer of regional
and national training courses on environmental planning and management in
the Pacific, 1978-1985.
Member, Commission on
Ecology, World Conservation Union (IUCN), 1979-1994.
Regional co-ordinator
and secretary to the Co-ordinating Group of the South Pacific Regional
Environment Programme, one of the UNEP Regional Seas Programmes,
1980-1982, and consultant to the programme, 1982-1985.
Founding Member of
Council, International Society for Reef Studies, 1980-1983.
Member of Advisory Panel
on Nature Conservation in the Line and Phoenix Islands, 1981-1992.
Member, World Commission
on Protected Areas, IUCN, 1981-present.
Member, IABO Coral Reef
Committee, 1982-1985 and 1990-1993.
Prepared report on
tropical island ecosystems and conservation strategies for Office of
Technology Assessment, United States Congress, 1985.
Consultant to IUCN for a
survey of protected area system requirements in Oceania, 1985-1986.
Chairman of Task Force
on Island Conservation, IUCN Commission on Ecology, 1986-1990.
Prepared world database
and directory of islands for IUCN and UNEP, 1987-1991.
Co-organizer of
mini-symposium at 6th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1988.
Contributed to the
preparation of Agenda 21, the action plan for the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) "Earth Summit" as UNEP
representative on the Oceans Working party and as member of the UNCED
Secretariat, 1990-1992.
Chairman, Technical and
Management Advisory Group of South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation
Programme, 1993-2001.
Member, Programme
Advisory Group, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 1995-1997.
Member, Commission on
Ecosystem Management, International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN), 1998-present.
Created UNEP Islands web
site, 1998-2008:
Director, UNEP Coral
Reef Unit, responsible for UNF/UNFIP International Coral Reef Action
Network projects, 2000-2002.
Chairman, Steering
Committee, International Coral Reef Action Network, 2000-2002. (
Chairman, Scientific
Advisory Committee, National Center for Caribbean Coral Reef Research,
2001-2006. (
Co-leader, Coral Reef
Sub-theme team, Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partnership,
2001-2004. (
Acting Director,
International Coral Reef Action Network, 2002.
Member, Board of
Directors, Global Islands Network, 2002-present. (
Member, Coastal Theme
Team, Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partnership, 2003-2004.
Scientific advisor to
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) for the Coral Reef
Initiative in the South Pacific (CRISP), 2006-2007.
Consultant to United
Nations Environment Programme to review all national environmental
assessment and reporting since 1992, compiling 196 country profiles and
inventory of 1700 reports, and preparation of report for UNEP Governing
Council, 2007-2008.
Partner in EU project
for the Development of Indicators & Assessment Tools for CSO Projects
Promoting Values-based Education for Sustainable Development (2008-2011),
and follow-up partnership, 2011-present
Co-coordinator, IUCN
Thematic Group on Island Ecosystems, 2009-present
Co-coordinator of UNEP
Major Groups and Stakeholders Advisory Group on International
Environmental Governance, 2010-2012,
biodiversity conservation
A preliminary coral reef ecosystem model. Atoll Research Bulletin172:7-36
(1973). (edited with B.C. Patton, S.V. Smith and J.C. Zieman, Jr.)
[Results of a working group of 80 scientists planning a systems model of a
coral reef ecosystem].
Environmental impact on a Samoan coral reef: a resurvey of Mayor's 1917
transect. Pacific Science 31(3):309-319 (1977). (with A. Lamberts)
[Quantitative analysis of changes on a coral reef over 60 years].
Regional ecosystems survey of the South Pacific area. South
Pacific Commission, Noumea. Technical Paper 179. 99 p. (1980).
[Classification and analysis of the distribution of island ecosystems in
The state of the environment in the South Pacific. p. 47-71. In Report
of the Conference on the Human Environment in the South Pacific,
Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 8-11 March 1982. South Pacific Commission,
Noumea, New Caledonia. (with I. Baumgart). Reprinted as UNEP Regional Seas
Reports and Studies No. 31. UNEP, 1983. [Summary of the environmental
problems in the tropical Pacific Islands].
Traditional environmental management in New Caledonia: a review of
existing knowledge. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme,
Topic Review 18. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 17 p. (1985). [Review
of the aspects of traditional island culture concerned with resource
management and the environment].
Review of the protected areas system in Oceania (including Oceania
island list). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources, Gland and Cambridge. 73 + 239 p. (1986). [Summary of the status
of conservation of species and ecosystems on the islands of the South
Pacific, including a more quantitative system for evaluating conservation
importance and human impact].
IUCN/UNEP Island Directory. Regional Seas Directories and
Bibliographies, No. 35, UNEP, Nairobi. 573 p. (1991). [Compiles
geographic, ecological and socio-economic data on some 2,000 islands, with
comparative tables]. Revised electronic version (1998):
Depraetere, Christian, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2007. Unravelling the
puzzling world of islands. Chapter 2 in
G. Baldacchino (ed.), A World of
Islands: An Island Studies Reader. Malta & Canada, Agenda
Academic and Institute of Island Studies, 2007. [provides a geographic
overview of islands in all the world's oceans and their significance for
human settlement and dispersal]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2008. Overview of environmental assessment landscape
at national level: State of state-of-the-environment reporting: Note by
the Executive Director. UNEP/GC.25/INF/12/Add.1, 45 p.
[A review of all national environmental assessment and reporting since
1992, based on 196 country profiles and an inventory of 1700 reports, with
lessons learned]
BIBLIOGRAPHY relevant to biodiversity
Ecological report on
Tutuila, American Samoa. (Report to the Government of American Samoa).
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 13 p.
Ecology and community
structure of some tropical reef algae in Samoa. p. 36-39. In Kazutosi
Nisizawa (ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Seaweed
Symposium. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo.
Benthic algal ecology in a
deep reef and sand habitat off Puerto Rico. Botanica Marina
Ecological report on
American Samoa. (Report to the Government of American Samoa).
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 18 p.
The structure and dynamics
of benthic algae in the coral reef ecosystem. InProceedings of
the Second International Symposium on Coral Reefs 1:21-25. The Great
Barrier Reef Committee, Brisbane, Australia.
A preliminary coral reef
ecosystem model. Atoll Res. Bull. 172:7-36. (edited with B.C.
Patton, S.V. Smith and J.C. Zieman, Jr.)
A comparative survey of
coral reef research sites. Atoll Res. Bull. 172:37-120. (with I.G.
Macintyre and A. Antonius)
South Pacific Commission
environment programme. South Pacific Commission Env. Newsletter
Coral reef surveys. S.
Pac. Commission Env. Newsletter 2:8-10.
The challenge of
preserving the South Pacific environment (Keynote address). In Proceedings
of the South Pacific Conference on National Parks and Reserves.
Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, New Zealand.
Report on conservation
and environmental management to the Government of the Solomon Islands.
South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 11 p.
Ecology and conservation:
the regional dimension. p. 77-79. In K.P. Lamb and J.L. Gressitt (eds.), Ecology
and Conservation in Papua New Guinea. Wau Ecology Institute Pamphlet
No. 2.
Monitoring man's impact on
Pacific Island reefs. In Proceedings: Third International Coral Reef
Symposium 2:571-575. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric
Science, University of Miami, Miami, Florida.
Environmental impact on a
Samoan coral reef: a resurvey of Mayor's 1917 transect. Pac. Sci.
31(3):309-319. (with A. Lamberts)
Environmental and
ecological report on Tonga. Part I: Tongatapu. (Report to the Kingdom
of Tonga). South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 47 p.
Environmental aspects of
project planning in the Pacific region. In Ram C. Malhotra (ed.), Development
Planning in the Pacific Sub-region with Special Reference to Evaluation,
Report of a Workshop held in Apia, Western Samoa. United Nations Asian and
Pacific Development Institute, Bangkok. Vol. V, Chpt. IX, No. 40 (CP.6), 7
p. Reprinted in S. Pac. Bull. 28(2):10-13.
Report on assistance to
Western Samoa with national parks and conservation. (Report to the
Government of Western Samoa). South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 28 p.
Spatial modelling of coral
reefs. Atoll Res. Bull. 220:13-18.
Marine ecosystems and
biotic provinces in the South Pacific area. In Proceedings International
Symposium on Marine Biogeography Southern Hemisphere. New Zealand
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Information Series No.
137. 2:541-546.
Report on marine surveys
of Rarotonga and Aitutaki. (Report to Cook Islands Government). South
Pacific Commission, Noumea. 13 p.
Conservation planning and
environmental monitoring for tourism development. p. 125-128. In D.G. Pearce
(ed.), Tourism in the South Pacific: the contribution of research to
development and planning. Proceedings UNESCO Tourism Workshop. N. Z.
MAB Report 6. Department of Geography, Univ. Canterbury, Christchurch, New
Zealand. Reprinted with revisions in S. Pac. Commission Env. Newsletter
4:22-26 (1982).
Regional ecosystems
survey of the South Pacific area/ Inventaire des écosystèmes de la région
du Pacifique sud. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. Tech. Paper 179.
99 p. (English)/ 105 p. (French).
Monitoring island
ecosystems: an approach for conservation purposes. p. 150-159. In Proceedings
Fourteenth Pacific Science Congress, Khabarovsk, USSR. Reprinted in N.
A. Shilo and A. V. Lozhkin (eds.), Ecology and Environmental Protection
in the Pacific Region. Publishing Office "Nauka", Moscow. p. 110-118.
(with D. Mueller-Dombois)
Story of an island:
managing your island environment (45 min. educational film). South
Pacific Commission, Noumea.
Monitoring coral reefs for
urban impact. Bull. Mar. Sci. 31(3):544-551.
Coral reef monitoring
handbook. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 21 p. Reprinted as
SPC/UNEP, Coral reef monitoring handbook. Reference Methods for
Marine Pollution Studies No. 25. UNEP, 1984. 25 p.
Algal zonation on the
Belize barrier reef, p. 303-306. In G. E. Fogg and W. Eifion Jones (eds.), Proceedings
of the Eighth International Seaweed Symposium. The Marine Science
Laboratories, Menai Bridge (U.K.).
The state of the
environment in the South Pacific. p. 47-71. In Report of the Conference
on the Human Environment in the South Pacific, Rarotonga, Cook
Islands, 8-11 March 1982. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia.
(with I. Baumgart). Reprinted as UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No.
31. UNEP, 1983.
Practical management of
limited resources. p. 43-46. In Unique Island Status: Proceedings of
Pacific Basin Coastal Zone Management Conference. Economic Development
& Planning/Tourism Office, American Samoa Government, Pago Pago.
Gestion traditionnelle et
moderne de l'environnement insulaire oceanien. In Proceedings SEPANRIT
Conference, Noumea, New Caledonia.
Your changing island
environment (25 min. educational film for school use). South Pacific
Commission, Noumea.
Etude preliminaire de
l'impact du projet Ouinné-Pourina sur l'environnement et en particulier
sur le Parc Territorial de la Rivière Bleue. Report to the Service des
Eaux et Forets, New Caledonia. 112 p.
The further development
of national parks and reserves in Western Samoa. (Report to Government
of Western Samoa). South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 7 p.
Biogeographical aspects of
isolation in the Pacific. Ambio 13(5-6):296-301.
Oceania's most pressing
environmental concerns. Ambio 13(5-6):302-305.
Future directions for the
Oceanian Realm. In J.A. McNeely and K.R. Miller (eds,), Proceedings of
the World Congress on National Parks, Bali, Indonesia, October, 1982.
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington.
environmental management in New Caledonia: a review of existing knowledge.
South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Topic Review 18. South Pacific
Commission, Noumea. 17 p.
Tropical island
ecosystems and protection technologies to sustain renewable resources in
U.S.-affiliated islands. Unpublished report to Office of Technology
Assessment, United States Congress. 52 p.
Conservation on small
islands: the human dimension. IUCN Bulletin 16(7-9):88-89.
Status and conservation of
South Pacific coral reefs. In Proceedings Fifth International Coral Reef
Congress, Tahiti, 27 May-1 June 1985. Vol. 6, p. 509-513.
Environment and
Resources in the Pacific: A Regional Approach. Regional Seas Reports
and Studies No. 69. United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva. (volume of
papers edited with J. Carew-Reid).
The potential for
management of island ecosystems, p. 13-17. In A. L. Dahl and J. Carew-Reid
(eds.), Environment and Resources in the Pacific: A Regional Approach.
Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 69. United Nations Environment
Programme, Geneva.
The challenge of
conserving and managing coral reef ecosystems, p. 85-87. In A. L. Dahl and
J. Carew-Reid (eds.), Environment and Resources in the Pacific: A
Regional Approach. Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 69. United
Nations Environment Programme, Geneva.
Adequacy of coverage of
protected areas in Oceania. In Report of the Third South Pacific
National Parks and Reserves Conference, Apia, Western Samoa, Vol. 2,
p. 2-8. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, South Pacific
Commission, Noumea.
Conservation on small
islands: the human dimension. IUCN Bulletin 16(7-9):88-89.
Training materials
for rural environmental management (48 units and supporting
audio-visual materials). South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, South
Pacific Commission, Noumea (unpublished).
Coastal ecosystems and
rapid sea-level rise. The Siren 31:18-22.
Review of the
protected areas system in Oceania (including Oceania island list).
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland
and Cambridge. 73 + 239 p.
The marine environment.
In P.J. Kelley (ed.), Field Work in Ecology for Secondary Schools in
Tropical Countries. Science and Technology Education, Document Series
No. 30. Unesco, Paris, ED-88/WS/47. Reprinted as Field Work in Marine
Ecology for Secondary Schools in Tropical Countries. MARINF/80.
Unesco, Paris, 1990. 90 p.
Traditional environmental
knowledge and resource management in New Caledonia. In R.E. Johannes (ed.),
Traditional Ecological Knowledge: a Collection of Essays. IUCN, Gland
and Cambridge. 64 p.
Are human impacts, either
through traditional or contemporary uses, stabilizing or destabilizing to
reef community structure? In Proceedings Sixth International Coral Reef
Symposium, Vol. 1:63-69. (with Bernard Salvat).
Directory. UNEP Regional Seas Directories and Bibliographies, No. 35,
Nairobi. 573 p.
Regional and
inter-regional co-operation for the protection of the marine and coastal
environment of the Pacific basin, p. vi-viii. In UNEP, Regional
Co-operation on Environmental Protection of the Marine and Coastal Areas
of the Pacific Basin (J.C. Pernetta, ed.). UNEP Regional Seas Reports
and Studies No. 134.
Organizing the global
monitoring of coral reefs. In Proceedings Seventh International Coral
Reef Symposium, Guam, Vol. 1:85-89.
The Large Marine Ecosystem
approach to Regional Seas Action Plans and Conventions: a geographic
perspective, chpt. 2, p. 15-17. In K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold
(eds.), Large Marine Ecosystems: Stress, Mitigation and Sustainability,
AAAS Press, Washington, DC.
Una nueva misión para los
museos de Ciencias Naturales en relación con los cambios ambientales a largo
plazo. Boletín del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino
Rivadavia" Año 3 No. 7, p. 7-9. August 1993 [in Spanish].
Island Directory.
Small Island
Environmental Management Training Course.
environmental management: empowering people with environmental
understanding. Paper presented at the 3rd Conference of the International
Environment Forum cosponsored by the Bahá'í Agency for Social and Economic
Development - United Kingdom (BASED-UK), 15-18 August 1999, Sidcot, United
Monitoring Coral Reefs:
Ecosystems in Crisis. IHDP Newsletter 2/2002, p. 4-5.
Linking science and
indigenous knowledge for community environmental management. Paper presented
at the Seminar on Integrating Science in Local Communities, World Summit on
Sustainable Development, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2
September 2002.
IGOS Coral Reef Sub-theme
Report, Published for Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS)
Partnership by NOAA, Silver Springs, Maryland, USA (with Alan E. Strong and
theme team).
Coral Reefs: An Ecosystem
under Global Stress. Abstract and powerpoint presentation on CD ROM. NEAR
International Conference: The impact of global environmental problems on
continental and coastal marine waters, Geneva, 16-18 July 2003. Abstracts
and presentations. Centre d'études en sciences naturelles de
l'environnement, Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland.
Climate Change: Scientific
and Faith Perspectives. Paper presented at 10th Annual Conference of
International Environment Forum, Oxford, UK, 15-17 September 2006.
Unravelling the puzzling
world of islands. Chapter 2 in G.
Baldacchino (ed.), A World of
Islands: An Island Studies Reader. Malta & Canada, Agenda
Academic and Institute of Island Studies. ISBN: 978-99932-86-10-3/ (with
Christian Depraetere)
Dahl, Arthur
Lyon. 2008e. Overview of environmental assessment landscape at national
level: State of state-of-the-environment reporting: Note by the Executive
Director. UNEP/GC.25/INF/12/Add.1, 45 p.
Podger, Dimity, Georgia
Piggot, Martin Zahradnik, Svatava Janouskova, Ismael Velasco, Tomas Hak,
Arthur Dahl, Alicia Jimenez and Marie K. Harder. 2010. The Earth Charter and
the ESDinds Initiative: Developing Indicators and Assessment Tools for Civil
Society Organizations to Examine the Value and Dimensions of Sustainability
Projects. Journal of Education for
Sustainable Development, 4(2):297-305.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2011b.
Values-based Indicators for Responsible Living. Paper presented at the PERL
International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 14-15 March 2011.
: as a United Nations official from 1989 to 2002, it was not possible to
claim individual authorship for work produced as an international civil
servant and published by the United Nations. However, major contributions
were made to the following publications, among others:
Issues and requirements of
small island countries for sustainable development and environment in
agriculture, forestry and fisheries. FAO AGR:SIC 1. 9 p. (April 1992)
Agriculture, forestry and
fisheries in small island countries within the framework of UNCED Agenda 21.
FAO AGR:SIC 2. 11 p. (April 1992)
Agenda 21, Chapter
17: Oceans and Coastal Areas (1992).