Where the papers are available on the Internet, the links are provided. Other papers are being scanned and made available on this web site. Where an article has been published in a revised form, the DOI is given []; the version linked here is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works.


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1964. Macroscopic algal foods of Littorina planaxis Philippi and Littorina scutulata Gould (Gastropoda: Prosobranchiata). The Veliger 7(2): 139-143. SCANNED PAPER


Neushul, M. and A.L. Dahl. 1967a. Composition and growth of subtidal parvosilvosa from Californian kelp forests. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters. 15:480-488. SCANNED PAPER
Neushul, M., J. Scott, A.L. Dahl and D. Olsen. 1967b. Growth and development of Sciadophycus stellatus Dawson. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 66(3):195-200. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1969a. The ocean - our last resource. World Order 3(2):15:21. Winter 1969. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1969b. The effect of environment on growth and development in Zonaria farlowii. p. 123-132. In Ramon Margalef (ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Seaweed Symposium. Subsecretaria de la Marina Mercante, Direccion General de Pesca Maritima, Madrid. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1969c. The meristematic cell as a developmental unit in the brown alga Zonaria. Eleventh International Botanical Congress, Seattle, Washington. Abstracts, p. 40. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1970. Ecological report on Tutuila, American Samoa. (Report to the Government of American Samoa). Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 13 p. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1971. Development, form and environment in the brown alga Zonaria farlowii (Dictyotales). Botanica Marina 14:76-112. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1972a. Ecology and community structure of some tropical reef algae in Samoa. p. 36-39. In Kazutosi Nisizawa (ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Seaweed Symposium. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1972b. Ecological consequences of immoderation (book review of "Limits to Growth"). World Order 6(4):61-62. SCANNED PAPER
Neushul, Michael, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 1972c. Zonation in the apical cell of Zonaria. Amer. J. Bot. 59:393-400. SCANNED PAPER
Neushul, Michael, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 1972d. Ultrastructural studies of brown algal nuclei. Amer. J. Bot. 59:401-410. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1973a. Biological proportions. Science 181:469. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1973b. Benthic algal ecology in a deep reef and sand habitat off Puerto Rico. Botanica Marina 16:171-175. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1973c. Surface area in ecological analysis: quantification of benthic coral reef algae. Marine Biology 23:239-249. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1973d. Ecological report on American Samoa. (Report to the Government of American Samoa). Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 18 p. SCANNED PAPER DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1974a. The biology of the Rhodophyta (book review). Taxon 23(2/3):391-392. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1974b. The structure and dynamics of benthic algae in the coral reef ecosystem. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Coral Reefs 1:21-25. The Great Barrier Reef Committee, Brisbane, Australia. SCANNED PAPER
Sachet, Marie-Hélène and Arthur L. Dahl (eds). 1974c. Comparative Investigations of Tropical Reef Ecosystems: Background for an integrated coral reef program. Atoll Research Bulletin No. 172, 169 p. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. DOI: 10.5479/si.00775630.172.1 SCANNED PAPER
also available at

Dahl, Arthur L. , Bernie C. Patton, Stephen V. Smith and Jay C. Zieman, Jr. (eds.) 1974d. A preliminary coral reef ecosystem model. Atoll Res. Bull. 172:7-36. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur L., Ian G. Macintyre and Arnfried Antonius. 1974e. A comparative survey of coral reef research sites. Atoll Res. Bull. 172:37-120. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1975a. South Pacific Commission environment programme. South Pacific Commission Env. Newsletter 1:2-13. SCANNED PAPER - SCANNED PAPER IN FRENCH
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1975b. Environmental impact analysis in the Pacific Islands. S. Pac. Commission Env. Newsletter 2:2-4. SCANNED PAPER ENGLISH AND FRENCH
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1975c. Coral reef surveys. S. Pac. Commission Env. Newsletter 2:8-10. SCANNED PAPER ENGLISH AND FRENCH
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1975d. The challenge of preserving the South Pacific environment (Keynote address). In Proceedings of the South Pacific Conference on National Parks and Reserves. Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, New Zealand. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1975e. Report on conservation and environmental management to the Government of the Solomon Islands. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 11 p. plus two annexes of draft legislation SCANNED PAPER - DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1975f. Ecological Report on French Polynesia, submitted to the Government of French Polynesia. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 5 p. Rapport écologique sur la Polynesie française, presenté au Gouvernement de la Polynesie Française. Commission du Pacifique Sud, Nouméa. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1976a. Generation of photosynthetic surface area by coral reef algae. Micronesica 12(1):43-47. SCANNED pdf
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1976b. Ecology and conservation: the regional dimension. p. 77-79. In K.P. Lamb and J.L. Gressitt (eds.), Ecology and Conservation in Papua New Guinea. Wau Ecology Institute Pamphlet No. 2. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1976. Regional Ecosystems Survey of the South Pacific Area, Working Paper 1, SPC/IUCN Second Regional Symposium on Conservation of Nature, Apia, Samoa, 14-17 June 1976. SPC-IUCN/2RSCN/WP1. 104 p. DOWNLOAD PDF Revised and published in 1980 as SPC Tech. Paper 179, see Dahl 1980d.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1976d. Report on the Special Project on the Conservation of Nature, South Pacific Commission, Working Paper 6, SPC/IUCN Second Regional Symposium on Conservation of Nature, Apia, Samoa, 14-17 June 1976. SPC-IUCN/2RSCN/WP6. 7 p. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1977a. Monitoring man's impact on Pacific Island reefs. In Proceedings: Third International Coral Reef Symposium 2:571-575. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, Florida. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1977b. Losing ground (book review). S. Pac. Bull. 27(1):44-45. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, and Austin Lamberts. 1977c. Environmental impact on a Samoan coral reef: a resurvey of Mayor's 1917 transect. Pac. Sci. 31(3):309-319. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1978a. Environmental and ecological report on Tonga. Part I: Tongatapu. (Report to the Kingdom of Tonga). South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 47 p. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1978b. Environmental aspects of project planning in the Pacific region. In Ram C. Malhotra (ed.), Development Planning in the Pacific Sub-region with Special Reference to Evaluation, Report of a Workshop held in Apia, Western Samoa. United Nations Asian and Pacific Development Institute, Bangkok. Vol. V, Chpt. IX, No. 40 (CP.6), 7 p. Reprinted in S. Pac. Bull. 28(2):10-13. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1978c. Report on assistance to Western Samoa with national parks and conservation. (Report to the Government of Western Samoa). South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 28 p. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1978d. Spatial modelling of coral reefs. Atoll Res. Bull. 220:13-19. DOWNLOAD PDF
Also available at


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1979a. Marine ecosystems and biotic provinces in the South Pacific area. In Proceedings International Symposium on Marine Biogeography Southern Hemisphere. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Information Series No. 137. 2:541-546. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1979b. The fragrance of spirituality: an appreciation of the art of Mark Tobey. In The Baha'i World 16:638-645. 1973-1976. DOWNLOAD PDF Reprinted with revisions, p. 32-40, in Arthur L. Dahl et al., Mark Tobey/ Art and Belief. George Ronald, Oxford, 1984. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1979c. Environmental aspects of industrial fisheries development in American Samoa: a case study in training needs. Paper presented at Workshop for Training for Natural Systems Management, Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22 October-2 November 1979. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1980a. Port pollution. S. Pac. Commission Env. Newsletter 3:6-10. SCANNED PAPER - SCANNED PAPER IN FRENCH
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1980b. Report on marine surveys of Rarotonga and Aitutaki. (Report to Cook Islands Government). South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 13 p. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1980c. Conservation planning and environmental monitoring for tourism development. p. 125-128. In D.G. Pearce (ed.), Tourism in the South Pacific: the contribution of research to development and planning. Proceedings UNESCO Tourism Workshop. N. Z. MAB Report 6. Department of Geography, Univ. Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Reprinted with revisions in S. Pac. Commission Env. Newsletter 4:22-26 (1982). SCANNED PAPER - SCANNED PAPER IN FRENCH
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1980d. Regional ecosystems survey of the South Pacific area / Inventaire des écosystèmes de la région du Pacifique sud. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. Tech. Paper 179. 99 p. (English)/ 105 p. (French). DOWNLOAD ENGLISH PDF 24MB
Mueller-Dombois, Dieter, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 1980e. Monitoring island ecosystems: an approach for conservation purposes. p. 150-159. In Proceedings Fourteenth Pacific Science Congress, Khabarovsk, USSR. Reprinted in N. A. Shilo and A. V. Lozhkin (eds.), Ecology and Environmental Protection in the Pacific Region. Publishing Office "Nauka", Moscow. p. 110-118. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1980f. Story of an island: managing your island environment (45 min. educational film). South Pacific Commission, Noumea.


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1981a. Monitoring coral reefs for urban impact. Bull. Mar. Sci. 31(3):544-551. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1981b. Coral reef monitoring handbook. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 21 p. Reprinted as SPC/UNEP, Coral reef monitoring handbook. Reference Methods for Marine Pollution Studies No. 25. UNEP, 1984. 25 p. SCANNED PAPER - SCANNED PAPER IN FRENCH
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1981c. Resources management (abstract), p. 45-46. In Report on the Inshore and Nearshore Resources Training Workshop, Suva, Fiji, 13-17 July 1981. Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas, Technical Secretariat, Suva, Fiji. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1981d. Algal zonation on the Belize barrier reef, p. 303-306. In G. E. Fogg and W. Eifion Jones (eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Seaweed Symposium. Bangor, North Wales, 18-23 August 1974. The Marine Science Laboratories, Menai Bridge (U.K.). DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon, and Ian Baumgart. 1982. The state of the environment in the South Pacific. p. 47-71. In Report of the Conference on the Human Environment in the South Pacific, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 8-11 March 1982. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. Reprinted as UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 31. UNEP, 1983. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1982a. Practical management of limited resources. p. 43-46. In Unique Island Status: Proceedings of Pacific Basin Coastal Zone Management Conference. Economic Development & Planning/Tourism Office, American Samoa Government, Pago Pago. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1982b. Gestion traditionnelle et moderne de l'environnement insulaire oceanien. Presented at SEPANRIT conference, Noumea, New Caledonia. See publication 1984d.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1982c. Your changing island environment (25 min. educational film for school use). South Pacific Commission, Noumea.


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1983a. Etude preliminaire de l'impact du projet Ouinné-Pourina sur l'environnement et en particulier sur le Parc Territorial de la Rivière Bleue. Report to the Service des Eaux et Forets, New Caledonia. 112 p. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1983b. The further development of national parks and reserves in Western Samoa. (Report to Government of Western Samoa). South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 7 p. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1984a. Oceania's most pressing environmental concerns. Ambio 13(5-6):296-301. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1984b. Biogeographical aspects of isolation in the Pacific. Ambio 13(5-6):302-305. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1984c. Future directions for the Oceanian Realm, pp. 359-362. In Jeffrey A. McNeely and Kenton R. Miller (eds), National Parks, Conservation and Development: The Role of Protected Areas in Sustaining Society, Proceedings of the World Congress on National Parks, Bali, Indonesia, 11-22 October, 1982. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1984d. Gestion traditionnelle et moderne de l'environnement insulaire oceanien. In Nature et Hommes dans les îles tropicales: réflexions et exemples, Talence: SEPANRIT,CRET,CEGET-CNRS, pp. 141-144. (Coll. Iles et archipels, n° 3). DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985a. Traditional environmental management in New Caledonia: a review of existing knowledge. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Topic Review 18. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. 17 p. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985b. Tropical island ecosystems and protection technologies to sustain renewable resources in U.S.-affiliated islands. 52 p. Commissioned paper for U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Integrated Renewable Resource Management for U.S. Insular Areas, OTA-F-325. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1987. DOWNLOAD PDF 7.6 mb
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985c. Conservation on small islands: the human dimension. IUCN Bulletin 16(7-9):88-89. SCANNED PAPER or DOWNLOAD PDF (13.7 mb)
Dahl, A.L. and M. Pichon. 1985d. Protection and Conservation of the Reef Environment, A Gamble on the Future. Introduction. Symposium 8. In Proceedings Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, 27 May-1 June 1985. Vol. 4, p. 163. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, A.L. 1985e. Protection and Conservation of the Reef Environment, A Gamble on the Future. Conclusion. Symposium 8. In Proceedings Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, 27 May-1 June 1985. Vol. 4, p. 285. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985f. Status and conservation of South Pacific coral reefs. In Proceedings Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, 27 May-1 June 1985. Vol. 6, p. 509-513. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, and Jeremy Carew-Reid (eds). 1985g. Environment and Resources in the Pacific: A Regional Approach. Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 69. United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985h. The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, p. 3-6. In A. L. Dahl and J. Carew-Reid (eds.), Environment and Resources in the Pacific: A Regional Approach. Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 69. United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985i. The potential for management of island ecosystems, p. 13-17. In A. L. Dahl and J. Carew-Reid (eds.), Environment and Resources in the Pacific: A Regional Approach. Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 69. United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985j. The challenge of conserving and managing coral reef ecosystems, p. 85-87. In A. L. Dahl and J. Carew-Reid (eds.), Environment and Resources in the Pacific: A Regional Approach. Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 69. United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva. SCANNED PAPER - DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985k. Inter-regional co-operation: summary of discussions, p. 287-289. In A. L. Dahl and J. Carew-Reid (eds.), Environment and Resources in the Pacific: A Regional Approach. Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 69. United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985l. Adequacy of coverage of protected areas in Oceania. In Report of the Third South Pacific National Parks and Reserves Conference, Apia, Western Samoa, Vol. 2, p. 2-8. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1985m. Training materials for rural environmental management (48 units and supporting audio-visual materials for Pacific Islands). South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, South Pacific Commission, Noumea (unpublished).
A. Explanation of the training programme DOWNLOAD PDF
B. Sensitization to environmental problems DOWNLOAD PDF
C. Basic resources DOWNLOAD PDF
D. Principles of ecology and resource management DOWNLOAD PDF
E. Traditional environmental management DOWNLOAD PDF
F. The human habitat DOWNLOAD PDF
G. Managing the local environment DOWNLOAD PDF
H. Techniques for research and monitoring DOWNLOAD PDF
I. Assessment of development projects DOWNLOAD PDF
J. Communicating knowledge to others DOWNLOAD PDF
K. Use and evaluation of the training materials DOWNLOAD PDF
[an updated version for all rural areas is at Dahl 2008g]


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1986a. Coastal ecosystems and rapid sea-level rise. The Siren 31:18-22.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1986b. Review of the protected areas system in Oceania (including Oceania island list). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland and Cambridge. 73 + 239 p. DOWNLOAD PDF IN SIX PARTS PDF1, PDF2, PDF3, PDF4, PDF5, PDF6.
Dahl, A.L. 1986c. Special problems in coastal-zone management on tropical islands (Abstract). Program of the IV International Congress of Ecology, Syracuse, New York, 10-16 August 1986, p. 126. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, A.L. 1986d. Coral reef management for a rapid rise in sea-level (Abstract). Program of the IV International Congress of Ecology, Syracuse, New York, 10-16 August 1986, p. 126. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1988a. Les perspectives baha'ies sur la nature et l'environnement. La Pensée Baha'ie, 103:9-18, Eté 1988. Issued by the Bahá'í International Community in 1986 as A Bahá'í Perspective on Nature and the Environment
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1988b. The marine environment, pp. 71-134. In P.J. Kelley (ed.), Field Work in Ecology for Secondary Schools in Tropical Countries. Science and Technology Education, Document Series No. 30. Unesco, Paris, ED-88/WS/47. Reprinted as Field Work in Marine Ecology for Secondary Schools in Tropical Countries. MARINF/80. Unesco, Paris, 1990. 90 p. DOWNLOAD PDF (58 MB)
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, (ed.). 1988c. Co-operation for Environmental Protection in the Pacific. Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 97. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. 293 p. DOWNLOAD PDF (contents)
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1988d. The need for and potentials of inter-regional co-operation. In UNEP, Co-operation for Environmental Protection in the Pacific. (A.L. Dahl, ed.) Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 97: 283-285. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1988e. Discussion on inter-regional co-operation (summary). In UNEP, Co-operation for Environmental Protection in the Pacific. (A.L. Dahl, ed.) Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 97:287-289. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1988f. Ressources côtières, reserves marines et tourisme aux Comores. Rapport preliminaire d'une mission OMT/PNUD à la République Fédérale Islamique des Comores, 12‑26 Décembre 1988. (in French) PAPER IN HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1988g. Vanuatu National Conservation Strategy, Phase 1, Prospectus. Report from IUCN to the Government of Vanuatu, 19 September 1988. PAPER IN HTML


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1989a. Traditional environmental knowledge and resource management in New Caledonia. In R.E. Johannes (ed.), Traditional Ecological Knowledge: a Collection of Essays. IUCN, Gland and Cambridge. 64 p. DOWNLOAD PDF, PAPER IN HTML 
Dahl, Arthur Lyon and Bernard Salvat. 1989b. Are human impacts, either through traditional or contemporary uses, stabilizing or destabilizing to reef community structure? In Proceedings Sixth International Coral Reef Symposium, Vol. 1:63-69. DOWNLOAD PDF
Loubersac, L., A.L. Dahl, P. Collotte, O. Lemaire, L. d'Ozouville and A. Grotte. 1989c. Impact assessment of Cyclone Sally on the almost-atoll of Aitutaki (Cook Islands) by remote sensing. In Proceedings Sixth International Coral Reef Symposium, Vol. 2:455-462. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1990. Unless and Until: a Baha'i focus on the environment. Baha'i Publishing Trust, London. 96 p. [also published in Azerbaijani, Russian, Spanish and Italian (as Ecoesperanza)] DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1991a. IUCN/UNEP Island Directory. UNEP Regional Seas Directories and Bibliographies, No. 35. Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme. 573 p. Web-based version at
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1991b. Regional and inter-regional co-operation for the protection of the marine and coastal environment of the Pacific basin, p. vi-viii. In UNEP, Regional Co-operation on Environmental Protection of the Marine and Coastal Areas of the Pacific Basin (J.C. Pernetta, ed.). UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 134. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1991c. The world order of nature, p. 161-174. In Charles Lerche (ed.), Emergence: Dimensions of a New World Order. Baha'i Publishing Trust, London. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1992a. International conference on 'Antarctica, the Environment and the Future', held in the University of Geneva, Switzerland, during 23 & 24 April 1992. Environmental Conservation 19(3):280-281. DOI: [Meeting report] DOWNLOAD PDF (incomplete) Link to journal
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1992b. Organizing the global monitoring of coral reefs. In Proceedings Seventh International Coral Reef Symposium, Guam, Vol. 1:85-89. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1992c. UNCED and small islands. The Siren 47:19-20. September/December 1992. (English and French). SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1992d. Application of the LME approach within regional seas areas. Workshop summary p. 14 in Kenneth Sherman and Thomas L. Laughlin (eds), The Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) Concept and Its Application to Regional Marine Resource Management, 1-6 October 1990, Monaco: Conference Summary and Recommendations. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/NEC-91, U.S. Department of Commerce, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, October 1992. SCANNED PAPER
Issues and requirements of small island countries for sustainable development and environment in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. FAO AGR:SIC 1. 9 p. (April 1992) DOWNLOAD PDF - TELECHARGE PDF EN FRANCAIS
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries in small island countries within the framework of UNCED Agenda 21. FAO AGR:SIC 2. 11 p. (April 1992) DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1993a. The Large Marine Ecosystem approach to Regional Seas Action Plans and Conventions: a geographic perspective, chpt. 2, p. 15-17. In K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold (eds.), Large Marine Ecosystems: Stress, Mitigation and Sustainability, AAAS Press, Washington, DC. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1993b. Una nueva misión para los museos de Ciencias Naturales en relación con los cambios ambientales a largo plazo. Boletín del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" Año 3 No. 7, p. 7-9. August 1993 [in Spanish] SCANNED PAPER.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1993c. Les valeurs écologiques, p. 61-66. In La société a-t-elle besoin des valeurs éthiques, morales, spirituelles? Recueil des conférences, Association d'Etudes Baha'ies - Europe Francophone, Neuvième rencontre les 27 et 28 mars 1993 à l'Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales, Genève, Suisse. [in French] DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1993d. Land-based pollution and integrated coastal management. In Lee Kimball (ed.), UNCED's marine agenda: the challenges of implementation. Marine Policy 17(6):561-572, special issue, November 1993. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1993e. Environnement: Patrimoine de l'Humanite [book review]. The Journal of Baha'i Studies 5(4):77-82. December 1993-March 1994.  PDF  SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1993f. Planting seeds: personal reflections on the importance of small beginnings. Herald of the South 37:42-43. October-December 1993. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1993g. Environmental and sustainable development indicators: some points for discussion. Paper presented at UNEP/UNSTAT Consultative Expert Group Meeting on Environmental and Sustainable Development Indicators, Geneva, 6-8 December 1993. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1993h. Preface to Farlan Carré, La Fin du Monopole de la Richesse. Geneva, Editions Nicholas Junod. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1994a. Social crises and their connections to global environmental problems. Seminar at Ukranian Academy of Sciences for National Progress, Institute for Spiritual Foundations of World Civilization, Kiev, 16-19 May 1994. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1994b. Ecological models of social organization: a Baha'i perspective. In Irena Hanousková, Miloslav Lapka and Eva Cudlínová (eds.), Ecology and Democracy: The Challenge of the 21st Century. Proceedings of the First International Conference, 6-9 September 1994, Ceske Budejowice, Full Abstracts. Ceske Budejowice, Czech Republic, NEBE s.r.o., 1994. PAPER IN HTML or SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1994c. Global sustainability and its implications for trade, p. 87-89. In Papers Presented at the GATT Symposium on Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development, GATT Trade and Environment Bulletin 009. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1995a. The Bahá'í approach: moderation in civilization. Paper presented at Colloquium on Ecology, Ethics, Spiritualities. Klingenthal, France, 27-29 October 1995. PAPER IN HTML or (Proceedings published in 1997)
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1995b. Opening address, p. 25-26; summary of presented paper "Towards indicators of sustainability", p. 50-51; and Framework of sustainability issues from Agenda 21, p. 57-58. In Suzanne Billharz and Bedrich Moldan (eds), Report of the SCOPE Scientific Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development, Wuppertal, Germany, 15-17 November 1995. Charles University Environment Centre, Prague. PAPER IN HTML or Towards indicators of sustainability [full paper]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1995c. The role of indicators in decision-making (Discussion paper by UNEP and DPCSD), p. 11 and Annex III. In Nadine Gouzee, Bernard Mazijn and Suzan Billharz (eds), Indicators of Sustainable Development for Decision-Making. Report of the Workshop of Ghent, Belgium, 9-11 January 1995, submitted to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. Federal Planning Office of Belgium, Brussels. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1995d. The moral dimension of sustainable consumption, p. 59-61. In Report of UNEP-ROE Roundtable Discussions on Sustainable Production and Consumption in Europe, Geneva, 22-23 November 1995. UNEP Regional Office for Europe, Geneva. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1996a. Spiritual Dimensions of Sustainable Development. Paper presented at Workshop on Sustainable Development and International Cooperation, Bucharest, Romania, 22-23 March 1996. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1996b. Earthwatch: an introduction to the UN system-wide coordination of environmental observation, p. 33-36. In W. Schröder. A. Fränzle, H. Keune and P. Mandy (eds), Global Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems. Ernst and Sohn, Berlin. SCANNED PAPER
Miller, Roberta Balstad, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 1996c. Data for global change: discussion group. In Global Change, Local Challenge. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme, Third Scientific Symposium, Proceedings, Vol. 1., p. 57-58. HDP Report No. 8, Geneva. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1996d. Measuring the unmeasurable. Our Planet 8(1): 29-33. SCANNED PAPER ENGLISH AND FRENCH
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1996e. Initial Implementation of the clearing house mechanism. Annex IV, p. 33-57 in Report of the Technical Meeting on the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities Clearing-house, Geneva, 26-27 September 1996. UNEP(WATER)/LBA/C-H.1
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1996f. The ECO Principle: Ecology and Economics in Symbiosis. Zed Books Ltd, London and New Jersey, and George Ronald, Oxford. 174 p. (also published in Portuguese and Spanish) (ORDER THE BOOK or download as pdf)


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997. Baha'i Approach: Moderation in Civilization/L'Approche baha'i: Moderation dans la civilisation (summary of the presentation), p. 74-75. In Jean-Pierre Ribaut and Marie-José Del Rey (eds), The Earth Under Care: spiritual and cultural approaches to the challenges for a sustainable planet / L'Usufruit de la Terre: Courants spirituels et culturels face aux défis de la sauvegarde de la planète. Proceedings of Colloquy on Ecology, Ethics, Spiritualities (Klingenthal, 25-27 October 1995). Dossier 73, Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l'Homme, Paris. (French and English versions) Full paper at PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997a. The ecology of economics. International Environment Forum web site. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997b. The Baha'i Faith: a future oriented religion. Future Generations Journal 22(1): 15-17. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997c. Environmental Protection. The Bahá'í Perspective. Naturopa 83: 14. (English, French, German) PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997d. Sustainable development and the environment of the world: an overview. Paper presented at the International Baha'i Environment Conference, de Poort, Netherlands, 24-26 October 1997. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997e. The Baha'i Perspective on Water. Paper presented at the Second Klingenthal Symposium: Water (Klingenthal, France, 26-30 November 1997) PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997f. New orientations in socio-economic approaches to water. Paper presented at the Second Klingenthal Symposium: Water (Klingenthal, France, 26-30 November 1997) PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997g. "The Big Picture: Comprehensive Approaches - Introduction." Chapter 2, p. 69-83 in Bedrich Moldan, Suzanne Billharz and Robyn Matravers (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Report on the Project on Indicators of Sustainable Development. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, SCOPE 58. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997h. "From concept to indicator: dimensions expressed as vectors." Box 2H, p. 125-127 in Bedrich Moldan, Suzanne Billharz and Robyn Matravers (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Report on the Project on Indicators of Sustainable Development. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, SCOPE 58. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997i. The Black Sea Declaration. Prepared as rapporteur for the Religion, Science and the Environment Symposium II: The Black Sea in Crisis, under the auspices of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, and His Excellency Mr Jacques Santer, President of the European Commission, 20-28 September 1997. PAPER IN HTML


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1998a. Soil in the Baha'i Faith. Paper presented at Klingenthal III: Soil, Cultures and Spiritualities (Sol, Cultures et Spiritualités (Klingenthal, France, 6-10 May 1998) PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1998b. Globalization and the Environment. Paper presented at the International Seminar of the International Jacques Maritain Institute, "Globalization: a Challenge for Peace - Solidarity or Exclusion?", Milan, 29-31 October 1998. (Published in 2001, see 2001d). PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1998c. Sustainable consumption and true prosperity. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of the Environment Forum, 6-8 November, 1998, De Poort, The Netherlands. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1998d. Spiritual dimensions of sustainable development. Global Dialogue on Microfinance and Human Development, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-3 April 1998, European Baha'i Business Forum. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1998e. Island Directory.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1998f. Small Island Environmental Management Training Course.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1998g. IGOS from the perspective of the Global Observing Systems and their Sponsors, p. 92-94 in Proceedings for the 27th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Information for Sustainability (Tromso, Norway, 8-12 June 1998). SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1998h. Civilization Under Threat. Herald of the South 49(3): 4-9. July-September 1998. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1999a. Living within environmental limits: implications of Baha'i principles for sustainable development. Paper presented at the 3rd Conference of the International Environment Forum cosponsored by the Bahá'í Agency for Social and Economic Development - United Kingdom (BASED-UK), 15-18 August 1999, Sidcot, United Kingdom. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1999b. Community-based environmental management: empowering people with environmental understanding. Paper presented at the 3rd Conference of the International Environment Forum cosponsored by the Bahá'í Agency for Social and Economic Development - United Kingdom (BASED-UK), 15-18 August 1999, Sidcot, United Kingdom. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1999c. The Baha'i approach to trees and forest. Paper presented at Klingenthal IV: Trees and Forest - L'Arbre et la Forêt, Klingenthal, Alsace, France, 22-26 September 1999. (Summary published in French in 2001) PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1999d. When is enough, enough? Sustainable Consumption and True Prosperity. Herald of the South 50(3): 22-23. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1999e. La vision baha'i de l'eau (The Baha'i perspective on water), p. 55-57. In Marie-France Caïs, Marie-José Del Rey and Jean-Pierre Ribaut (eds.), L'eau et la vie: enjeux, perspectives et visions interculturelles. Proceedings of the Second Klingenthal Symposium: Water (Klingenthal, France, 26-30 November 1997). Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer, Paris, Dossier pour un débat no. 97. (in French, for English see PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1999f. Les nouvelles valeurs des approches socio-économiques (New orientations in socio-economic approaches to water), p. 89-91. In Marie-France Caïs, Marie-José Del Rey and Jean-Pierre Ribaut (eds.), L'eau et la vie: enjeux, perspectives et visions interculturelles. Proceedings of the Second Klingenthal Symposium: Water (Klingenthal, France, 26-30 November 1997). Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer, Paris, Dossier pour un débat no. 97. (in French, for English see PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1999g. Global Observations: Responding to User Needs. Paper presented at Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Into the New Millennium, IGOS Partnership Forum during the UNISPACE III Conference, Vienna, Austria, 21 July 1999. PAPER IN HTML


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2000a. Applying the Baha'i Teachings to the environmental challenges facing the world. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Environment Forum, organized jointly with the Social and Economic Development Seminar for the Americas, 12-14 December 2000, Orlando, Florida, USA. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2000b. Using indicators to measure sustainability: recent methodological and conceptual developments. Marine and Freshwater Research 51(5): 427-433. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2000c. "Baha'isme", p. 47-49. In Élisabeth Bourguinat and Jean-Pierre Ribaut, L'arbre et la forêt: du symbolisme culturel à... l'agonie programmée. Proceedings of the Fourth Klingenthal Symposium (Klingenthal, France, 22-26 September 1999). Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer, Paris, Dossier pour un débat no. 111. (in French, for English see PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon and Linda V. Moodie. 2000d. IGOS and the Conventions. IGOS Bulletin 3: 4. September 2000. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2001a. The Baha'i attitude towards animals. Paper presented at Klingenthal V: Animals and Fauna, Klingenthal, France, 4-8 July 2001. (Summary published in French in 2003, see 2003a). PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2001b. Values as the foundation for sustainable behaviour. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference of the International Environment Forum, 19-21 October 2001, Hluboka nad Vltavou, Czech Republic. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2001c. From Stockholm via Rio to Johannesburg: Thirty years of international action on environment and sustainable development. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference of the International Environment Forum, 19-21 October 2001, Hluboka nad Vltavou, Czech Republic. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2001d. "Globalizzazione ed impatto ambientale", p. 159-165. In Roberto Papini (ed.), Globalizzazione: Solidarieta o Esclusione? Proceedings of the International Seminar of the International Jacques Maritain Institute, "Globalization: a Challenge for Peace - Solidarity or Exclusion?", Milan, 29-31 October 1998. Roberto Papini, ed., Naples, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2001. (in Italian) English version at: PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2001e. Le sol dans le bahaïsme (Soil in the Baha'i Faith), p. 151-156. In Rabah Lahmar and Jean-Pierre Ribaut (eds.), Sols et sociétés: regards pluriculturels. Proceedings of the Third Klingenthal Symposium: Soil, Cultures and Spiritualities (Klingenthal, France, 6-10 May 1998). Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer, Paris, Dossier pour un débat no. 116. PAPER IN HTML or
Kaly, Ursula, Craig Pratt, Elizabeth Khaka, Arthur Dahl, Lino Briguglio and Emma Sale-Mario. 2001f. Globalising the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI): Proceedings of the EVI Globalisation Meeting, 27-29 August 2001, Geneva, Switzerland. SOPAC Technical Report 345, 54 p., 3 appendices, 14 tables. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2001g. Global Environmental Approaches. Paper presented at the Environment 2001 Conference, Abstracts, p. 20 (Abu Dhabi, 4-8 February 2001). SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2001h. Global initiatives in support of remote sensing and GIS. Paper presented at the Environment 2001 Conference, Abstracts, p. 48 (Abu Dhabi, 4-8 February 2001). SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2001i. Preface, p. x-xii In Foad Katirai, Global Governance and the Lesser Peace. Oxford, George Ronald. SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2001j. Interview in Coastal Discovery, Journal of the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, p. 11-13. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2002a. Usefulness of Indicators for Sustainability. Paper presented at the Dialogue on Indicators for Sustainability, Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, 27 August 2002. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2002b. Linking science and indigenous knowledge for community environmental management. Paper presented at the Seminar on Integrating Science in Local Communities, World Summit on Sustainable Development, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2 September 2002. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2002c. Environmental and Ecological Dimensions of Globalization. Paper presented at the Seminar on Multiple Dimensions of Globalization, World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, 3 September 2002. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2002d. IGOS Coral Reef Theme. Reef Encounter 31:25-26 (March 2002). DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2002e. Monitoring Coral Reefs: Ecosystems in Crisis. IHDP Newsletter 2/2002, p. 4-5. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2002f. The Challenge of Sustainable Development and Prosperity. Paris, European Baha'i Business Forum, 2002. (also translated into French and Bulgarian). PAPER IN HTML or DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, and Alan E. Strong. 2002g. Coral Reefs: a New IGOS Sub-theme. IGOS Bulletin 7, November 2002. (English and French). DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2002h. The Environment and the Lesser Peace, p. 79-106. In Babak Bahador and Nazila Ghanea, eds., Processes of the Lesser Peace. Oxford, George Ronald. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon and Sylvia Karlsson. 2002i. It's time to broaden the debate. Opinion Article, Science and Development Network, 17 June 2002. PAPER IN HTML
Barde, Jean-Philippe, Marie-José del Rey and Jean-Pierre Ribaut (eds) with the participation of Mgr Henri Derouet, Gérard Pigault, Lukas Vischer, Gaël Bordet, Ch.-Alexandre Kiss, Jean-Pierre Prod'homme, Mgr René Coste, Norbert Lipszyc, P. Pascal Roux, Arthur Lyon Dahl, Joseph Maïla. 2002j. Développement durable et devenir de l'homme : un enjeu pour la paix. Etude entreprise par le groupe de travail “Paix, Ecologie et Développement durable” du Centre de Recherche sur la Paix de l'Institut Catholique de Paris. 198 p. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2003a. "Baha'isme", p. 50-53. In Élisabeth Bourguinat and Jean-Pierre Ribaut, Des animaux pour quoi faire? Approches interculturelles, interreligieuses, interdisciplinaires. Proceedings of the Fifth Klingenthal Colloquium (Klingenthal, France, 4-8 July 2001). Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer, Paris, Dossier pour un débat no. 132. (in French, summary of the English paper PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Alan E. Strong and theme team. 2003b. IGOS Coral Reef Sub-theme Report, Published for Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partnership by NOAA, Silver Springs, Maryland, USA. DOWNLOAD PDF or PAPER IN HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2003c. Social Sciences and the International Advisory and Assessment Process. Summary, p.3 in S. Karlsson, Report of the Special Session on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research and the Global Science Policy Interface. ISSC CD ROM of the Vienna Conference: Social Science at the Crossroads. Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Social Policy in the 21st Century. International Social Science Council, Paris. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2003d. Coral Reefs: An Ecosystem under Global Stress. Abstract and powerpoint presentation on CD ROM. NEAR International Conference: The impact of global environmental problems on continental and coastal marine waters, Geneva, 16-18 July 2003. Abstracts and presentations. Centre d'études en sciences naturelles de l'environnement, Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon and Jeff Tschirley. 2003e. The IGOS partnership and emerging themes: A review of strategic choices and areas of concentration. Paper submitted by FAO to IGOS Partners meeting, October 2003. DOWNLOAD DOC
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2003f. Spiritualité et écologie, unité dans la diversité, p. 45-55. In Frédéric Paul Piguet (ed.), Approches Spirituelles de l'Écologie. Editions Charles Léopold Mayer, Paris, DD 134 (in French). SCANNED PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2003g. L'environnement sous haute pression : perspectives internationales pour la décennie à venir. Paper presented at Colloque des 10 ans de l'ISIGE, Fontainebleau, France. Institut Supérieur d'ingénierie et de Gestion de l'Environnement. SCANNED PAPER


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2004a. Science and values as complementary foundations for consumer citizenship. Paper presented at First International Conference of the Consumer Citizenship Network, UNESCO, Paris, 1-2 March 2004. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2004b. Leading the Transition to Sustainability: Global Challenges and Individual Action. Keynote paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the International Environment Forum, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-17 October 2004. Abstract and powerpoint: PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2004c. Environmental dimensions of sustainable lifestyles. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the International Environment Forum, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-17 October 2004. Outline and powerpoint: PAPER IN HTML or
Karlsson, Sylvia and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2004d. Measuring Sustainable Lifestyles and Sustainability. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the International Environment Forum, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-17 October 2004. Outline and powerpoint: PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2004e. The competitive edge in environmental responsibility, p. 103-110. In Michael E. Porter, Klaus Schwab, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Augusto Lopez-Claros, The Global Competitiveness Report 2004-2005. World Economic Forum. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmill, UK and New York. SCANNED PAPER - DOWNLOAD PDF
Alder, Jackie, Arthur Dahl, Ursula Kaly, Jonathan Mitchell, Ned Norton, Craig Pratt, and Michael Witter. 2004f. Report on the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) Think Tank II. Suva, Fiji, 4-6 October 2004. SOPAC Preliminary Report 149; Technical Report 377. South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission, Suva, Fiji, October 2004. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, and Augusto Lopez-Claros. 2004g. Environmental Responsibility: Good for Business? op ed piece published in O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 29 December 2004, and other third world newspapers (in Portuguese) DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2005a. Good Governance and Competitiveness. Paper presented at the International Sustainability Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 12-14 October 2005. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2005b. Baha'i Faith and the United Nations, p. 153-154. In Bron R. Taylor et al. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. London and New York: Thoemmes Continuum. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2005c. Brown, Vinson (1912-1991), p. 227. In Bron R. Taylor et al. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. London and New York: Thoemmes Continuum. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2005d. Klingenthal Symposia, p. 964-965. In Bron R. Taylor et al. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. London and New York: Thoemmes Continuum. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2005e. Men of the Trees (East Africa), p. 1081. In Bron R. Taylor et al. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. London and New York: Thoemmes Continuum. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2005f. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), p. 1770-1771. In Bron R. Taylor et al. (eds), The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. London and New York: Thoemmes Continuum. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2005g. A Challenge for Visionary Leaders (editorial). Inspire, No. 3, August 2005. European Baha'i Business Forum. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2005h. Advisor for World Economic Forum to: Esty, Daniel C., Marc A. Levy, Tanja Srebotnjak, and Alexander de Sherbinin. 2005. 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index: Benchmarking National Environmental Stewardship. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy. DOWNLOAD PDF


DiGiacomo, Paul, Liana Talaue-McManus, Thorkild Aarup, Eric Bayler, Robert Christian, Arthur Dahl, Daniel DeLisle, Michael Hales, Julie Hall, Victor Camacho-Ibarra, Sin-Iti Iwasaki, Hiroshi Kawamura, Nicole Lenôtre, Tom Malone, Shailesh Nayak, Andreas Neumann, and Peter Regner. 2006. A Coastal Theme for the IGOS Partnership: For the Monitoring of our Environment from Space and from Earth. Report of the Coastal Theme Team, Integrated Global Observing Strategy, January 2006. IOC Information Document No. 1220. Paris: UNESCO. 60 p. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2006a. Scientific Foundations for Commitment and Consistency. In Declan Doyle (ed.), Consumer Citizenship: Promoting New Responses, Vol. 2: Catalyzing Change , p. 25-32. Consumer Citizenship Network, Hedmark University College, Hamar, Norway. (also in conference proceedings 2007k) PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2006b. Climate Change: Scientific and Faith Perspectives. Paper presented at 10th Annual Conference of International Environment Forum, Oxford, UK, 15-17 September 2006. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, and Augusto Lopez-Claros. 2006c. The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the Economic Competitiveness and Social Development of Taiwan, p. 107-118, in Soumitra Dutta, Augusto Lopez-Claros and Irene Mia (eds.) The Global Information Technology Report 2005-2006: Leveraging ICT for Development. INSEAD/World Economic Forum. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2006d. Role of Business in Tomorrow's Society (news article). Inspire, No. 7, March 2006. European Baha'i Business Forum. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2006e. Indicators of sustainability: reliable tools for decision making. UNESCO-SCOPE Policy Briefs No. 1, May 2006. Paris: UNESCO-SCOPE [collective authorship under my leadership] DOWNLOAD PDF (5mb)


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2007a. Climate Change and its Ethical Challenges, p. 157-172. In The Baha'i World 2005-2006: An International Record. Haifa: Baha'i World Centre. PAPER IN HTML or Posted online by The Bahá'í World:
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2007b. Ethical Challenges of Climate Change. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the International Environment Forum, Ottawa, Canada, 12-14 October 2007. PAPER IN HTML or
Depraetere, Christian, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2007c. Island Locations and Classifications. Chapter 2, pp. 57-105 In Godfrey Baldacchino (ed.), A World of Islands: An Island Studies Reader. Malta & Canada, Agenda Academic and Institute of Island Studies. ISBN: 978-99932-86-10-3 DOWNLOAD PDF (16mb)
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2007d. Business, Sustainable Development and Prosperity - Part I. Inspire, Issue 12, and Business, Sustainable Development and Prosperity - Part II. Inspire, Issue 13. DOWNLOAD PDF
Hak, Tomas, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds). 2007e. Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press, 413 p. DOWNLOAD PDF
Moldan, Bedrich, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2007f. Challenges to sustainability indicators. Chapter 1, pp. 1-24, In Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press. DOWNLOAD PDF
Karlsson, Sylvia, Arthur Lyon Dahl, Reinette (Oonsie) Biggs, Ben J.E. ten Brink, Edgar Gutiérrez-Espeleta, Mohd Nordin Hj. Hasan, Gregor Laumann, Bedrich Moldan, Ashbindu Singh, Joachim Spangenberg, and David Stanners. 2007g. Meeting Conceptual Challenges. Chapter 2, pp. 27-48, In Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2007h. Introduction to Part II, General Approaches, pp. 81-82. In Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2007i . Introduction to Part III, Methodological Approaches, pp. 125-126. In Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2007j. Integrated Assessment and Indicators. Chapter 10, pp. 163-176 In Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2007k. Introduction to Part IV, System and Sectoral Approaches, pp. 189-191. In Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2007l. Scientific Foundations for Commitment and Consistency, p. 220-224. In Dag Tangen and Victoria W. Thoresen (eds.), Catalyzing Change. Proceedings of the Third International Conference of The Consumer Citizenship Network, Hamar (Norway) 2006. Høgskolen i Hedmark, Oppdragsrapport nr. 4 - 2007. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2007m. The Spirit of Agriculture (book review), p. 93-96. The Journal of Baha'i Studies 15:1/4, March-December 2005.  or PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2008a. The ethical challenges of global change as a motivator for consumer citizenship, p. 21-32. In Alexandra Klein and Victoria W. Thoresen (eds.), Assessing Information as Consumer Citizens. Consumer Citizenship: Promoting New Responses, Vol. 4. Hedmark College, Hamar, Norway, Consumer Citizenship Network. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Consumer Citizenship Network, Tallinn, Estonia, 5-6 May 2008. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2008b. Les problèmes de l'environnement et les solutions bahá'íes. La Pensée Bahá'íe. Pour un développement vraiment durable. Spring 2008, No. 149/150, p. 18-33. (in French) PAPER IN HTML or DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2008c. Science and Religion in the Climate Change Debate: Case Study of the Baha'i Community. Paper presented at the conference on Ethics and Climate Change: Scenarios for Justice and Sustainability, Padova, Italy, 23-25 October 2008. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2008d. Preventing Overshoot and Collapse: Managing the Earth's Resources. Paper prepared on the introductory theme of the 2008 UNEP/University of Geneva/Graduate Institute Environmental Diplomacy Course, August 2008. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2008e. Overview of environmental assessment landscape at national level: State of state-of-the-environment reporting: Note by the Executive Director. UNEP/GC.25/INF/12/Add.1, 45 p. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2008f. Environment as a Factor for Peace, p. 230-232. In Takehiro Togo and Negoslav P. Ostojic (eds), National Reconciliation, Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Confessional Tolerance in the Balkans: Reconciliation and Human Security. Proceedings of the Fourth ECPD International Conference, Miločer, Montenegro, 30-31 October 2008. Belgrade, European Center for Peace and Development, 2009. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2008g. Rural Environmental Management: A do-it-yourself course and training programme. 48 units. International Environment Forum.
[updated and expanded for general use from Dahl 1985m]


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2009a. The response to climate change from the Baha'i community. Presented at International Science Conference, Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges & Decisions, Copenhagen, 10-12 March 2009. International Alliance of Research Universities. University of Copenhagen. Abstract Book 57.22. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6 572039 doi:10.1088/1755-1307/6/7/572039 Full paper: PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2009b. The financial crisis and consumer citizenship, p. 23-33. In Alexandra Klein and Victoria W. Thoresen (eds), Making a Difference: Putting Consumer Citizenship into Action. Consumer Citizenship: Promoting New Responses Vol. 5. Hedmark University College, Norway. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference of the Consumer Citizenship Network, Technical University of Berlin, 23-24 March 2009. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2009c. Transforming Environments from the Inside Out. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the International Environment Forum/Association of Baha'i Studies - North America 33rd Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, 13-16 August 2009. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2009d. Financial Crisis and the Green Economy. Paper prepared on the introductory theme of the 2009 UNEP/University of Geneva/Graduate Institute Environmental Diplomacy Course, August 2009. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2009e. Human Security and Climate Change: The Ethical Challenge, pp. 124-131. In Takehiro Togo and Negoslav P. Ostojic (eds), National and Inter-ethnic Reconciliation, Religious Tolerance and Human Security in the Balkans. Proceedings of the Fifth ECPD International Conference, Brioni Islands, Croatia, 29-30 October 2009. Belgrade: European Center for Peace and Development, 2010. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2009f. Environment and Globalization, p. 88-98. In Samir Dasgupta (ed.), Understanding the Global Environment. Delhi: Pearson Education. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2010a. Climate Ethics and the Copenhagen Summit. International Environment Forum, PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2010b. The Constraints of UNEP and International Environmental Law to Respond Effectively to the Victims of Climate Change. Paper presented at the seminar "Human Rights? An approach to respond to the challenges of climate change", World Council of Churches, Geneva, 1 October 2010. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2010c. Interstate Collaboration for Human Security: The Lessons From Copenhagen, pp. 59-61. In Takehiro Togo and Negoslav P. Ostojic (eds), National and Inter-ethnic Reconciliation, Religious Tolerance and Human Security in the Balkans: Human Security Concept Implementation. Proceedings of the 6th ECPD International Conference, Brioni Islands, Croatia, 28-29 October 2010. Belgrade: European Center for Peace and Development, 2011. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2010d. Life: A Systems Approach - Reflections on Multiple Dimensions of Sustainability. Inaugural Professorial Lecture, University of Brighton, Thursday 16 December 2010, presented during the 14th IEF Conference. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2010e. L'argent et la spiritualité : une perspective bahá'íe. La Pensée Bahá'íe, N° 153/154, Printemps 2010, p. 37-42. (in French) DOWNLOAD PDF
Podger, Dimity, Georgia Piggot, Martin Zahradnik, Svatava Janouskova, Ismael Velasco, Tomas Hak, Arthur Dahl, Alicia Jimenez and Marie K. Harder. 2010f. The Earth Charter and the ESDinds Initiative: Developing Indicators and Assessment Tools for Civil Society Organizations to Examine the Values Dimensions of Sustainability Projects. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 4(2):297-305. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2010g. Bedrich Moldan and Indicators of Sustainable Development, pp. 19-21. In Jana Dlouhá, Jirí Dlouhy and Tomás Hák, eds. Hluboká ekologichá stopa: Sborník vzpomínek kolegu a prátel Bedrich Moldana k jeho 75. narozeninám [Deep ecological footprint: memories by friends and colleagues of Bedrich Moldan on the occasion of his 75th birthday]. Praha: Vydalo Centrum pro otázky zivotního prostredí University Karlovy v Praze v roce. ISBN 978-80-87076-14-9 DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2011a. Multi-level Frameworks to Enable Responsible Living. Paper presented at the PERL International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 14-15 March 2011. PAPER IN HTML or Published in revised form in 2013 as "A Multi-Level Framework and Values-Based Indicators to Enable Responsible Living", pp. 63-77. In Ulf Schrader, Vera Fricke, Declan Doyle and Victoria W. Thoresen (eds), Enabling Responsible Living, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2011b. Values-based Indicators for Responsible Living. Paper presented at the PERL International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 14-15 March 2011. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2011c. European Union and Global Sustainability: Issues for Rio 2012. Paper presented at the 7th ECPD International Conference, Milocer, Montenegro, 21-22 October 2011. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2011d. The Bahá'í Faith and Ecology. The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale. [original paper replaced by 2016g]


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012a. Alternatives to the Consumer Society. Paper presented at the PERL International Conference, Berlin, 19-20 March 2012. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012b. Enabling Action at Rio+20. Paper presented at the PERL International Conference, Berlin, 19-20 March 2012. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012c. Design Criteria and Learning Strategies for International Environmental Governance. Paper presented at the Planet Under Pressure International Scientific Conference, London, 26-29 March 2012. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012d. Ethical Sustainability Footprint for Individual Motivation. Paper presented at the Planet Under Pressure International Scientific Conference, London, 26-29 March 2012. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012e. Science, Governance and Ethics in Environmental Migration. Paper presented at the Planet Under Pressure International Scientific Conference, London, 26-29 March 2012. PAPER IN HTML or
Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Sylvia, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2012. Challenges in the Integration of Systems Knowledge for Governance of the Earth System. Paper presented at the Planet Under Pressure International Scientific Conference, London, 26-29 March 2012.
Hak, Tomas, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2012. Editorial. Ecological Indicators, vol. 17, p. 1-3. June 2012.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012f. Achievements and gaps in indicators for sustainability. Ecological Indicators, vol. 17, p. 14-19. June 2012. download PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012g. Excellence and holistic thinking. Presented at the EBBF learning event "Redefining excellence", London, 11-13 May 2012. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012h. Dialogues between Faith Values and Education for Sustainable Development Values - The Bahá’í Faith, pp. 44-48 . In Richard Clugston and Steve Holt (eds), Exploring Synergies between Faith Values and Education for Sustainable Development. Earth Charter International and University for Peace, San Jose, Costa Rica. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012i. Values education for sustainable consumption and production: from knowledge to action. Paper presented at the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-15 June 2012, on the theme: Global and Regional Research on Sustainable Consumption and Production: Achievements, Challenges, and Dialogues. Proceedings: Chapter 1, pp. 1-7. PDF or PAPER IN HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012j. Changing Mentalities and Motivations: Values for the Sustainability Transition. Paper presented at the 16th IEF Conference event at the Peoples' Summit, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 21 June 2012. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012k. Critical decade for the transition to sustainability: crises and opportunities for redefining the enterprise. Closing keynote at the ebbf - European Bahá'í Business Forum event "Redefining the enterprise", Ericeira, Portugal, 7 October 2012. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012l. Right of each human being to enjoy peace, security and welfare, p. 275-279. In Takehiro Togo, Negoslav P. Ostojic and Jonathan Bradley (eds). New Balkans in a Changing World with a Changing Europe: Reconciliation, Tolerance and Human Security in the Balkans. Proceedings of the Eighth ECPD International Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 20 October 2012. European Center for Peace and Security, Belgrade, 2013 PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012m. Human Development: A Vision of Well-being. PAPER IN HTML or


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2013a. Putting the Individual at the Centre of Development: Indicators of Well-being for a New Social Contract. Paper presented at the Third Rencontres Internationales de Reims on Sustainability Studies, "Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals: Towards a New Social Contract", Reims, France, 18-20 June 2013. Published in 2014 in François Mancebo and Ignacy Sachs (eds), Transitions to Sustainability. Dordrecht: Springer. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2013b. Preface, p. 7-8. In Sébastien Larrue (ed.), Biodiversity and Societies in the Pacific Islands. Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence, and Australian National University E Press. SCANNED PAPER IN HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2013c. "A Multi-Level Framework and Values-Based Indicators to Enable Responsible Living", pp. 63-77. In Ulf Schrader, Vera Fricke, Declan Doyle and Victoria W. Thoresen (eds), Enabling Responsible Living, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, (hardback/eBook). DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-22048-7_6 DOWNLOAD PDF.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2013d. "What is Sustainable Wealth?" Opening keynote at the 17th IEF International Conference, and ebbf - European Bahá'í Business Forum Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 October 2013. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2013e. New Balkans Sustainability and the Post-2105 Development Agenda, pp. 265-272. In Takehiro Togo, Negoslav P. Ostojic and Jonathan Bradley (eds), New Balkans and Europe - Peace, Development, Integration. Proceedings of the Ninth ECPD International Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 11-12 October 2013. Belgrade: European Center for Peace and Development, 2014. PAPER IN HTML or
Birkeland, C., A. Green, D. Fenner, C. Squair, and A.L. Dahl. 2013f. Substratum stability and coral reef resilience: insights from 90 years of disturbances on a reef in American Samoa. Micronesica 2013-11:1-16. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014a. Holistic Justice: Coherence and Service in our Economic Life. Opening keynote at the European Baha'i Conference on Justice, de Poort Conference Centre, The Netherlands, 21 February 2014. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014b. The Ethics of Hope: Values as Positive Drivers for a Sustainable Future. Presented at the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 8-11 June 2014. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014c. Healing Our Relationship with Nature. Versions presented as "Ideas on Harmony with Nature" at the Triglav Circle, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 14-15 June 2014 (see and the International Peace Seminar, Walenstadt, Switzerland, 2-6 July 2014. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014d. Addressing Sustainability Challenges: A Framework for Material and Spiritual Transformation, Presented at the Association for Baha'i Studies - North America/18th IEF Conference, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 August 2014. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014e. Introducing Bahá'í Principles to United Nations Dialogues and Conferences, Presented at the Association for Baha'i Studies - North America/18th IEF Conference, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 August 2014. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014f. Natural Sciences and Society, Presented at the 38th Association for Baha'i Studies - North America/18th IEF Conference, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 August 2014. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014g. Hope for Balkan Youth in the Contemporary World Reality, pp. 3-9 in Negoslav P. Ostojic and Jonathan Bradley (eds), Youth for Maintaining Peace: The Role of Knowledge: New Generation of EU Enlargement. Proceedings of the First and Second ECPD International Youth Forum. Belgrade: European Center for Peace and Development, University for Peace Established by the United Nations, 2015. Presented at the 2nd ECPD International Youth Forum, Belgrade, 25 October 2014. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014h. "Agenda 21", chapter 61, pp. 527-531, in Bill Freedman (ed.), Handbook of Global Environmental Change, Springer, Dordrecht, 2014. DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-5784-4_88 DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014i. "Putting the Individual at the Centre of Development: Indicators of Well-being for a New Social Contract". Chapter 8, pp. 83-103, In François Mancebo and Ignacy Sachs (eds), Transitions to Sustainability. Dordrecht: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9532-6_8 DOWNLOAD PDF - PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014j. "Sustainability and Values Assessment in Higher Education", Chapter 9, pp. 185-195, in Zinaida Fadeeva, Laima Galkute, Clemens Mader and Geoff Scott (eds), Sustainable Development and Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Transformation of Learning and Society, Houndsmill, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137459138 HB ebook ISBNs: 9781137459145 PDF 9781137459152 EPUB. DOI: 10.1057/9781137459145. DOWNLOAD PDF. Book can be ordered at
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Marie K. Harder, Marilyn Mehlmann, Kirsi Niinimaki, Victoria Thoresen, Onno Vinkhuyzen, Dana Vokounova, Gemma Burford, and Ismael Velasco. 2014k. Measuring What Matters: Values-Based Indicators. A Methods Sourcebook. PERL Values-Based Learning Toolkit 1. Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL) Available online:
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Marie K. Harder, Marilyn Mehlmann, Kirsi Niinimaki, Victoria Thoresen, Onno Vinkhuyzen, Dana Vokounova, Gemma Burford, and Ismael Velasco. 2014l. Discovering What Matters: A Journey of Thinking and Feeling. Activities Developed with Students, for Students. PERL Values-Based Learning Toolkit 2. Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL). Available online:
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Marie K. Harder, Marilyn Mehlmann, Kirsi Niinimaki, Victoria Thoresen, Onno Vinkhuyzen, Dana Vokounova, Gemma Burford, and Ismael Velasco. 2014m. Growing a Shared Vision: A Toolkit for Schools. Activities for Organisational and Staff Development. PERL Values-Based Learning Toolkit 3. Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL). Available online:


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015a. UNEP Regional Office for Europe (UNEP/ROE) and the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Analytical report on regional implications and perspectives of the proposed SDGs as they relate to the UNEP ROE PoW identifying areas of alignment. Geneva: UNEP Regional Office for Europe, January 2015. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015b. "Ethics in Sustainability Education", pp. 27-40. In Thoresen, Victoria W., Robert J. Didham, Jorgen Klein and Declan Doyle (eds), Responsible Living: Concepts, Education and Future Perspectives. Heidelberg and Switzerland: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-15305-6_3 DOWNLOAD PDF - PAPER IN HTML
Burford, Gemma, Elona Hoover, Arthur L. Dahl, and Marie K. Harder. 2015. "Making the Invisible Visible: Designing Values-Based Indicators and Tools for Identifying and Closing ‘Value-Action Gaps'", pp. 113-133. In Thoresen, Victoria W., Robert J. Didham, Jorgen Klein and Declan Doyle (eds), Responsible Living: Concepts, Education and Future Perspectives. Heidelberg and Switzerland: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-15305-6_9 DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015c. A Multi-level Approach to Ethics, Service and Responsible Living. Presented at the International Environment Forum Symposium, PERL 10th International Conference, UNESCO, Paris, 10-11 March 2015. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015d. Summary and Commentary on Laudato Si: the Pope's encyclical on the environment and poverty. International Environment Forum. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015e. "SPREP: Primed for Action", pp. 10-11 and three quotes in boxes, In Setting a Course for Regional Seas. Regional Seas@40. Nairobi: UNEP, 2014. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015f. The Sustainable Development Goals and their implications for the Western Balkans. Paper presented at the European Center for Peace and Development 11th International Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 24-25 October 2015. PAPER IN HTML or [published as Dahl 2016m]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015g. Europe and the 2030 Agenda: Regional Assessment. Paper presented at the European Economic and Social Committee/UNEP/European Environmental Bureau Conference, Sustainable Development Goals: Implementation in Europe; United Nations Environment Assembly: Opportunities for Engagement of Major Groups and Stakeholders, Brussels, Belgium, 12-13 November 2015. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015h. Personal and professional accountability: an ethical challenge. Presented in the IEF side event on "Principles of Accountability for Climate Change Agreements" at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21), Paris, France, 10 December 2015. Paper: PAPER IN HTML or, presentation:, video:
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015i. Resource efficiency improvements and marine resources management in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Paper presented at the International Resource Panel Scoping Workshop on Marine Resources, UNEP, Paris, 14-15 April 2015. PAPER IN HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015j. Werewolf seaweed of old acquaintance (letter). New Scientist Vol.226, No.3022, 23 May 2015, p. 55. DOWNLOAD PDF
Kauppi, Lea, Jacqueline Larderel, Arthur Dahl, Ben Milligan, Patrice Christmann, Fabian Hinds, Günter Hörmandinger, Jianhai Xiang, Ng Hoi, Qinhua Fang, Porfirio Alvarez Torres, Rashid Sumaila, Richard Thompson, Riku Varjopuro, Roland Scholz, Salman Hussain, and Tullio Scovazzi. 2015k. The Ecosystem Approach for Sustainable Management of Marine Resources. UNEP International Resource Panel Scoping Report. May 2015. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.31351.62889. DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016a. Values-based education for environment and sustainable development. Based on a paper prepared for the United Nations Environment Programme, January 2016. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016b. Using the new UN 2030 Agenda to work for justice at the local level. Paper presented at the 21st Justice Conference, de Poort, the Netherlands, 25-27 March 2016, on the theme "Justice In Action: From Local to Global". PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2016c. The Future of Business in a World with a Changing Climate. Paper presented at the Vision Gulf Business Conference, Kuwait, 31 May 2016. PAPER IN HTML or"
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2016d. The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities for Business. Paper presented at the Vision Gulf Business Conference, Kuwait, 31 May 2016. PAPER IN HTML or
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016e. La relation à la nature dans la foi Baha'ie, pp. 76-77. Présence N° 3 – Choisis la vie! Approche spirituelle de l’écologie, Les cahiers du Forum104, May 2016. [in French] DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016f. Input to the United Nations 2016 Virtual Dialogue on Harmony with Nature – Earth Jurisprudence – Theology/Spirituality. and and PAPER IN HTML
Adriance, Peter, and Arthur Dahl. 2016g. Baha'i, Chapter 10, pp. 88-96 in Willis Jenkins, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grimm (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Religion and Ecology. Oxford: Routledge Earthscan. 439 p. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016h. The 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals: Placing Environmental Health in a Larger Ethical Framework. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Ethics of Environmental Health, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 28-31 August 2016. and PAPER IN HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016i. Environment and Sustainability in the Middle East. Published on line by the Burhán Institute. (English and Arabic)
DOWNLOAD PDF or DOWNLOAD PDF Arabic Published in 2018 in Arabic and in 2019 in English in the book Winds of Change.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016j. Looking at the Sustainable Development Goals from the Bottom Up. Paper presented at the International Environment Forum 20th International Conference, Nur University, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 7 October 2016. Published on line at and PAPER IN HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016k. Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the Balkans, pp. 194-202. In Negoslav P. Ostojic and Erhard Busek (eds), Future of the World between Globalization and Regionalization, Proceedings of the 12th European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) International Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 28-29 October 2016. Belgrade: European Center for Peace and Development, 2018. Published on line at and DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016l. Corruption, Morality and Religion Blog on International Environment Forum, November 2016. and PAPER IN HTML. Revised and issued in three parts on Part 1: The Moral Force Which Sustains Society: Gravely Depleted, 22 December 2016. Part 2: The Role of Religion in an Ethical Society, 24 December 2016. Part 3: Exorcising Religious Bigotry and Superstition, 26 December 2016.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016m. The Sustainable Development Goals and their implications for the Western Balkans, pp. 180-188. In Negoslav P. Ostojic and Johan Galtung (eds), Future of the World Between Globalization and Regionalization, Proceedings of the Eleventh ECPD International Conference, Belgrade, 24-25 October 2015. Belgrade: European Center for Peace and Development, 2016. DOWNLOAD PDF [see also Dahl 2015f]


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2017a. Why should the UN and in particular UN Environment Engage More with Faith-based Organizations. UN Environment Perspectives, No. 23. February 2017.
Download PDF from IEF web site and PAPER IN HTML or DOWNLOAD PDF from this site.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2017b. Science and Religion in the Climate Change Debate. 1) Ethics and Climate Change: Scenarios for Justice and Sustainability. 2) The Baha'i Call for Religion and Science to Unite. 3) The Revolutionary Bahá'í Approach to Climate Change. 4) One Global NGO that Unites Science and Spirituality. Published on line as a four-part series at 22-29 April 2017. 1) 2) 3) Spanish: 4)
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2017c. Island Conservation Issues in International Conventions and Agreements. Environmental Conservation 44(3):267-285, September 2017, theme issue on Humans and Island Environments. Published online: 17 April 2017, doi:10.1017/S0376892917000224 and PAPER IN HTML or DOWNLOAD PDF from this site; Kudos
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2017d. The Systems Science of Disintegration and Integration Paper presented at The Justice Conference 2017, From Disintegration to Integration: Navigating the Forces of Our Time, de Poort, The Netherlands, 14-17 April 2017, also the International Environment Forum 21st International Conference. and PAPER IN HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2017e. Systems Science Beyond Diversity, Opening keynote for the ebbf - Ethical Business Building the Future May event Beyond Diversity, 4-7 May 2017. and PAPER IN HTML. (video at
Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Sylvia I., Maja Groff, Peter A. Tamás, Arthur L. Dahl, Marie K. Harder and Graham Hassall. 2017f. Entry into Force and Then? The Paris Agreement and State Accountability. Climate Policy 18(5): 593-599 (2018). doi:10.1080/14693062.2017.1331904 DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2017g. UN Charter revision as the foundation for peace. Paper presented at the European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) International Round Table on "Peace and Democratic Multilateralism", Belgrade, Serbia, 27 October 2017. DOWNLOAD HTML


Hák, Tomas, Svatava Janoušková, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2018. Closing the Sustainability Gap: : 30 years after “Our Common Future”, society lacks meaningful stories and relevant indicators to make the right decisions and build public support. Ecological Indicators Volume 87, April 2018, Pages 193–195. [Elsevier does not provide access to the author]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018b. L’Information: Propriété Privée ou Bien Commun?. TEDx talk at INPENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France, 15 February 2018. (in French). In English: Information: Private Property or Public Good? DOWNLOAD HTML English and French; blog on IEF at Also published in two parts on at, Spanish La información: ¿Propiedad pública o privada? and "How the Information Age Affects Our Food"
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018c. The Great Dichotomy: from Egoism to Altruism; from Love of Power to Love of Justice. Paper presented at the Justice Conference 2018: Shining a Light of Illumination in Turbulent and Divided Times, de Poort, The Netherlands, 30 March-2 April 2018. DOWNLOAD HTML
Lopez-Claros, Augusto, Arthur Lyon Dahl and Maja Groff. 2018d. Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century, New Shape Prize winning proposal, 29 May 2018. Global Challenges Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden. Summary proposal, Full proposal
Depraetere, Christian, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2018e. Island Locations and Classifications, Chpt. 2, pp. 21-51, in Godfrey Baldacchino (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Island Studies: A World of Islands. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-4714-8338-6 (hbk) and 978-1-315-55664-2 (e-book) DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018f. Contributions to the Evolving Theory and Practice of Indicators of Sustainability, chpt. 3, pp.42-57, in Simon Bell and Stephen Morse (eds),Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Indicators, London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-67476-9 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-56110-3 (ebk) DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018g. UNEP and the CSD Process for Sustainable Development Indicators, chpt. 23, pp.347-363, in Simon Bell and Stephen Morse (eds),Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Indicators, London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-67476-9 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-56110-3 (ebk) DOWNLOAD PDF
Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Sylvia, Arthur Lyon Dahl and Åsa Persson. 2018h. The emerging accountability regimes for the Sustainable Development Goals and policy integration: Friend or foe?. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, special issue on Integrative Governance. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018i. Migration and Religion. Paper presented at the World Conference on “Religions, Creeds and Value Systems: Joining Forces to Enhance Equal Citizenship Rights”, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 25 June 2018.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018j. Reflections on Science, Technology and the Human Spirit. Paper prepared for the Triglav Circle 2018, Chateau de Poussignol, Blismes, France, 30 June-1 July 2018.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018k. Rethinking business and the economy based on spiritual principles. Presentation at Everyday Spirituality and Our Economic Behaviour, Domaine de La Garde, Bourg-en-Bresse, France, 6-9 September 2018.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018l. Man of the Trees. Book review of Paul Hanley, 2018, Man of the Trees: Richard St. Barbe Baker, the first global conservationist. International Environment Forum blog, 6 October 2018.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018m. Integration through shared values. Paper presented at the 14th ECPD International Conference, "A new concept of human security", Belgrade, Serbia, 26 October 2018.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Maja Groff and Augusto Lopez-Claros. 2018n. Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century. Background paper for presentations at a Baha'i International Community event at the United Nations, New York, 5 November 2018 and at the Paris Peace Forum, 11-13 November 2018. - DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018o. Integration in a World Community. Talk at the All Party Parliamentary Group on Baha’i Faith Luncheon at Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London, 14 November 2018.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018p. Environment and Sustainability in the Middle East, Chapter 11, pp. 311-350 in Winds of Change. The Burhán Institute. (in Arabic)
DOWNLOAD PDF Arabic. [For English see 2016i and 2019d.]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018q. Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet. Book review of Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker and Anders Wijkman, Co-Presidents, Club of Rome, 2018, Come On! Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet: A Report to the Club of Rome, New York: Springer. 220 p. International Environment Forum blog, 14 September 2018.


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2019a. Human Rights and Environment, International Environment Forum, 29 March 2019
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2019b. Time for Reflection, presentation at the opening of the Scottish Parliament 21 May 2019. The Scottish Parliament, Meeting of the Parliament, Tuesday 21 May 2019, Official Report, columns 1-2.,,   VIDEO: DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2019c. In Pursuit of Hope: A Guide for the Seeker. (book) Oxford: George Ronald. 194 p. ORDER FROM
An html version to read on smartphones and tablets is available at
Summary on line in BAHAITEACHINGS.ORG, Introduction: Despite Disintegration: How a Natural Scientist Keeps Hope Alive, in Spanish; Part 1: Science and Religion: A User's Brief Guide to Life,, in Spanish:; Part 2: 7 Steps Toward Hope on Your Journey to Change the World,, in Spanish:, Part 3: An Activist's First Step: Stop Passively Consuming Material Goods, in Spanish:,Part 4: Overshoot and Collapse: Have we Hit our Planet's Limits?,, in Spanish; Part 5: Creating Social Justice in Your Own Community,, in Spanish; Part 6: Debunking the Fairy Tales of Eternal Economic Growth,, in Spanish; Part 7: How We Can Build a Green Global Economy,; Part 8: Creating the Ultimate Social Change: Inside Ourselves,, in Spanish;  Part 9: Looking at Humanity through a Scientific Lens,
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2019d. Environment and Sustainability in the Middle East, chpt. 14, pp. 245-269 in Cyrus Rohani and Behrooz Sabet (eds), Winds of Change: The Challenge of Modernity in the Middle East and North Africa. London: Saqi Books. Originally published on line in 2016 by the Burhán Institute in English and Arabic.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2019e. The UN 2030 Agenda to Transform the World: Where are we now?. Paper presented at the 15th ECPD International Conference, "The UN Agenda 2030: To Transform the World", Belgrade, Serbia, 25 October 2019.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2019f. Science and Global Governance, International Environment Forum, 19 November 2019
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2019g. The Climate Crisis and Global Governance, International Environment Forum blog 1 December 2019
Friggieri, Oliver, Victor Grech, Lea Hogg, Arthur Lyon Dahl and Richard England. 2019. Oliver Friggieri, Sketches and Poems, edited by Victor Grech, with contributions from Victor Grech, Lea Hogg, Arthur Lyon Dahl and Richard England. Malta: Save and Support Trust, 2019.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2019h. Complex Systems Science and Global Challenges, Report on a colloquium in Stockholm, Sweden, 7-9 December 2019.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2019i. Rethinking Success: What key dimensions of success are we failing to address? An ebbf dialogue with Arthur Dahl on YouTube 19 December 2019, transcribed at and


Lopez-Claros, Augusto, Arthur L. Dahl and Maja Groff. 2020. Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century. (book) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 545 pages. doi:10.1017/9781108569293 Available on line in open access. Order from Cambridge  or e-book from Amazon.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020a. The urgent need to reform global governance. Guest blog for Felix Dodds, 1 February 2020. and DOWNLOAD HTML.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020b. Unity: Indicator of True Success. Paper prepared for the ebbf International Conference, Rethinking Success: a Way to Save the Planet and Ourselves, 14-17 May 2020. Published on line at and
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020c. Does the Pandemic have a Silver Lining?. Blog on IEF web site 19 March 2020, Published by ebbf on line at Published by Other News: Voices Against the Tide on 23 March 2020 [no longer available]. Revised for and in Spanish
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020d. First Earth Day 1970. Blog on IEF web site 24 February 2020. Revised for on Earth Day 22 April 2020
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020e. Unity: Indicator of True Success, Opening keynote at ebbf virtual annual conference 14 May 2020, revised version of Dahl 2020b,
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020f. Rethinking what will create successful Global Governance, Session keynote at ebbf virtual annual conference 15-16 May 2020,
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020g. Inclusive Development and its Spiritual Indicators, paper for the International Conference on Education for Social Cohesion, 11-12 July 2020, and 24th International Environment Forum Annual Conference,
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020h. A Jolt in Consciousness, a contribution to the forum: After the Pandemic: Which Future?, The Great Transition Initiative, September 2020. Also posted on IEF:, on ebbf:, and as a pdf:
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020i. The Global Sustainability Challenge: A Systems View of Agriculture. Blog on IEF web site 27 October 2020. Also in video as a webinar for the Agriculture Working Group of the Association of Baha'i Studies, North America, on 27 September 2020.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2020j. 8th ECPD Global Youth Forum, Concept Note for European Center for Peace and Development, online Youth Forum 24-25 October 2020. and DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021. Why Education is Key for the Sustainable Development Goals, essay on Global Governance Forum Website, 19 January 2021, and DOWNLOAD HTML.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021a. Reweaving the Ecological Mat, report of a webinar on 4 February 2021 about the project Reweaving the Ecological Mat: Toward an Ecological Framework for Development in the Pacific Islands,
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021b. The Dasgupta Review in a Bahá’í perspective, Commentary on The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review published by the UK Government on 2 February 2021,
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021c. Inside UNEP, Book Review of Maria Ivanova's The Untold Story of the World’s Leading Environmental Institution: UNEP at Fifty,
Tilot, Virginie, Klaas Willaert, Bleuenn Guilloux, Wenting Chen, Clement Yow Mulalap, François Gaulme, Tamatoa Bambridge, Kimberley Peters, Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2021d. Traditional dimensions of seabed resource management in the context of Deep Sea Mining in the Pacific: Learning from the socio-ecological interconnectivity between island communities and the ocean realm. Frontiers in Marine Science, section Marine Affairs and Policy, 8:637938. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.637938. and DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021e. For Nature's Sake: A Moral Compass for the SDGs. Viewpoints, G20 Interfaith Forum, 19 March 2021. and DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021f. Reflections on Earth Day, a Half-century of Environmental Action on, 22 April 2021 and DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021g. The poison of materialism and the elixir of spirituality, blog on International Environment Forum, 21 May 2021,
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021h. The role of religion in an ethical society, republished on from 2016.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021i. Interfaith Indicators to Respond to COP26, blog on G20 Interfaith Forum, 16 July 2021, DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021k. There is no doubt left - we must act now, blog on Global Governance Forum, 10 August 2021. Republished with additions by Democracy Without Borders as New climate report strengthens case for effective global governance - DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021l. Climate Change and Global Warming: A Bahá’í Perspective, paper presented at "The Nexus between Climate Change, Faith and Science" webinar organized on 16 September 2021 by the All-Africa Conference of Churches, Baha'i International Community Addis-Ababa Office, and United Religions Initiative.
Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Sylvia and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2021m. Towards a Global Environment Agency: Effective Governance for Shared Ecological Risks. A Climate Governance Commission Report. Stockholm: Global Challenges Foundation. 77 p. DOWNLOAD GGF PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021n. World Scientist's Warning of a Climate Emergency, Summary and commentary, blog on International Environment Forum website, 22 August 2021
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021o. Interfaith start to COP26, blog on G20 Interfaith Forum website, 1 November 2021 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021p. Nature et spiritualité (in French) posted by the Bahá'í Community of France, 5 November 2021 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021q. Beyond Economics: Global Systems Accounting: Reflections from a systems science perspective, blog on International Environment Forum website, 7 November 2021, also posted by ebbf - Ethical Business Building the Future
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021r. Interfaith Action in COP26 Week One, blog on G20 Interfaith Forum website, 8 November 2021 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021s. Climate Change and Environmental Governance, blog on Global Governance Forum website, 18 November 2021 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021t. Global Systems Accounting: Beyond Economics, paper on International Environment Forum website, revised 17 December 2021 and 26 January 2022 (revised from 2021q), now replaced by 2022i. Also version published online by Pathway to the 2022 Declaration on 23 November 2021 DOWNLOAD HTML
Tilot, Virginie C., Bleuenn Guilloux, Klaas Willaert, Clement Yow Mulalap, Tamatoa Bambridge, Paul D'Arcy, Alexander Mawyer, François Gaulme, Edwige Kacenelenbogen, Alain Jeudy de Grissac, Juan Moreno Navas, and Arthur Dahl. 2021u. The Concept of Oceanian Sovereignty in the Context of Deep Sea Mining in the Pacific Region. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:756072, section Marine Conservation and Sustainability, 3 December 2021. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2021v. Environment and Sustainability, chapter 28, pp. 336-348, in The World of the Bahá'í Faith, edited by Robert H. Stockman. London and New York: Routledge, 648 p. ebook ISBN 9780429027772 DOI: 10.4324/9780429027772-33 DOWNLOAD PDF


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022a. Filling a Critical Gap in Global Environmental Governance, paper on International Environment Forum website 20 February 2022, and Global Governance Forum website 1 March 2022
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022b. Challenging Assumptions of Old Business Models, blog for ebbf-Ethical Business Building the Future on 9 March 2022 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022c. Challenging Economic Assumptions Driving Climate Change, blog for Global Governance Forum on 20 March 2022, also on International Environment Forum website
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022d. Coral gardening is a stopgap worth having, Views letter with reference to 5 February, p 27, New Scientist Vol.253, No.3376, 5 March 2022, p.32 DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Augusto Lopez-Claros and John Miller. 2022e. Global Catastrophic Risk Index: Putting Risk on the Agenda, Global Governance Forum, February 2022 DOWNLOAD PDF (5.8mb)
Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Sylvia, and Arthur Lyon Dahl 2022f. Building effective multilateralism for the environment — Proposals aligned with Our Common Agenda. Policy Brief Submitted to the High Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism, 22 May 2022. Wageningen University and International Environment Forum. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022g. Global Systems Accounting: Beyond Economics, paper on International Environment Forum website, version 7 revised 30 April 2022, reprinted by Mother Pelican Vol. 18, No. 7, July 2022 (revised from 2021q) DOWNLOAD HTML.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022h. Governance Challenges from Stockholm+50, blog for Global Governance Forum 27 June 2022. DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022i. Global Solidarity Accounting, paper on International Environment Forum website, version 8 extensively revised 22 July 2022 and retitled from Dahl 2022g
Tilot, Virginie, Bleuenn Guilloux, Klaas Willaert, Clement Yow Mulalap, Tamatoa Bambridge, François Gaulme, E. Kacenelenbogen, Alain Jeudy de Grissac, J. Moreno Navas, Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2022j. Traditional and socio-ecological dimensions of seabed resource management and applicable legal frameworks in the Pacific Island States, chapter 25, pp.613-659 in Rahul Sharma (ed.), Perspectives on Deep-Sea Mining – Sustainability, Technology, Environmental Policy and Management. Springer DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87982-2_22. DOWNLOAD PDF or abstract only DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022k. Green nature is good for you, blue is better, blog on International Environment Forum website 15 August 2022
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022l. Love, Peace and Sustainability, blog on International Environment Forum website based on a contribution to the Triglav Circle 5 November 2022
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022m. Baha'is: de la compassion avant tout, p. 52 in Yves Dutoit, Sabine Girardet et Déborah Pernet (eds), Les Animaux et le Sacré: mythes, symboles et rites, Calendrier des Religions, Lausanne, Editions Agora, August 2022 DOWNLOAD PDF
Halkjaer, Erik. 2022n. Arthur Dahl: Fran Stockholm och tillbaka, Sveriges Natur2022-2, April 2022 [in Swedish] profile of Arthur Dahl. DOWNLOAD PDF
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2022o. Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity (book review) International Environment Forum website 5 December 2022.


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023a. Global Governance Failures: Warnings by the Secretary-General, blog on Global Governance Forum website 21 February 2023 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023b. Confluence of Crises: Warnings by the UN Secretary-General, blog on International Environment Forum website 21 February 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023c. Why a space sunshade isn't such a bright idea, letter to New Scientist, Vol 257, no 3424, 4 February 2023, p.30
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023x. The other energy crisis, blog on International Environment Forum website 22 February 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023d. High Seas Treaty Major Advance in Ocean Law, blog on Global Governance Forum website 20 March 2023 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023e. The Unfolding Global Food Crisis, blog on International Environment Forum website 26 April 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023f. The Unfolding Global Food Crisis: A Clear and Present Danger, blog on Global Governance Forum website 28 April 2023 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023g. The climate crisis and mental health, blog about a presentation by Professor Britt Wray, on International Environment Forum website 28 April 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023h. Why has environmental governance failed? GREED, blog on International Environment Forum website 7 May 2023, and G20 Interfaith Forum 10 July 2023 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023i. Microbial extinction is happening, blog on International Environment Forum website 8 May 2023, updated 16 July 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, and Amanda Ellis. 2023j. Thinking about the Summit of the Future: Shaping its Agenda — Part II: Global Environmental Governance and Gender Equality, blog on Global Governance Forum website 12 May 2023 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023k. Oceans and UNEP, pp. 269-275. In Jan-Gustav Strandenaes and Isis Alvarez (eds), The People's Environment Narrative: 50 years with UNEP and Civil Society, Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future, 5 June 2023. DOWNLOAD PDF or DOWNLOAD BOOK PDF (44 MB)
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023l. The Debt Bubble, blog on International Environment Forum website 14 July 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023m. Climate Change and World Economy: When an Irresistible Force Meets an Immovable Object, blog on Global Governance Forum website 19 July 2023, blog on International Environment Forum website 20 July 2023, blog on G20 Interfaith Forum website 16 August 2023 DOWNLOAD HTML
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023n. Baha'is: Une fleur de lumière, symbole d'unité, pp. 18-19 in Yves Dutoit, Sabine Girardet et Déborah Pernet (eds), Voyages en Terres Sacrées, Lausanne, Editions AGORA, August 2023. DOWNLOAD PDF
Brown, Clair, Arthur Dahl, Yoshinobu Miyake, Sherrie Steiner, and Victoria W. Thoresen. 2023o. The Rights of Nature, blog on International Environment Forum website, 21 September 2023, and G20 Interfaith Forum website (in two parts) and DOWNLOAD HTML1 DOWNLOAD HTML2
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023p. Lessons learned from the Global Solidarity Accounting project, International Environment Forum website, 24 July 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023q. In Pursuit of Hope, blog for UN high-level General Assembly week 16-22 September 2023, on International Environment Forum website 14 September 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023r. Another planetary boundary: biomass, blog on International Environment Forum website 3 October 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, and Augusto Lopez-Claros. 2023s. We Must Face the Risks to Our Future Now, blog on Global Governance Forum website, 15 October 2023 DOWNLOAD HTML. Republished by, 7 December 2023 and in Spanish on 15 December, republished by International Environment Forum, 8 December 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023t. Governance from a Bahá'í Perspective, a personal view commissioned by Politics of Being and announced on Linkedin at paper on 14 November 2023, and on its Politics of Being website as a Google document. Shortened version published in Kosmos Journal 2023, issue 4, and on IEF.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023u. This is why we must be wary of geoengineering, letters, New Scientist 260(3471), 30 December 2023, p.29. Comment on article 25 Nov 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023v. The Future Is To Be Invented, report of the XVI ECPD International Conference, European Center for Peace and Development, Belgrade, 28 October 2023
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2023w. Youth Power for the Common Future, report of the XI ECPD Global Youth Forum, European Center for Peace and Development, Belgrade, 29 October 2023


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024a. Call for an Earth System Council, on International Environment Forum website 19 February 2024
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024b. ECPD Global Youth Forum, October 25th-26th 2024, People’s Republic of China. Concept Note, European Center for Peace and Development, March 2024
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024c. Towards Effective Multilevel Environmental and Sustainability Governance for Shared Ecological Risks, chapter 19, pp. 317-331 in Global Governance and International Cooperation: Managing Global Catastrophic Risks in the 21st Century, Richard Falk and Augusto Lopez-Claros (eds), London: Routledge. (book pdf and all chapters available free under creative commons:
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024d. A Systems View of Justice, presented at the Justice Conference, 29 March 2024, International Environment Forum website
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024e. Climate Change and Small Island Developing States, blog on G20 Interfaith Forum, 30 April 2024,
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024f. 'Adasiyyih: The Story of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Model Farming Community by Paul Hanley, book review on International Environment Forum website, 13 May 2024
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024g. The Cooperation Economy, presented at the ebbf-Ethical Business Building the Future annual conference, Lisbon, 17 May 2024
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024h. Fossil carbon value added tax, blog on International Environment Forum website, 28 May 2024
Dahl, Arthur Lyon and Emmanuel Zapata-Caldas. 2024i. Bahá'í Faith and Biodiversity, Faiths for Biodiversity website, July 2024
G20 Interfaith Forum. 2024. Policy Brief: Faith Action in Response to Climate Change, July 2024. Drafted by Arthur Lyon Dahl.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024j. Nature and Health, blog on International Environment Forum website, 23 September 2024
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024k. Global Climate Change Week, blog on International Environment Forum website, 14 October 2024
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024l. Transformation for Earth System Governance, a new overview paper, blog on International Environment Forum website, 6 November 2024
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2024m. Corals on the Edge, blog on International Environment Forum website, 27 November 2024


Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2025a. Reflections on Information, blog on International Environment Forum website, 16 January 2025
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2025b. Post-growth: the science of wellbeing within planetary boundaries, summary by Arthur Dahl of Giorgos Kalis et al., on International Environment Forum website, 13 February 2025
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2025c. The Forever Crisis: Adaptive Global Governance, Book review and summary, blog on International Environment Forum website, 18 February 2025
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2025d. Global Disintegration and Integration, blog on International Environment Forum website, 18 February 2025

Contributor to the following publications

As a United Nations official from 1989 to 2002, and consultant since then, it was not possible to claim individual authorship for work produced as an international civil servant or consultant and published by the United Nations or other organisations. However, I wrote or made major contributions to the following publications, among others:
A Second United Nations Charter: Modernizing the UN for a New Generation, by a team of experts convened by the Global Governance Forum, 19 September 2024, Global Governance Forum,
Mechanisms for capacity building. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Research Paper No. 9. 18 p. (July 1991) DOWNLOAD PDF
Issues and requirements of small island countries for sustainable development and environment in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. FAO AGR:SIC 1. 9 p. (April 1992) DOWNLOAD PDF or TELECHARGEZ PDF EN FRANCAIS
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries in small island countries within the framework of UNCED Agenda 21. FAO AGR:SIC 2. 11 p. (April 1992) DOWNLOAD PDF
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. 1992. Agenda 21: Programme of Action for Sustainable Development, Chapter 17: Protection of the oceans, all kinds of seas, and coastal areas and the protection, rational use and development of their living resources. United Nations, New York. DOWNLOAD PDF
Information for decision-making and Earthwatch. Report of the Secretary-General, UN Commission on Sustainable Development, Third Session, 11-28 April 1995. E/CN.17/1995/18. DOWNLOAD PDF
United Nations Environment Programme. 1999. Global Environment Outlook 2000. London, Earthscan. 398 p.
United Nations Environment Programme. 2002. Global Environment Outlook 3. London, Earthscan.
United Nations Environment Programme. 2008. Overview of the international environmental assessment landscape and options for a future global assessment on environmental change. Report by the Executive Director. UNEP/GC.25/4/Add.1  DOWNLOAD PDF
United Nations Environment Programme. 2011. Inputs from major groups and stakeholders on international environmental governance. Note by the Executive Director. UNEP/GC.26/INF/19  DOWNLOAD PDF or PAPER IN HTML
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 2014. Emerging Issues for Small Island Developing States. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. Issues for Small Island Developing States-2014Emerging issues.pdf
UNEP. 2014. GEO Small Island Developing States Outlook. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. Environment Outlook: small island developing states-2014GEO_SIDS_final.pdf and interactive e-book
UNEP/UNECE. 2016. GEO-6 Assessment for the pan-European region. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.
[Coordinating lead author for Chapter 1.1 and a lead author for Chapter 4]

Publications as Editor

South Pacific Commission Environment Newsletter, 1975-1982
No. 1 - March 1975 IN ENGLISH - EN FRANCAIS
No. 2 - December 1975 IN ENGLISH - EN FRANCAIS
No. 3 - February 1980 IN ENGLISH - EN FRANCAIS
No. 4 - March 1982 IN ENGLISH - EN FRANCAIS

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