ebbf annual conference, Barcelona
ebbf - Ethical Business Building the Future held its annual conference in
Barcelona, Spain, on 2-5 October 2014, on the theme "How to create a just
workplace?". About 140 attended from all over the world. The programme
included inspiring keynotes and discussions from leaders in the field,
learnshops in parallel sessions on practical applications of the principle
of justice, and evening events including a report from China and a musical
comedy prepared during the conference and performed by participants. For
more information, see http://ebbf.org.
The conference hotel Rey Don Jaime; conference programme; master of
ceremonies Jason Maude
Keynote speakers
Kami Lamakan on justice and big business; Bob Rosenfeld on invisible
elements in innovation; Prabhu Guptara on transforming capitalism
Jenna Nicholas on impact investing; Maja Groff on
justice and gender balance; part of the audience
Closing keynote by Karolina Poitrowska on the view from AIESEC
After each keynote, questions raised were discussed in small groups;
I facilitated one of the groups
Learnshops provided opportunities to go more deeply into the topics and to
discuss putting them into action
Jenna Nicholas; Bob Rosenfeld; Daryn Dodson
Evening programmes were both enlightening and entertaining
Richard Park and Lixin Chen; Dorothy Marcic on business principles in
musical comedy, and participants who created one
Networking during the breaks
Some of the most active ebbf members were invited to a "family gathering"
before the conference to consider how to extend our outreach
Gundhild Hoenig, Paul Hughes and Sjoerd Luteyn facilitated the
ebbf Governing Board elected at the Annual General Assembly
Mika Korhonen, Wendi Momen, Mahmud Samandari, Françoise Le Goff,
Arthur Dahl, Stephanie Akkaoui Hughes, Paul Hughes