On 14-19 October 2019, I traveled to Malta, the island country in the Mediterranean, at the invitation of the Bahá'í community, to contribute to their activities. There was already a journalist waiting at the airport to interview me on my arrival. A first newspaper article appeared that day, and another full page article the week after my departure. On Tuesday I attended the Baha'i Nineteen Day Feast and met with the local community. Wednesday morning I went to the University of Malta, first to meet Professor Oliver Friggieri, a specialist on Maltese literature and a famous poet, for whom I was asked to contribute texts for a book of his drawings and writings. I then lectured at the University that afternoon on "Environmental and Sustainability Challenges for Small Islands" for an audience including professors and the Rector, an old friend and island specialist. In the evening the Bahá'í community had a devotional gathering. Thursday morning was a public meeting with about 50 in attendance at MCAST, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. Friday morning I was interviewed for 20 minutes on television, followed by a local Bahá'í who was interviewed in Maltese about the Bahá'í Faith. There was a discussion with the editor of another newspaper, and another visit to Prof, Friggieri about his book. In the evening I spoke at a meeting commemorating the centenary of the Birth of the Báb, on the topic "The Importance of Youth in Society Today", since the Báb and many of His followers were youth. On Saturday, the Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, founded by the former President, organized a consultation with many civil society organizations, where I was asked to give the keynote on "The Sustainable Development Goals as Guides to Practical Action", before returning to Geneva that evening.
University of Malta; harbour at Valletta
Malta Foundation for Wellbeing of Society consultation on the Sustainable Development Goals
The meeting room was in the fortress walls; views of the city of Valletta
Valletta waterfront
Streets in the city
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Last updated 30 November 2019
Photographs copyright © Arthur Lyon Dahl 2019