While I was in the Netherlands, I was invited on Saturday 8 February to join a day of garden work at the Bahá'í temple land of the national Bahá'í community of the Netherlands. There is a residence for the caretaker in an old windmill, and some farm buildings next to a pond. Much of the land is rented to local farmers. The main task at this time of the year is to maintain the pollard willows along the drainage ditches, cutting off all the new growth to leave a rounded top. While the weather was a bit damp, there was a wonderful spirit of collaboration among all those who had gathered to help, while the children played in the garden.
The residence in an old mill; mill and outbuildings; lunch in the barn
Pollard willows that I helped to poll; willows not yet pruned; looking towards the pond
Hauling branches
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Last updated 19 February 2020
Photographs copyright © Arthur Lyon Dahl 2020