I have worked on indicators for more than forty years, starting with indicators relevant to coral reefs in the early 1970s. In the 1980s I developed a set of indicators and indices for islands. After the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 called for indicators of sustainable development, I organized the first UN expert meeting to plan such indicators and helped to design the indicators for the Commission on Sustainable Development, as well as participating in two projects on sustainability indicators for the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). I was a member of the Consultative Group on Sustainable Development Indicators (CGSDI) in the 1990s that produced the Bellagio Principles and the Dashboard of Sustainability. Other activities have included participating in the development by SOPAC of the Environmental Vulnerability Index, consultant on indices to the World Economic Forum including participating in the revision of the Environmental Sustainability Index (2005) and development of the Environmental Performance Index (2006), and contributing to the development of the Humanitarian Response Index 2007. I was a partner in a EU-funded project between universities and civil society organizations to develop values-based indicators of education for sustainable development (2008-11), and most recently a consultant to the World Bank on the design of new indicators of development (2012), and of a Business Environment for Energy Index (2013). In 2018 I published reviews of some of this experience, especially on indicators of sustainability.
12B Chemin de Maisonneuve
CH-1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
PERSONAL: Swiss and United States citizen, married to a French citizen, two adult children
LANGUAGES: Bilingual, English and French
Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) in Biological Sciences with Departmental Honors, Stanford University, California, 1964
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1969
Five years scientific
research and curatorial experience on algae, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA, with special interests in coral reef ecology, marine algae, and island environments, and continuing activity on various international scientific committees.
Eleven years residence in the South Pacific as adviser to governments and international organizations in ecology, conservation and environmental
management, with extensive field experience, including at the grass-roots level. Three years residence in Africa and twenty-five years in Europe. Wide knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region and of small
island developing States, particularly the developing countries and territories of the Pacific Islands, complemented by experience in the Caribbean and Africa, and visits to many other areas.
Thirty-five years programme management and administrative experience in the planning, organization and evaluation of international multi-disciplinary programmes of research, observation, and environmental assessment and management, including liaison with governments, organization of cooperation among international agencies, directing intergovernmental meetings, scientific symposia and training courses, and implementing the results of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992)
Producer of training and audio-visual materials, lecturer and writer (in English and French) for scientific audiences, universities and the general public on sustainable development, environment, ecology, conservation, ethics, religion and values
Consultant to many international organizations and government agencies, with special emphasis on indicators of environment, development and sustainability, coral reef and coastal zone management, conservation of nature and biodiversity, environment and management of islands, environmental education and training, rural social and economic development, and applications of science in developing countries
Academic experience including organizing, curriculum development and teaching graduate level and on-line courses in social and economic development and sustainability, Visiting Professor at University of Brighton, coordinator of UNEP/University of Geneva Environmental Diplomacy Programme, member of scientific committee for University of Geneva Certificate of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Development, Federal Technical University in Lausanne (EPFL) Certificate of Advanced Studies in Management of Development Projects and occasional lecturer for other university courses
Recent substantive interests have focussed on indicators of values, sustainability and development; international governance and UN reform; ethics of climate change and sustainability; information for environmental decision-making; global and national environmental observations and assessments; new economic paradigms; coral reef protection and management; and the special problems of small island developing States
Coordinator, UNEP/University of Geneva/Graduate Institute Environmental Diplomacy Programme, 2005-2010.
Retired from the United Nations Environment Programme, August 2002
Director, Coral Reef Unit, Division of Environmental Conventions, United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva, Switzerland, 2000-2002
Coordinator, UN System-wide Earthwatch, United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva, Switzerland, 1992-2000
Deputy Assistant Executive Director, Division of Environment Information and Assessment, United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva, Switzerland, 1996-1998
Deputy to the Director, Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, 1989-1992
Consulting ecologist to governments and international organizations, 1982-1989, including: Government of New Caledonia; South Pacific Regional Environment Programme; Kanak Cultural, Scientific and Technical Office (New Caledonia); Office of Technology Assessment, United States Congress; International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre, United Nations Environment Programme; Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER); Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center; UNESCO
Regional Ecological Adviser, South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia, 1974-1982 (organized South Pacific Regional Environment Programme)
Associate Curator (Algae), Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1970-1974, and Research Associate, 1974-1982
Visiting Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., 1969-1970
Teaching Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, 1965-1966
Development of quantitative marine ecological surveys and long-term coral reef monitoring techniques, 1969-present
Studies, as part of interdisciplinary programs, of coral reef and algal ecology, with development of theoretical systems models, 1970-1974
Studies of quantification of coral reef and algal surface areas and spatial relationships, with indicators, 1972-1976
Survey and classification of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in the South Pacific region for South Pacific Commission and IUCN, 1975-1979
Detailed analysis with indicators of the biodiversity, nature conservation requirements and protected area system in Oceania, 1985-1986
Analysis and classification of islands with ecological, geographic and socio-economic indicators and indices, as related to the effects of limits on complex systems, preparation of a database on islands, 1985-present. http://islands.unep.ch/ and http://yabaha.net/dahl/isldb/isldir.htm
Expert adviser to the indicators programme of the Commission on Sustainable Development, 1993-2000.
Member of the scientific committee of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) project on indicators of sustainability, 1993-1996, and the SCOPE project on assessment of sustainability indicators, 2004-2007, including co-editor of and contributor to the book resulting from the project
Member of the Consultative Group on Sustainable Development Indicators, 1996-2005, including development of the Bellagio
Principles and the Dashboard
of Sustainability
Collaborator in the South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC) project on the Environmental Vulnerability Index, 1999-2005
Expert adviser for the World Economic Forum to Yale University and CIESIN on the redesign of the Environmental Sustainability Index 2005, and the development of the Environmental Performance Index 2005-2006.
Consultant in the preparation of the Humanitarian
Index 2007.
Partner in a European Union project on The Development of Indicators and Assessment Tools for Civil Society Organization Projects Promoting Values-based Education for Sustainable Development, 2009-2011: http://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/esdinds/
Consultant to the World Bank on the conception of new indicators of development at the individual level, 2012; and on a business environment for energy index, 2013.
Author of review articles on the creation of indicators of sustainable development, and on the theory and practice of sustainability indicators.
Accredited observer for the Baha'i International Community to United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, Sweden, 1972
Organized and directed Second Regional Symposium on Conservation of Nature, Apia, Western Samoa, and presented report on Regional Ecosystems Survey of the South Pacific Area, 1976
Resource person for Asian Development Institute Workshop on Development Planning with Special Reference to Evaluation, Western Samoa, 1977
Organized and directed ministerial-level Conference on the Human Environment in the South Pacific, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, as part of South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, 1982
Participant in UNCED Working Party on Oceans, Geneva and Monaco, 1991
Represented UNEP at UNCED Preparatory Committee meetings, Nairobi and Geneva, 1991
Seconded to the Secretariat for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Geneva, 1991-1992, to assist in preparing Agenda 21 for adoption at the "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro
Participant in World Resources Institute Workshop on Environmental Indicators, Washington D.C., 1992
Organized UNEP/UNSTAT Consultative Expert Group on Environment and Sustainable Development Indicators, Geneva, 1993
Task Manager for the UN Interagency Committee on Sustainable Development and the Commission on Sustainable Development on Earthwatch and Agenda 21, Chapter 40: Information for Decision-making, 1993-2001
Member of Scientific Advisory Committee for the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) project on indicators of sustainable development, 1994-1997
Organized inter-agency Earthwatch Working Party meetings, 1994-2002
Participant in World Bank Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development, Washington, D.C., USA, 1994
Member of organizing committee for SCOPE/UNEP International Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development, Ghent, Belgium, 1995
Participant in UN Inter-Agency Committee on Sustainable Development, 1995-2000
Part of UNEP delegation to Commission on Sustainable Development, 1993-2001
Invited expert at European Commission meeting on Earth Observations in developing countries, Brussels, 1995
Discussion group leader at Third Scientific Symposium on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Geneva, 1995
Member of organizing committee, and keynote speaker, for SCOPE Scientific Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development, Wuppertal, Germany, 1995
Member, Consultative Group on Sustainable Development Indicators, IISD, 1996-2005
Organized UN inter-agency meetings including Earthwatch Working Party and Meeting on Common/compatible systems of access to data, New York, 1996
Participant in UN Expert Meeting on Methodologies for Indicators of Sustainable Development, New York, 1996
Organized UN Workshop on Information for Sustainable Development and Earthwatch, Geneva, 1996
Major session speaker at Second International Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development, Ghent, Belgium, 1996
Invited participant in Conference on Principles of Sustainable Development Performance Measurement, Bellagio, Italy, 1996 (which produced the "Bellagio Principles" on indicators)
Organizer and chair of Sponsors Group for the Global Observing Systems (GCOS, GOOS, GTOS), Geneva, 1997-1998
Facilitator and speaker at Regional Capacity 21/DPCSD Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development, Accra, Ghana, 1997
Participant in Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System, Paris, 1997
Invited participant in UN Expert Meeting on Island Vulnerability Indicators, New York, 1997
Facilitator at Fourth International Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development, Prague, Czech Republic, 1998
Member of steering committee and participant in OECD Workshop on Agro-environmental Indicators, York, U.K., 1998
Participant in Sponsors Group for Global Observing Systems, and First Integrated Global Observing Strategy Partners Meeting, Paris, France, 1998
Panel co-chair and speaker at 27th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment, "Information for Sustainability", Tromso, Norway, 1998
Invited participant in FAO/Australian Technical Consultation on Sustainability Indicators in Marine Capture Fisheries, Sydney, Australia, 1999
Partially chaired Fifth Expert Group Meeting on Indicators of Sustainable Development, United Nations, New York, 1999
Keynote speaker and panelist at IGOS Partnership Forum, Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS): Into the New Millenium, at UNISPACE III, Vienna, Austria, 1999
Organized UNEP Planning Workshop on Environmental Information Systems, Geneva, Switzerland, 2000
Invited expert, meeting on Impact of Information on Decision-making Processes, Arendal, Norway, 2000
Invited keynote speaker at International Colloquium on Sustainable Development and Information for Decision-making, St. Etienne, France, 2000
Co-organizer of UN International Expert Meeting on Information for Decision-making, Ottawa, Canada, 2000
UNEP representative and part of secretariat for Commission on Sustainable Development Intersessional Working Group on Information for Decision-making, and ninth session of Commission on Sustainable Development, New York, 2001
Invited participant in Workshop on Environmental Sustainability Index, World Economic Forum, Geneva, 2001
Co-organized and participated in SOPAC/UNEP Global Environmental Vulnerability Indicators Meeting, Geneva, 2001
UNEP delegate to 3rd Preparatory Committee for World Summit on Sustainable Development, New York, 2002
Represented International Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN) and International Environment Forum (IEF) at World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa, organized and spoke at Dialogue on Indicators of Sustainability at WSSD Science Forum, 2002
Participant in Sponsors Group for Global Observing Systems and Integrated Global Observing Strategy Partnership, Paris, and as co-leader of theme team, presented IGOS Coral Reef Sub-theme Report for final approval, 2003
Participant, Integrated Global Observing Strategy Coastal Theme Workshop, Hamilton, New Zealand, 2003
Invited speaker, Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) International Workshop, and participant, Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Strategic Implementation Team meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 2004
Participant, Integrated Global Observing Strategy Coastal Theme Workshops, UNESCO, Paris, France, and University of Miami, Florida, USA, 2004
Invited expert for South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) launch of Environmental Vulnerability Index at SIDS preparatory session of UN Commission on Sustainable Development, and observer for International Environment Forum at CSD, New York, 2004
Prepared background paper and chaired working group at SCOPE/IHDP Workshop on Assessment of Sustainability Indicators, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004
Advisor to UNEP delegation and presented report on future strategy at Global Observing Systems Sponsors Group and Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partners meetings, FAO, Rome, Italy, 2004
Invited expert, Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) Think Tank II, SOPAC, Suva, Fiji, 2004
Consultant to World Economic Forum on Global Competitiveness Index 2004
Consultant to the World Economic Forum and Yale University on the Environmental Sustainability Index, 2004-2005, and the Environmental Performance Index 2005
Consultant to the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) to draft a policy brief on indicators of sustainability, 2006.
Consultant in the development of the Humanitarian Response Index 2007
As a partner in a EU-funded project on the Development of Indicators and Assessment Tools for Civil Society Organization Projects Promoting Values-based Education for Sustainable Development, 2008-2011, chaired all the core group meetings: http://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/esdinds/ and http://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/wevalue/
Co-organized the international conference at the University of Brighton launching the values-based indicators, December 2010 https://iefworld.org/conf14
Coordinated a workgroup of the Partnership on Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL http://www.livingresponsibly.org) to prepare values-based learning toolkits of activities and indicators for secondary schools, 2013-2014
United Nations System-wide Earthwatch (1995-2001): http://www.un.org/earthwatch/ and archival site at http://yabaha.net/dahl/earthw.html [includes indicators pages]
UNEP Islands web site (1998-2002): http://islands.unep.ch/ [includes islands indicators and indices]
International Environment Forum (1997-present): https://iefworld.org/ [includes papers, conference sessions, and an e-learning information page on indicators]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1973. Surface area in ecological analysis: quantification of benthic coral reef algae. Marine Biology 23:239-249. [Quantitative analysis of indicators of complex reef surfaces with a discussion of their ecological significance]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1980. Regional ecosystems survey of the South Pacific area. South Pacific Commission, Noumea. Technical Paper 179. 99 p. [Classification and analysis of the distribution of island ecosystems in Oceania]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1986. Review of the protected areas system in Oceania (including Oceania island list). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland and Cambridge. 73 + 239 p. [Summary of the status of conservation of species and ecosystems on the islands of the South Pacific, including a more quantitative system of indicators for evaluating conservation importance and human impact]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1991. IUCN/UNEP Island Directory. Regional Seas Directories and Bibliographies, No. 35, UNEP, Nairobi. 573 p. [Compiles geographic, ecological and socio-economic data and indicators on some 2,000 islands, with comparative tables]. Revised electronic version (1998): http://islands.unep.ch/isldir.htm
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1993. Environmental and sustainable development indicators: some points for discussion. Paper presented at UNEP/UNSTAT Consultative Expert Group Meeting on Environmental and Sustainable Development Indicators, Geneva, 6-8 December 1993. [Working paper for the first expert meeting to discuss implementation of the Agenda 21 mandate for indicators of sustainable development]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1995. Towards indicators of sustainability. Paper presented at SCOPE Scientific Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development, Wuppertal, Germany, 15-17 November 1995. [Conceptual paper for the workshop on implementation of the Commission on Sustainable Development work programme on indicators]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1996. Earthwatch: an introduction to the UN system-wide coordination of environmental observation, p. 33-36. In W. Schröder. A. Fränzle, H. Keune and P. Mandy (eds), Global Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems. Ernst and Sohn, Berlin, 1996. [Description of the UN System-wide Earthwatch which I coordinated]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1996. Measuring the unmeasurable. Our Planet 8(1): 29-33 (1996). [Approaches to sustainability indicators]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1996. The ECO Principle: Ecology and Economics in Symbiosis. Zed Books Ltd, London and New Jersey, and George Ronald, Oxford. 174 p. (1996). [Systems analysis of economics from an ecological perspective, with proposals for new economic and social paradigms]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997. "The Big Picture: Comprehensive Approaches - Introduction." Chapter 2, p. 69-83 in Bedrich Moldan, Suzanne Billharz and Robyn Matravers (eds), Sustainability
Indicators: A Report on the Project on Indicators of Sustainable Development. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, SCOPE 58. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. [Overview of sustainability indicators in the major scientific volume on the subject]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 1997. "From concept to indicator: dimensions expressed as vectors." Box 2H, p. 125-127 in Bedrich Moldan, Suzanne Billharz and Robyn Matravers (eds), Sustainablility
Indicators: A Report on the Project on Indicators of Sustainable Development. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, SCOPE 58. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2000. Using indicators to measure sustainability: recent methodological and conceptual developments. Marine and Freshwater Research 51(5): 427-433. [An update in conceptual thinking about sustainability indicators]
Kaly, Ursula, Craig Pratt, Elizabeth Khaka, Arthur Dahl, Lino Briguglio and Emma Sale-Mario. 2001 Globalising the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI): Proceedings of the EVI Globalisation Meeting, 27-29August 2001, Geneva, Switzerland, 2001. SOPAC Technical Report 345, 54 p., 3 appendices, 14 tables. [One of the building blocks in the development of the Environmental Vulnerability Index]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2002. Usefulness of Indicators for Sustainability. Paper presented at the Dialogue on Indicators for Sustainability, Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, 27 August 2002. https://iefworld.org/ddahl02a.htm [Contribution to the session I co-organized at the WSSD Science Forum]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Alan E. Strong and theme team. 2003. IGOS Coral Reef Sub-theme Report, Published for Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) Partnership by NOAA, Silver Springs, Maryland, USA. http://coral.unep.ch/igoscrrp.htm (2003). [Global strategy for observation and assessment of coral reefs integrating remote sensing and in situ observations]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2003. Social Sciences and the International Advisory and Assessment Process. Summary
in S. Karlsson, Report of the Special Session on Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research and the Global Science Policy Interface. ISSC CD ROM of the Vienna Conference: Social Science at the Crossroads. Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science and Social Policy in the 21st Century. International Social Science Council, Paris. [Call for more social science involvement in international indicators development]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2004. The competitive edge in environmental responsibility. In The Global Competitiveness Report 2004-2005. World Economic Forum. Oxford University Press, New York. [Survey-based indicators of business leaders' attitudes to environmental and social responsibility]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2006. Indicators of sustainability: reliable tools for decision making. UNESCO-SCOPE Policy Briefs No. 1, May 2006. Paris: UNESCO-SCOPE http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001500/150005e.pdf [Policy brief on sustainability indicators for decision makers]
Hak, Tomas, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (editors). 2007. Sustainability
Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press, 2007. [Book updating the latest science on sustainability indicators]
Moldan, Bedrich, and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2007. Challenges to sustainability indicators. Chapter 2 in Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press. [Overview of the science]
Karlsson, Sylvia, Arthur Lyon Dahl et al. 2007. Meeting Conceptial Challenges. Chapter 3 in Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press. [Collective chapter on the conceptual challenges]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2007. Integrated Assessment and Indicators. Chapter 10 in Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability
Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press. [The use of indicators for environmental and sustainability assessment]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2007. Introduction to Part II, General Approaches. In Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability
Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2007. Introduction to Part III, Methodological Approaches. In Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability
Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2007. Introduction to Part IV, System and Sectoral Approaches. In Tomas Hak, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl (eds), Sustainability
Indicators: A Scientific Assessment. SCOPE Vol. 67. Washington, D.C., Island Press.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2008. Overview of environmental assessment landscape at national level: State of state-of-the-environment reporting: Note by the Executive Director. UNEP/GC.25/INF/12/Add.1, 45 p. http://www.unep.org/gc/gcss-x/download.asp?ID=1015 [A review of all national environmental assessment and reporting since 1992, based on 196 country profiles and an inventory of 1700 reports, with lessons learned]
Podger, Dimity, Georgia Piggot, Martin Zahradnik, Svatava Janouskova, Ismael Velasco, Tomas Hak, Arthur Dahl, Alicia Jimenez and Marie K. Harder. 2010. The Earth Charter and the ESDinds Initiative: Developing Indicators and Assessment Tools for Civil Society Organizations to Examine the Value and Dimensions of Sustainability Projects. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 4(2):297-305. http://yabaha.net/dahl/papers/Podger2010JESD4_2.pdf [The first paper from the values-based indicators of education for sustainable development project]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2011. Values-based Indicators for Responsible Living. Paper presented at the PERL International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 14-15 March 2011. https://iefworld.org/ddahl11b [A summary of the results of the values-based indicators project]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012. Ethical Sustainability Footprint for Individual Motivation. Paper presented at the Planet Under Pressure International Scientific Conference, London, 26-29 March 2012. https://iefworld.org/ddahl12d [Concept paper on the adaptation of values-based indicators for use at the individual level]
Hak, Tomas, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2012. Editorial. Ecological Indicators, vol. 17, p. 1-3. June 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.08.001 [Introduction as guest editors of the special journal issue on sustainability indicators]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2012. Achievements and gaps in indicators for sustainability. Ecological Indicators, vol. 17, p. 14-19. June 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.04.032 [A look forward at needs for developing indicators at multiple levels of decision making]
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2013. Putting the Individual at the Centre of Development: Indicators of Well-being for a New Social Contract. Paper presented at the Third Rencontres Internationales de Reims on Sustainability Studies, "Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals: Towards a New Social Contract", Reims, France, 18-20 June 2013. In press in François Mancebo (ed.), Transitions
to Sustainability. Dordrecht: Springer. https://iefworld.org/ddahl13a
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2013. "A Multi-Level Framework and Values-Based Indicators to Enable Responsible Living", pp. 63-77. In Ulf Schrader, Vera Fricke, Declan Doyle and Victoria W. Thoresen (eds), Enabling Responsible Living, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, (hardback/eBook). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22048-7_6 http://www.springer.com/environment/sustainable+development/book/978-3-642-22047-0
Download pdf.
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014. "Putting the Individual at the Centre of Development: Indicators of Well-being for a New Social Contract". Chapter 8, pp. 83-103, In François Mancebo and Ignacy Sachs (eds), Transitions to Sustainability. Dordrecht: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9532-6_8 DOWNLOAD
PDF PAPER IN HTML or https://iefworld.org/ddahl13a
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2014j. "Sustainability and Values Assessment in Higher Education", Chapter 9, pp. 185-195, in Zinaida Fadeeva, Laima Galkute, Clemens Mader and Geoff Scott (eds), Sustainable Development and Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Transformation of Learning and Society, Houndsmill, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137459138 HB ebook ISBNs: 9781137459145 PDF 9781137459152 EPUB. DOI: 10.1057/9781137459145. DOWNLOAD PDF. Book can be ordered at http://www.palgrave.com/page/detail/sustainable-development-and-quality-assurance-in-higher-education-zinaida-fadeeva/?K=9781137459138
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Marie K. Harder, Marilyn Mehlmann, Kirsi Niinimaki, Victoria Thoresen, Onno Vinkhuyzen, Dana Vokounova, Gemma Burford, and Ismael Velasco. 2014k. Measuring
What Matters: Values-Based Indicators. A Methods Sourcebook. PERL Values-Based Learning Toolkit 1. Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL) Available online: https://iefworld.org/fl/PERL_toolkit1.pdf
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Marie K. Harder, Marilyn Mehlmann, Kirsi Niinimaki, Victoria Thoresen, Onno Vinkhuyzen, Dana Vokounova, Gemma Burford, and Ismael Velasco. 2014l. Discovering
What Matters: A Journey of Thinking and Feeling. Activities Developed with Students, for Students. PERL Values-Based Learning Toolkit 2. Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL). Available online: https://iefworld.org/fl/PERL_toolkit2.pdf
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, Marie K. Harder, Marilyn Mehlmann, Kirsi Niinimaki, Victoria Thoresen, Onno Vinkhuyzen, Dana Vokounova, Gemma Burford, and Ismael Velasco. 2014m. Growing
a Shared Vision: A Toolkit for Schools. Activities for Organisational and Staff Development. PERL Values-Based Learning Toolkit 3. Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL). Available online: https://iefworld.org/fl/PERL_toolkit3.pdf
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015b. "Ethics in Sustainability Education", pp. 27-40. In Thoresen, Victoria W., Robert J. Didham, Jorgen Klein and Declan Doyle (eds), Responsible Living: Concepts, Education and Future Perspectives. Heidelberg and Switzerland: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-15305-6_3 DOWNLOAD PDF PAPER IN HTML
Burford, Gemma, Elona Hoover, Arthur L. Dahl, and Marie K. Harder. 2015. "Making the Invisible Visible: Designing Values-Based Indicators and Tools for Identifying and Closing ‘Value-Action Gaps'", pp. 113-133. In Thoresen, Victoria W., Robert J. Didham, Jorgen Klein and Declan Doyle (eds), Responsible Living: Concepts, Education and Future Perspectives. Heidelberg and Switzerland: Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-15305-6_9 DOWNLOAD
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2015i. Resource efficiency improvements and marine resources management in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Paper presented at the International Resource Panel Scoping Workshop on Marine Resources, UNEP, Paris, 14-15 April 2015. PAPER
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016a. Values-based education for environment and sustainable development. Based on a paper prepared for the United Nations Environment Programme, January 2016. PAPER
IN HTML or https://iefworld.org/ddahl16a
Dahl, Arthur Lyon, 2016d. The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities for Business. Paper presented at the Vision Gulf Business Conference, Kuwait, 31 May 2016. PAPER
IN HTML or https://iefworld.org/ddahl16d"
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2016j. Looking at the Sustainable Development Goals from the Bottom Up. Paper presented at the International Environment Forum 20th International Conference, Nur University, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 7 October 2016. Published on line at https://iefworld.org/ddahl16j and PAPER IN HTML
Hák, Tomas, Svatava Janoušková, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl. 2018. Closing the Sustainability Gap: : 30 years after “Our Common Future”, society lacks meaningful stories and relevant indicators to make the right decisions and build public support. Ecological Indicators Volume 87, April 2018, Pages 193–195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.12.017
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018f. Contributions to the Evolving Theory and Practice of Indicators of Sustainability, chpt. 3, pp.42-57, in Simon Bell and Stephen Morse (eds),Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Indicators, London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-67476-9 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-56110-3 (ebk)
Dahl, Arthur Lyon. 2018g. UNEP and the CSD Process for Sustainable Development Indicators, chpt. 23, pp.347-363, in Simon Bell and Stephen Morse (eds),Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Indicators, London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-67476-9 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-56110-3 (ebk)
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